Magic card gods

Chapter 163 Special Experimental Body Daifuku Daigui

Hai Dafu was surprised and said to Wei Yuan: "My lord, I accidentally made a hexagram just now, and found the traces of the two monsters that the lord was looking for. I also got their names and simple information."

Wei Yuan was delighted when he heard the words: "Good guy, if you want to sleep, you can give me a pillow. I am worried that I can't find those special experimental subjects. You can do it, Dafu!"

"Where are the two monsters? What kind of monsters are they? What are they called?"

Hai Dafu had a strange expression on his face, "Master, those two monsters are called Dafu and Dagui..."

No wonder the old turtle has a constipated expression, it turned out to be a hit!

Hai Dafu told the location of the two monsters, one was in a tall building sixteen kilometers to the northeast. This is Daifuku, a huge bat, a leader-level monster on the second level!

The other one will attack a small survivor base by the river 30 kilometers upstream of the Meguro River at around 11:00 noon. That's Dagui, a big toad, an elite monster under Tier 3!

What a blessing!

These monsters wander around endlessly and rarely stay in one place for a long time. Wei Yuan is worried that the monsters in Ye Changmeng will run away again, and since he has advanced, he must speed up. So prepare to divide the army into two groups tomorrow, and work together!


Hai Dafu's original feedback was: +1 constitution, +3 defense power and the characteristic "wave breaking (100% increase in movement speed on the water surface and underwater)".

The current feedback is: +3 constitution, +7 defense and characteristics "wave control" (gain the ability to control the wave), "longevity" (your lifespan has become longer).

Wei Yuan: I think I'm already rogue enough now, and if I continue to rogue like this, no matter how long I live, I won't be able to die!

Finally, there is Saeko Busujima. After Saeko Busujima completed strengthening, Wei Yuan has already contracted her.

After this enhancement, Saeko Busujima was recognized by the system as Level 1 and Level 10, and she is not far away from advancing to Level 2. At the same time, Ashe has also reached level 1 and level 9.

On the contrary, Hao Mengmeng's level is only level 1 and level 5. This is because she gained a lot of experience with Wei Yuan.

After all, Wei Yuan has a soul card [World Positive Feedback (Soul)], doing tasks stimulates energy level fluctuations, and upgrades quickly. Mengmeng rose to level 5 after only one fantasy adventure, which is already very fast.

Saeko Busujima's appearance has not changed much, but she is no longer an ordinary human being. She can be said to be a new human from Rc cells!

Saeko Busujima's strengthening was perfect, and after Wei Yuan's 2nd step, she was once again strengthened and integrated.

Just now, she has tried her new ability.

Saeko Busujima has fused Rc cell Kazuko, Kabane energy heart cells and metal film, T virus adaptive cells and serum enhancer. Most importantly, her various biochemical methods have been strengthened in Wei Yuan's advanced stage. and integration.

It can be said to be an "optimization" for her!

She is not like ghouls or semi-ghouls, who grow one or a few knuckles from some part of the back, but from the pores under the skin to grow lines like magic patterns. This is the product of the evolved Rc cells, and it will form a protection similar to a heart guard on the vital parts.

Although it is only a thin layer, like soft paper, it actually has a strong defense. Whether it is a sharp weapon or a blunt weapon, it is difficult to damage this magic pattern skin protection.

Moreover, she can generate Hezi tissues composed of evolved Rc cells out of thin air within a range of two meters around her body. It can control the black and red Rc cells to become barriers, weapons or any shape at will.

This is much better than ghouls, and the painting style is more fantasy!

But things like ghouls are not that scientific. Kabane even has the unexplainable existence of a fusion body. After Wei Yuan's advanced strengthening, such a change appeared, which is reasonable.

After being strengthened, Saeko gained three new abilities.

Cut off, evolve Rc cells to strengthen the blade, and magnify the power of the cut several times.

Now Saeko Busujima can cut through a fifteen-centimeter-thick stone tombstone with a single sword strike. If she hits that big crocodile with her current strength, she will be able to break through the defense.

Cellized, turning into a black-red mist in a few seconds, avoiding the coming damage.

Now Saeko Busujima can try to turn herself into a cloud of evolved Rc cells, which can avoid physical attacks.

Bloodthirsty frenzy, enter the state of bloodthirsty frenzy, and become a fighting frenzy.

Once in this state, Saeko will become frenzied, and the whole person will attack and slash the enemy like a sword demon.

She tried to enter just now, because if there were no enemies to attack her, she would be suffocated, as if it was about to explode. Then find Wei Yuan to solve this frenzy in another way...

According to her, the aftereffect of getting into this state is...desires run high. So if you can't kill the enemy, you have to work hard for Wei Yuan.

Wei Yuan suspects that she is lying! But still... Her... is too big!

And Saeko said that her swordsmanship has suddenly improved by leaps and bounds, and she has entered a realm that was unimaginable before. Probably advanced swordsmanship advanced master swordsmanship.

Saeko Busujima’s feedback is: +3 agility, +2 spirit and characteristics "heart like water" (high probability of resisting negative effects of spirit), "killing" (enhances your damage to enemies), "swordsmanship" (enabling you to master intermediate fencing).

Why did Saeko Busujima, who was obviously mentally ill, give her a heartfelt feedback instead? I don't understand it, I don't understand it at all.

In addition, the undead summoned by the necropolis have also been strengthened. It's just not as big as a contracted summon.

The Bone Squad has obtained the effect of bone strengthening, and now the bones of the whole body are as hard as cast iron. Greatly resisted the beating.

The blood-sucking jumping corpse has acquired the ability to breathe out corpse qi, which can spray the enemy unexpectedly, and those who fall into it will fall into multiple negative effects.

The Supreme Corpse King has also gained the ability to suck life, which can suck the blood of the enemy from a distance.

Nocturnal will-o'-the-wisps can form a huge combination of will-o'-the-wisps, with much greater lethality and effect.

The Underworld Yin Soldier has evolved and turned into a Hades swordsman. It looks a lot more powerful, and its combat effectiveness should have increased a lot.

The deadwood treeman has an extra dead root entanglement ability, which can attack enemies unexpectedly from the ground.

The Grave Soil Demon has an additional ability of grave quicksand, which can create a small area of ​​death-attribute quicksand on the ground within a range of 20 meters.

The scary scarecrow has an additional characteristic of scary faces. Enemies who see their inhuman faces will enter a state of fear.

Even the fanatical hell caveman, guide fairy, and New Year picture Fuwa have been strengthened to a certain extent.

But the premise of this strengthening is that they are all under Wei Yuan's control. If Wei Yuan gave the summoning card or props to other card disciples, the enhancement would be gone.

To put it bluntly, this is Wei Yuan's feedback to the summoner. It is the follow-up of everyone for me, and I for everyone.


Finally, the change of Wei Yuan's third soul card [World Positive Feedback (Soul)] is very simple.

The third soul card has an extra world main mission!

That is to say, in different worlds, Wei Yuan will obtain tasks related to the main line of the world.

This will be triggered as soon as you enter the world, and if you get deeply involved in the main line of the world, you will trigger a series of missions more deeply!

The current world main line tasks have been given:

【World Survival (Main Line)】

[This world is a false world constructed within the scope of the real Tokyo circle, and now it is on the verge of collapse due to various reasons. Only by extending the survival of human beings as much as possible within Tokyo can the existence of this world be extended as much as possible. Because the next time the time resets, this world may not be this world anymore. Please try to eliminate those factors that cause damage to the world and prolong people's survival time. 】

[Reward: Remnant World Consciousness Blessing (+3 Luck, Illusory Realm Consciousness Reduces Hostility)]

【"This world on the brink of destruction can't produce any good things anymore. You can figure it out~"】

Wow, world main mission? Something new?

Wei Yuan has vaguely heard the word "world main line" a few times, but he doesn't know much about it. Because it is said that it is something that at least mid-level Katu will consider.

It's as if you go to the neighborhood supermarket to buy a bag of rice without having to understand the fluctuations in international grain futures prices.

It's important but it doesn't matter to you.

Unexpectedly, this third soul card actually had a new mission series.

However, this mission is a bit ambiguous. What is a "factor that causes damage to the world"? How long is "prolonging people's survival time"?

Since entering this C-level fantasy world on the verge of going berserk, Wei Yuan has received five perfect-level missions! It always feels like being entrusted with a heavy responsibility!

That night, Wei Yuan "pacified" Saeko Busujima who had started a bloodthirsty frenzy many times, and began to prepare for the next day's battle.

Early the next morning, the soldiers were divided into two groups.

Ai Xi, Hao Mengmeng, and Busujima Saeko went to clean up Bat Daifuku, and they took Fujimi's Four King Kong and some Yakuza boys who had been preliminarily strengthened. In the dark, the Supreme Corpse King followed.

On the other side, only Wei Yuan, Kasuga Liufan, and Tongsheng Cang were the ones dealing with Toad Dagui. The latter two are here to help Wei Yuan...

Today's condition is particularly bad, I don't want to code at all...

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