Magic card gods

Chapter 153 Concerned about the country and one heart

When Wei Yuan was collecting materials and manpower, testing and improving the dead body harvesting line, and harvesting experience points and souls, others were not idle.

Takashi Komuro and his party rested in the large supermarket for two days before they had to set off again.

Because some brain-dead survivors in that hypermarket were fighting among themselves, and some idiot mother bitch put the dead body in.

By the time Takashi Komuro and Jing Haoyong found out that something was wrong, the dead bodies turned into by the idiot virgin bitch had already brought a large number of their own kind, and more than half of the twenty or so survivors died in an instant.

They had no choice but to protect the few remaining survivors and started another round of escape.

They were well prepared this time, and they grabbed a commercial vehicle, which was regarded as a means of transportation. A dozen or so people squeezed into the car and rushed to Youguo Yixinhui, ten kilometers away.

The Worrying for the Country is a well-known local organization, like a semi-civilian and semi-official organization. As the leader, Soichiro Takashiro is very cunning, and he enjoys both black and white circles.

When the dead body broke out, only a few people in the Worrying Country Yixin Association were infected and turned into dead bodies.

And these semi-official Yakuzas did not panic too much, but went straight to the ruthless hands, so they were not infected and fallen by dead bodies on a large scale like other places.

At this time, worrying about the country will rely on a large number of weapons, strong and ruthless manpower, and the supplies hoarded in the past to gather many survivors nearby. Counting their own members, the number is close to four hundred.

They don't have five or six-meter-high walls and big iron gates like Wei Yuan. Even if they had huge land and buildings in the past, they can't be built like fortresses. So they can only temporarily pull up the power grid as the first line of protection.

With a lot of manpower and hot weapons in hand, it can be maintained.

Even though they encountered a few special infected one after another, they only lost a few manpower, and quickly stabilized their position, using high firepower to kill the special infected first. And after experiencing it once, I quickly summed up the experience, and no one died the second time I encountered it.

Takashi Komuro and the others drove seven or eight kilometers away when the car broke down. A group of people could only walk forward on foot, while slashing and killing the dead body that heard the sound, while rushing to the last few kilometers.

In just five or six minutes, several of the survivors brought out from the supermarket died again.

After being bitten by a dead body, some of them didn't want to be smashed in the head by their former partners or cheated their former partners, so they could only scream in despair and run to the distance to wait for death...

However, they soon ran into a convoy led by Takashi Saya's mother. It turned out that there were more and more survivors, and the supplies of the Worried Country Yixinhui couldn't keep up, so they had to send people out to collect supplies.

Takashiro Saya's mother, Takashiro Yuriko, used to be a strong woman on Wall Street. Later, due to unknown reasons, she married Takashiro Soichiro in a flash marriage, and helped him manage the daily affairs of worrying about the country. This is also a very good wife type.

The mother and daughter were naturally very excited to meet each other, and with seven or eight submachine guns and pistols, the group drove back to the Youguo Yixinhui smoothly.

And less than an hour before the group of them returned to Youguo Yixinhui, Youguo Yixinhui had just taken in Ito Makoto and Xiyuanji Shiji who were very lucky...

In the northern part of the city, the ghoul organization Ark has basically taken over this area.

The Bureau of Abnormality Countermeasures failed to gain too much advantage in the process of fighting with it. In the end, due to the large number of dead bodies, it had to withdraw from the northern district of the city. Many survivors gave up.

Compared with the investigators of the Countermeasure Bureau, the ghouls are more adapted to this world full of dead bodies.

They can flexibly use Hezi to shuttle between buildings, and they are rarely threatened by dead bodies. Even with dead bodies as prey, they themselves are predators.

The Chengbei Division of the Countermeasure Bureau, even with the strong assistance from the headquarters, had no choice but to withdraw from the Chengbei District, because the Ark's apostles attracted a large number of dead bodies.

Thousands of dead bodies pounced on like mad dogs, even the official self-defense force with the Quink weapon investigator and a large amount of firepower couldn't stand it. Because the more you shoot, the more dead bodies will be attracted!

Because of this battle, the Headquarters of the Countermeasure Bureau accepted Dong Shengyue's half-ghoul plan and began to study how to develop controlled half-ghoul troops. It is hoped that enough elite individuals can be produced to fight one-on-one with ghouls.

Zhou Siqi took advantage of her beauty, as well as spell scrolls and props such as human charm, to act as a middle-level logistics in the countermeasures. She's been coveting the Quinker Hertz weapon and the half-ghoul project she's developing.

She also has a plan to strengthen her dog...

And Akao Ryu, the person in charge of Umbrella Tokyo who has been hiding underground, can't sit still anymore.

He originally thought that as long as the dead body virus spread, the entire Tokyo and even the entire Japan would soon fall. At that time, I will bring my own biochemical weapons and serum, step on colorful auspicious clouds and make my debut, and then I will become the savior, the master of the entire Japan, and even spy on this world!

In particular, before the communication was cut off, he had already learned that Raccoon City in North America was hit by a local nuclear bomb because of the leak of the T virus. He wasn't worried at all that Umbrella's other branches or headquarters would care about him.

As long as Umbrella doesn't make a move inside, who can stop me?

Red Tail Dragon thinks so.

But he never expected that although Tokyo fell, people's survival awareness and resilience far exceeded his imagination.

In the main city of Bed in the south of the city alone, there are two large gathering places of survivors, Wei Yuan's Sanctuary and the Worrying Country One Heart Association. There are almost one to three such gathering places for survivors in every other urban area, and there are countless small gathering places with only a dozen to dozens of people.

Looking at the entire Tokyo area, although most people have turned into dead bodies, a small number of survivors have also fallen into despair. It belongs to the situation where whoever stands up calls whoever is dad.

But there are more people who are "resolutely resisting"!

The terrifying tenacity of human beings in survival is beyond the imagination of the red-tailed dragon!

The red-tailed dragon was a little annoyed, he couldn't wait. He began to send the biological and chemical weapons he developed to destroy these gathering places, artificially bringing destruction.

The biochemical weapons developed by those red-tailed dragons have ferocious faces, and all their teeth can be exposed from that big mouth.

He has a burly body and is covered in blood red, with a bald head and skin like rubber. There are some strange black tubes inserted into his body, and his hands are implanted with metal claws similar to Wolverine. There is also a blue fluorescent thing on the chest, which looks a bit like Stark's chest battery?

This is the proud work of the red-tailed dragon. It combines the energy supply center and metal claws made of Kabane's metal heart, and is a semi-living, semi-mechanical controllable biochemical weapon transformed from dead viruses. Much stronger than the T virus product in Umbrella headquarters!

The red-tailed dragon is very proud of this, calling it a "biochemical ghost"!

At this moment, five biochemical ghosts just broke through a gathering point of more than a hundred survivors, bringing fear and despair to those scattered survivors.

Now the red-tailed dragon is eyeing the main city of bed again.

There are only three that can attract the attention of the red-tailed dragon:

The first is the Ark, the ghoul organization that once invaded his laboratory and accidentally leaked the dead virus that had just been successfully researched.

The second is naturally the official located in the inner city area. They have the largest number and also have self-defense forces with light and heavy firepower. It even set up a countermeasure bureau, with investigators who can control Quinker Hezi weapons and can fight against ghouls.

He doesn't want to touch these two for the time being, letting them kill each other is the best choice.

He now wants to destroy the two survivor bases in Bed City!

The first is Wei Yuan's refuge, and this is the third place that attracted his attention!

It's just that the strength of the shelter is a bit confusing to him.

Lickers whose strength was even higher than ordinary biochemical ghosts were easily dealt with by the refuge. The red-tailed dragon was a little scared, and planned to wait and see.

But resentment can't come out!

If you don't dare to touch the shelter for the time being, then pick one of the most active survivor gathering places and kill it!

The red-tailed dragon is eyeing the Worrying Country Yixinhui...

And in an unknown place, the great sword Haolong is also hunting dead bodies, Kabane, and ghouls. It can be said that all moving things are the targets of his sword test.

Now he has really achieved "no other distractions, only the sword".

After he kills Kabane, his long sword Captain Light will absorb the metal film and become stronger. After he kills the ghouls, he will "eat" the opponent's Hezi to strengthen himself. It can be said that the more you kill, the stronger you are!

Most of the ghouls, Kabane, and special infected people in the western part of the city fell under his sword. Some ghouls even had to flee for their lives to join the Ark.

Similar to Longye Chido is Gui Yanye, she is stronger than Longye Chido in that she awakened Hezi before the dead body virus broke out, and now she is a special existence of half human half ghoul, half dead body half Kabane .

She chased Makoto Ito and the world of Xiyuan Temple following her intuition, but she couldn't restrain the killing intent in her heart, and would often kill all the way, or even go in the wrong direction because of the crazy killing.

But she will adjust soon, unswervingly moving towards the two enemies. It is also killing all the way and becoming stronger all the way!

In addition to these two special beings, another special being appeared.

That is Wei Yuan wanted to clean up from the bottom of his heart, but in the end, the plot broke out without a chance!

This guy is a hypocritical, black-hearted and perverted guy with a distorted personality and low moral character. He likes to use tricks to manipulate others, and even uses some cult methods to brainwash others.

This guy ran away as soon as the dead body exploded, but he couldn't run too far, so he brought thirty or so students to hibernate in a fairly safe place.

Using his status as a teacher and an adult, he quickly gained a leadership position and began to brainwash and manipulate those silly and sweet students.

That's really wanting anything and everything, acting recklessly, and doing whatever you want! He is more at ease than the prime minister and the emperor!

Originally, he was too happy to think about leaving, but a small accident broke his sweet dream.

When he was going to the bathroom, he was bitten by a dead Kabane dog. You must know that the prototype of the dead body virus is a mutated rabies virus, so this dead dog is not the same, not to mention that it unexpectedly became Kabane...

Just ten seconds before the Kabane virus broke out, Hiroshi Wisteria made up his mind to infect everyone so that he could continue to be his slave!

So he broke the door...

And in the next few days, he began to become different, the red flames on Kabane's body began to spread, and those students who were infected by him and became Kabane also began to form a larger "crowd" around him! He began to become a Kabane fusion body that can "glue" other dead bodies to his body...

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