Magic card gods

Chapter 152 Harvest

In front of Wei Yuan was a huge man-made alley. This alley is in a corner of the refuge, and the entrance is outside the high wall, in the shape of a trumpet, which is convenient for the influx of dead bodies.

The walls on both sides of the alley were more than five meters high, so once the dead body entered, there was only one way forward. There are various barriers and barriers in the middle, making it impossible for the dead bodies to swarm up even if they are extremely anxious.

Inside the alley, there are all kinds of machinery and organs, and at the end of the alley is a honeycomb structure similar to a cave for dispersing dead bodies. Wei Yuan's Bone Squad is hidden in it, and they can easily hack and kill the incoming dead bodies at their respective positions...

Going out to look for dead bodies is still too inefficient. Searching from house to house, sweeping up streets, this is not the way these undead and summoned creatures are good at.

Wei Yuan nodded his head, and the dog-legged Yukio Hirata pushed his glasses and shouted nervously, "Start attracting dead bodies!"

Immediately the man on the high wall gave out the signal, and at the same time the intercom began to order: the operation began.

Some Yakuza a few kilometers away began to bang the accelerator of the locomotive vigorously and pressed the button. Seeing the back of those locomotives, they began to spray blood in the form of mist.

The eyesight of dead bodies is very poor, and even living people two meters away cannot see them, but their hearing is very good, and their sense of smell is even more sensitive.

So when these locomotives whizzed by on the street spraying blood mist, countless dead bodies poured out from the houses on the side of the street, and started chasing those locomotives crazily.

Seven or eight locomotives guide the dead bodies in more than a dozen streets, and the number is at least seven or eight hundred!

The locomotive sprayed blood mist along the way, drove into the alley, and then ran away through the hidden door.

Those dead bodies were attracted by the sound, and ran towards the end of the alley.

These guys don't have the slightest sense of reason, and it's quite scary to be crazy. Many dead bodies even fell to the ground because of poor legs and feet, and were directly stepped on by the dead bodies behind and ran over, with one foot, two feet, three feet... they were trampled to death alive!

Because of the special layout of the alley, the speed of the dead body became slower and slower after entering, and the dead body behind even picked up the dead body blocked in front, and began to rush forward on top of each other.

This is probably a small corpse wave!

The dead bodies at the front ran to the end of the alley, attracted by the music, and began to spread through the honeycomb entrance, and then were beheaded one by one by the members of the Bone Squad hiding inside.

The summoned skeleton in Wei Yuan's hand is much stronger than the dead body, and it is not a problem to hit three.

But there are too many dead bodies, so you have to be very careful to kill them one by one outside. Once there is a big movement, you may be surrounded by more dead bodies.

If it's zombies, it's okay, they probably won't be interested in skeleton racks. But the dead body is extremely aggressive, as long as it can move, the five-speed electric fan will smash it for you!

In the past few days, Wei Yuan's skeleton team also died several times, all because they accidentally attracted a large number of dead bodies while killing monsters, and were surrounded and dismantled alive.

But now, due to terrain constraints, only one dead body can approach the summoned object each time, and Dawei stretched out his hand from the gap to scratch, so he was no match for the Bone Squad at all.

These skeletons didn't know how tired they were at all, and they raised and lowered their knives without blinking their eyes.

The Skeleton Shield Sword Warrior, the Skeleton Great Swordsman, and the Four-Armed Skeleton General are at the forefront, and the bone knives and bone swords in their hands chop off heads.

The claws of the three blood-sucking jumping corpses are covered with sharp metal thorns, and every time they strike, they pierce the head of a dead body!

There is also a short white bone assassin who suddenly appears behind the dead body, jumps up and stabs the dagger into the back of the dead body, and then disappears in an instant.

In the distance, there are still skeleton fire shooters shooting some obviously stronger dead bodies, or some special infected people.

A special infected monkey with hairless body and strangely long hands and feet climbed over the dead body's head and approached rapidly, and was shot down by a bone arrow burning with faint green flames. The green ghost fire ignited several monkeys in the group of dead bodies dead body.

A special infected hunter who had absorbed the gene of a feline animal rushed seven or eight meters away, and even borrowed strength from a vertical high wall, and directly rushed towards the great skeleton swordsman holding a giant white bone sword. Then the great skeleton swordsman made a move from the lower position and turned the bull's horn upward, and directly split the hunter who was rushing from the sky into two pieces!

The great bone swordsman's eyes trembled with joy, but the huge bone sword in his hand did not touch any blood!

Suddenly, the Skeleton Mage, who had been sitting in the rear all the time, leaning on the bone-jade staff without moving, raised his staff and threw out a green ghost rocket, directly turning the special infected person who had been poking around fifty or sixty meters away into a ball of green fire , and even ignited a large piece of dead body. Burn a good time!

This special infected person, who was burned to ashes, had a bright green body and an unbelievably large mouth, like the Gap Girl in urban legend.

This is the acid sprayer, commonly known as acid water. Being able to spray acid bombs remotely is a great threat to the dead body harvesting line.

Under the reciprocating push of the machine, large pieces of corpses were pushed to the corpse drain below, and then transported away by the conveyor belt.

The blood gathered and flowed like a trickling stream in the canal, and finally drained into the Meguro River.

From attracting monsters to killing monsters, to the killing assembly line for disposing of corpses, it just took shape. So far, he is performing well and can bear good pressure.

After killing like this for more than ten minutes, because of the loud noise and the smell of blood, not only did the dead bodies not decrease, but they became more!

Hirata Yukio couldn't stay any longer, and entered the honeycomb structure with sweat profusely to find Wei Yuan: "Leader, the number of dead bodies is increasing, and it's almost two thousand! Or, we, us, stop!" Bar……"

He kept his head down, not daring to look at those monster-killing skeletons.

In this honeycomb structure, only he can come in, because Wei Yuan is worried that those survivors will have thoughts after seeing the undead. The less trouble, the better.

Besides, he didn't know where Zhou Siqi was yet, so he had to try his best to avoid exposing his hole cards.

Wei Yuan waved his hand, "It's okay, just to test the pressure that this harvesting line can withstand."

Hirata Yukio Nono did not dare to speak, but kept sweating, even the round lenses were stained with sweat.

He is really scared! If you play off, it's all over. However, he is more afraid of Wei Yuan than the dead body...

If Wei Yuan kills him, he probably won't be able to live in peace after death.

Hirata Yukio took a peek at the four-armed skeleton general who was two meters five tall and held four long bone scimitars in four thick bone arms, and felt chills in his heart.

Hirata Yukio: He is really an Onmyoji! There are not only those in the Yang world, but also those in the underworld!

Another ten minutes passed, and although the alley was filled with dead bodies like sardines in a jar, the alley was about the limit it could bear. But the number of dead bodies also began to decrease.

The dead bodies within a few kilometers have already been attracted, and the dead bodies farther away will not be attracted.

At this moment, a yellow-green monster suddenly appeared on the far corner of the street outside the shelter!

The monster was twice as wide as a normal dead body. One arm was as thick as a normal human waist, and the thick yellow-green skin on it was as bumpy as crocodile skin, blocking one side of the body like a shield.

But one of its arms and its head were shriveled. It seems that the essence of flesh and blood in the two positions has been absorbed by that huge arm.

Just as the sentry here gave a warning, the monster blocked half of its body with one arm, and then began to accelerate at a brisk pace, constantly increasing its speed! Then it slammed into a high wall with a bang!

The sentry suddenly felt his feet sway and almost fell off the wall. After finally leaning on the wall to stabilize his body, he leaned on the top of the wall and looked out.

It was discovered that the monster had knocked out a big dent on the 50 cm thick concrete wall, with radial cracks on the side!

Just when the monster raised its huge arm to destroy the high wall, a huge puppet made of mud suddenly rose from the ground and punched it somersault.

That monster is one of the special infected people, called a stormer. With the speed of sprinting, it can cause a terrible effect similar to being hit by a high-speed car.

But it is the most threatening charge. When there is no sprint, because one arm is shrunken like a firewood stick, and the other arm is huge, so the balance is very poor, and it is not the opponent of the grave stone demon at all. Rolling all over the floor after being punched and punched...

More than a dozen groups of nocturnal will-o'-the-wisps got into the will-o'-the-wisp chariot, and the skeleton driver drove the will-o'-the-wisp chariot, which was covered with bone spurs, bone blades, and burning with will-o'-the-wisps, and rushed out when the dead bodies blocked the alley, causing a large-scale collision , crushing, and burning dead bodies.

There were also five or six scary scarecrows in tatters and without facial features in the car, holding a scythe and cutting off their heads with the momentum of the chariot.

The dead body harvesting line, the first test, lasted 178 minutes, killed about 3,300 dead bodies, killed 16 special infected people, killed three Kabane dead bodies, and killed two lickers.

At present, the disposal of corpses still needs to be strengthened. In the later stage, the corpse discharge channel is almost blocked by corpses, and there is no time to transport them.

However, burning with magical flames such as ghost fire is a good way, and even burning dead bodies is a good way to harvest. Water and fire are merciless, much faster than cutting with a knife!

It's a pity that Wei Yuan is not the kind of person who follows the mechanical technology trend, otherwise he would set up a machine gun position and spawn monsters faster than this.

Just killing monsters with ordinary gasoline, bombs, and guns cannot trigger energy level fluctuations. Only some thermal weapons that are carded can be used.

It's just that this way of fighting has very little stimulation to the energy level. Similarly, if you want to upgrade to kill monsters, you can kill several times more monsters. So most carders don't like hot weapons, and those who choose the long-range route are also crossbows and the like.

After such a large-scale harvest, Wei Yuan's level has risen to level 9, and it feels like level 10 is not far away!

The soul has also gained a lot. Taking this thing back to the original world is a very valuable resource!

Even Wei Yuan can use it as resource consumption when strengthening cards, which can bring some additional enhancements to some cards!

I hope that all the book lovers who took the college entrance examination today will go well, that they will pass the exam, and that they will be right! Get into the university of your choice!

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