Magic card gods

Chapter 104 Bloodbird Han Ning's Hurricane Bow

The funeral parlor is a complex of buildings similar to an independent mountain villa in the wild, with a zigzag layout.

The area is about the size of a normal middle school, but the buildings here are relatively dense, layered on top of each other, mostly one-story or two-story buildings.

A little farther away, you can see the place where the offerings were burned, the smoldering fire, the Naling Hall where the ashes are stored, and the partially broken pagoda farther away. I don’t know what it is for.

Although the area is small, there are many monsters in this funeral home, and there are a large number of monsters in almost every building. The dense red dots on the map of Wei Yuan's mobile phone, if the map is not maximized, it will almost turn red.

In the administrative office building where they came in, there were hundreds of red dots, big and small! Almost every house is empty!

The best part of the building has four floors in the middle and three floors in other places, but it is so wide across that it looks like an overturned concrete stele. I don't know what the original designer thought.

This building is no longer what it used to be. Apart from the shape, even the building materials have begun to change under the erosion of the power of hell.

For example, the ground, the original concrete floor or tiles, can no longer be seen at this time, and it has become a ground paved with stones. Blood stains everywhere...

Some exposed load-bearing columns in the room have been turned into whole stone columns, and the former partition walls have also been turned into stones and large iron gates. In some rooms, there are still prisons, chains, iron fences, etc. In a dark prison cell in the Middle Ages. There are still some sarcophagi or corpse pits! If he hadn't just come in, Wei Yuan would have thought he had come to some kind of underground tomb!

It feels like this building is gradually turning into another alien building with a similar shape but a completely different style.

"Isn't this a funeral parlor? Why do you still use iron cages?" Hao Mengmeng pointed to an iron cage hanging from a stone beam.

The iron cage was shaped like a birdcage, with spikes all over the inside, and a skeleton fell inside.

If a living person were to put it in, it would be impossible to move at all, otherwise it would be covered in blood from the spikes.

Before anyone could explain to Hao Mengmeng, there was a "Ka Ka Ka" sound from a distance.

Everyone is familiar with this sound. It is the sound of low-level skeleton activities. Their bones are relatively loose, and they hit each other with a "click" sound when they move.

As soon as the copper ring on Hao Mengmeng's ghost head sword rang, the sword with the flames swung horizontally and cut the three skeletons that had just entered the door with bone swords in half.

Hao Mengmeng's Wang Qi is very domineering. Normally speaking, he can climb with his upper body without smashing his skull. But the skeleton cut off by Hao Mengmeng's ghost head knife wrapped around Qiyan will not.

The burning soul fire in the eye sockets of their skulls has been extinguished by Wang Zhiqi.

This kind of operation surprised Zhu Huamei and the handsome elf, because this kind of phenomenon is rare. It's not like a Tier 1 carder for a physics profession to be able to do this! There must be a reason why the Martial Artists' Association took a fancy to Hao Mengmeng.

Sometimes Wei Yuan also thinks that warriors and mages may be two extremes.

People like Hao Mengmeng who are pure to a certain extent, or who have no other distractions, only have a knife in their hands. is absolute talent. In a sense, it is more precious than that kind of genius who understands by analogy and is erudite.

But mages are different. Perhaps for many spellcasters, if a person like Hao Mengmeng becomes an apprentice, the greatest value may be to become an experimental material.

A mage is required to be flexible, delicate in thought, highly intelligent, full of coquettish ideas, and big in mind.

But these qualities, which are advantages for mages, are flaws for warriors.

Because of this, Wei Yuan felt relieved: No wonder those warriors didn't look for me to find Mengmeng, it turned out that it was because I was too smart! Not suitable for martial arts. wow ha ha ha ha ~


Hao Mengmeng easily killed all kinds of undead monsters. The speed and ease of killing were not weaker than Zhu Huamei who had no skills.

The others were not idle either, and the handsome elf boy fixed-point cleared some undead that looked difficult or had long-distance abilities.

Especially some skeleton archers and mages, and some rotting corpses that emit green corpse energy. When these rotting corpses die, they will splatter green corpse liquid, which is very disgusting.

After continuing to push forward for about ten minutes, Wei Yuan and the others found the upward stairs with the help of the mobile phone map. It's much bigger here than it looks from the outside. Another abnormal space that cannot be inferred by common sense...

It's different when you come to the second floor. The skeletons here are all wearing simple bone armor, and there are not only broken bone knives in their hands, some are holding shields, and some are holding spears. Not only are the bones thicker and stronger, but even the offense and defense have a bit of a look. At least from Wei Yuan's point of view, it looks like it.

These undead warriors and walking corpses even began to cooperate with each other, and their numbers became larger. They actually began to try to squeeze Wei Yuan and the others' space.

The cannon fodder in the front row pushed forward bravely, narrowing the range of activities, and all kinds of messy long-distance harassers in the back, even ghosts, ghosts and other incorporeal ghosts attacking at every turn... Everyone was confused for a while. It's a bit of a rush.

At this time, Zhu Huamei suddenly raised the sword in her hand, and the white holy flame appeared from the void again!

In an instant, the darkness in the building was dispelled, and at the same time, nearly a hundred ghosts of various kinds were also "dispelled".

Pale holy flames burned on those undead at the same time, the ghosts evaporated in an instant, the undead warriors were burned into a pool of ashes, and the walking corpses and rotting corpses were all turned into a piece of coke.

Even Wei Yuan and the others' weapons were burning with white flames!

Wei Yuan looked at the white holy flame on the golden ghost stick, and lifted Zhu Huamei's weight in his heart again.

This pale holy flame can not only directly kill undead monsters within the range, but also add holy damage to the physical attacks of friendly units, and even this pale holy flame can move with Zhu Thrush! This is not some Warcraft paladin skill dedication...

Zhu Huamei was so strong that the five of them didn't do anything, just rushed forward, and all the monsters and ghosts along the way were reduced to ashes!

Tier 3 boss is so terrifying!

This building can no longer be judged according to common sense, at least the stairs that go up to the top in one breath are gone. When you come to the upper floor, the stairs will come to an end. As for the upward stairs on this floor, you have to find it again.

Going up to the third floor, the monsters began to become less, but more elite. All monsters are Tier 2, and there are many elite monsters!

Among those skeleton monsters, there are large skeletons with huge skeletons that look like little giants, and skeleton mages who know simple bone spears, bone spurs, and magic rays.

Among the walking corpses, there are also elite zombies of the middle and upper ranks of the second level, and corpse demons who can use simple undead spells.

Among the ghost monsters, a milky white irregularly shaped ghost fusion appeared, and a special ghost shaped like a bird that could scream...

Moreover, the undead killed by Wei Yuan and the others will quietly be resurrected in the corner.

Some monster is "resurrecting" them!

Wei Yuan stared at the mobile phone, there was a big red dot on the mobile phone, the boss monster on the second level - the horrible corpse.

At this time, Zhu Huamei and Hao Mengmeng were killing all directions, while Wolf Spirit and Little Peggy were guarding the back row, killing the fish that slipped through the net. Bibbab is using spells for large-scale field control and AOE.

Wei Yuan pulled the handsome elf guy over, tapped on the phone, and whispered a few words.

Elway* Morningstar nodded, expressing that he understood...

Behind the stone wall that separated the two rooms, the terrifying zombie who cast a spell to resurrect the exterminated undead did not notice the dark green vines creeping over from the corner.

Its head is a pale bull skull, but it has long black hair. Its body is skinny and fleshless. Its body is slender and horribly slender. In its hand, a staff with numerous skulls of various sizes is gently shaking...

Suddenly, a burst of five consecutive sounds exploded in front of it, and the white bone shield that was automatically triggered was broken, and many scattered pea shotguns hit its body, making a sound like popping beans.

In the next moment, two nut bowling balls were thrown in the air!

A large bone wall appeared, barely blocking the bumping nut bowling ball. The terrifying zombie slapped its staff, and instantly released a large area of ​​poisonous mist around it!

With all the means, it was temporarily stabilized, and immediately began to prepare for magic.

But for the spellcaster, using all means means that death is not far away. A soundless sharp arrow actually drew a strange arc in the air, bypassing the wall of the corridor diagonally from behind, and hit the bone bull's head of the terrifying corpse!

The horrible corpse let out a roar like a flat tire, spewed out a white mist from its swollen head, and then fell to the ground dead.

The Zen flower vine slipped away quietly in the gradually dissipating poisonous mist, showing no signs of poisoning at all.

Originally, those undead could not stand up to the team that turned on the pale holy flame, but now the biggest "resurrection nurse" died, and the defeat was like a mountain, and they were all killed in seven or eight minutes.

The undead accumulated in the hall are dead, and the scattered undead in each room are no longer a thing. The five-member team took a short rest and began to look for the last stairs to the fourth floor.

Generally, this kind of special area "changed" by the invasion of hell has some special meaning.

For example, the depths of the blood mine, such as the air-raid shelter of the pseudo-imperial palace, such as the office building of this funeral parlor...

There is always something that symbolizes the power of hell in these places, which represents the erosion of the power of hell.

For example, the hell caveman orb, such as the sarcophagus of the fire post, such as the oil painting of the gate of hell on the fourth floor of the funeral parlor.

Once these things are taken away, destroyed, or even moved, it will have a great impact on the surrounding monsters and interfere with the erosion of hell power.

That's why Wei Yuan and the others decided to attack the office building to lure the blood bird out. According to the previous experience of those seniors, the blood bird will not watch someone approaching the fourth floor without being indifferent.

At this time, Wei Yuan secretly observed Zhu Huamei. This third-rank boss had been using the pale holy fire aura for more than 20 minutes.

So far, this boss has only used this skill, but it is enough for everyone to overcome most difficulties.

Her skill has definitely been strengthened or even upgraded. The holy fire aura of the original paladin is not so strong.

Is Tier 3 boss so strong? Wei Yuan doubted himself a little bit!

At this moment, suddenly five sharp arrows shattered the glass and hit five people!

The thick shafts and three-edged arrowheads are already deadly, but the five arrows are still entangled with an ominous blood-red magic power!

This look is a deadly thing, once it is hit, it will be hard to save its life!

The blood bird only shot one arrow in the dark, but five arrows appeared! This is because its bow is called the Hurricane Bow.

According to Xia Yanan's information to Wei Yuan, when the Hurricane Bow hits the main target, it will also have four arrows attached...

However, the five arrows obviously hit five people, but why did they hit the five scarecrows? Where did those five people go?

Bopu Babu: Camouflage illusion, success!

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