Magic card gods

Chapter 164 Experience Harvesting Begins

Umbrella's special experimental subject No. 6, Daifuku, a parasitic bat.

Umbrella didn't only have one type of T virus, in fact, they had a lot of things that could destroy the world.

And one of them is not a virus, but an ancient parasite. In the original book, it was found in ancient fossils.

Wei Yuan forgot what it was called, because his English has always been bad. And the name of the parasite seems to be in Spanish, so I can't remember it.

However, this kind of parasite is very powerful. After parasitic on the host, it is not as destructive as the T virus, causing most of the infected people to die and become zombies that only know how to eat.

After being parasitized by this parasite, it can guarantee a certain degree of IQ and rationality, and can even speak and communicate, and know how to use weapons and tools, and even set traps.

After being parasitized, the parasite will mutate the body of the host to a certain extent. For example, those who are parasitized in the original book have a certain chance to have body parts such as the head, neck, upper body, and legs, which will be transformed into parasites.

It's a bit like a parasite called the nymph lice, commonly known as tongue-eating worms.

This kind of worm will get into the mouth of the fish, parasitize on the tongue of the fish, suck the blood of the fish through the tongue of the fish, until the tongue of the fish shrinks, and then slowly replace the tongue of the fish, turning from a parasitic to a symbiotic animal.

From then on, the worm became the tongue of the fish!

Disgusting! I don’t recommend everyone to Baidu~ (Really don’t you want to increase your strange knowledge on Baidu?)

As I said before, Umbrella's Tokyo branch was assigned some experimental tasks by the headquarters, including this parasite.

The parasitic bat Daifuku is the experimental body of the parasite.

The bat's torso is about the size of a teenager, and its wings are four meters long.

Because this parasite is sensitive to light, and bats are nocturnal creatures, this big bat hid in a remote and dark building.

The building is on the shady side of the other two buildings, so the sunlight is very poor. So it was chosen by Daifuku as a shelter.

Hao Mengmeng, Ai Xi and the others rushed here, brought all kinds of equipment, entered from the first floor of the building, and began to search and clear floor by floor.

There are many dead bodies in this building, and some of them were parasitized by the parasites on Dafu's body, and they became completely different!

Fujio Erxiong, holding a sword and shield, took the lead. He swung his shield to stagger a jumping dead body, and then chopped off the dead body's head with a knife.

This anxious-looking bald man unexpectedly admired Hao Mengmeng, thinking that this is the real overlord's capital! A pure man should use a big knife. So his weapon is a thick-backed machete.

Hao Mengmeng: Meow meow? ? ?

Fujio Erxiong hacked to death an unknown number of dead bodies these days, so he didn't stop and continued to charge forward.

This is when I suddenly heard someone shouting from behind: "Be careful, Erxiong!"

When he turned around, he found that the body whose head had been beheaded stood up again!

A strange centipede-like limb popped out of its neck, baring its teeth and claws!

Shoushan Ukizaburo walked behind Fujio Nio. Unlike his friends, he was a cautious person, so he noticed something was wrong immediately. The 1.3 version of the hand guard style strengthened Taidao goes up, it is a reverse cassock chop followed by a horizontal slash, and the big bug that flings its teeth and claws at Fujin Erxiong is cut into three sections from the back.

The big mucus-covered bug exploded immediately, and Fujio Futoo used the Kabane metal shield to protect his face in time to avoid being sprayed all over his head and face.

Ashe also drew a bow and arrow, and shot a moth-like strange insect that flew out of the dead body's neck cavity, and shouted softly: "Everyone, be careful, these are different. After they are parasited by parasites, their physical fitness will deteriorate." Stronger, and know how to use only tools..."

She kicked the fire ax held in the hand of a fallen dead body.

"The most important thing is that these parasitic dead bodies may explode parasite tissues from their bodies after receiving a fatal blow. Everyone must not be careless."


When Hao Mengmeng and the others were sweeping the floors, Wei Yuan had already set off in a pickup with a bucket.

Before facing Zhou Siqi, Wei Yuan didn't want to expose any of his summons, so Katie didn't summon them, but drove Kasuga Liuban and Kiryu Cang in a pickup truck.

Of course, this pickup was chosen for a reason, as it has a modified harpoon gun fixed in the body of the truck! This was taken from a fishing boat. Maybe it's for going out to sea and hunting sharks?

Due to the road conditions and Wei Yuan's driving skills, Wei Yuan drove for more than an hour on the 30-kilometer road.

There is no way that the road is full of abandoned vehicles and dead bodies, and seven or eight dead bodies will be attracted at every turn, killing them invincibly.

When Wei Yuan and the others arrived at the place, it was already past nine o'clock. They discovered the small survivor base in Hai Dafu's divination.

To say it is a survivor base is a bit of an exaggeration. In fact, it is such a place where a high-walled villa was simply remodeled.

Wei Yuan sent the Three-Eyed Crow to check, and there were probably less than thirty people inside. It doesn't look like it's going well, it's only been about twenty days and they're all sallow and emaciated.

However, a few of the strong men didn't look like they were starving. Seeing that they kept their weapons in their hands at all times, and one of them seemed to be the boss with a pistol in his pocket, it seemed that this base was not too harmonious.

Wei Yuan did not startle the snake, Hai Dafu's divination said: Around 11:00 in the morning, Umbrella's special experimental subject No. 7, the big toad Dagui will attack this place. Just be patient now.

The gate of this big villa was simply strengthened, and the height of the wall was raised, which seemed to be of average defense. It was mainly because it was located in a secluded place by the river, and there were relatively few dead bodies in the villa area, so it survived.

The villa is located by the Meguro River, and the monster is a big toad. It is conceivable that the attack direction should be in the river.

Wei Yuan sent three three-eyed crows to monitor the entire area.


Wei Yuan waited for the monster to appear, and Hao Mengmeng and the others had cleaned up the dead bodies more than a dozen times.

The building is an office building with many floors in a spacious lobby pattern. There are as few as three or five dead bodies on each floor, and as many as ten or twenty.

However, even if these dead bodies are parasitized for the second time, they are not the opponents of the strengthened cannon fodder fighters in the shelter. Not to mention Hao Mengmeng and the other three girls.

It has been cleaned up to the top floor of the 23rd floor. I don’t know what it was used for here, but there are very few windows. The area of ​​the top floor is close to 1800 square meters. There are less than ten windows, and most of them have curtains drawn, which looks very dark.

As soon as a group of seven people came in from the emergency exit, they startled the huge bat hanging upside down from the ceiling!

In the darkness, a group of seven people saw the roaring monster. To say it is a bat is a bit of a grievance to the bat.

The lower half of the torso of this thing has turned into a huge insect-like abdomen, a bit like the belly of a locust.

The back of Daifuku's body and abdomen are covered with pitch-black carapace, which looks very hard. The head and mouth have also changed a lot!

In addition to being a bit like a bat as a whole, every part is not like a bat when you look carefully!

"We'd better deal with it in the building. Once it flies out, we won't be able to kill it!" Ashe said.

At this time, Shoushan Huisaburo and Quehe Mingshi had already thrown out several cold light sticks. The cold light stick illuminates the surroundings, which also angers Daifuku who doesn't like light.

"Hiss~" Dafu roared angrily with that part of his mouth that was no longer known to be a bat mouth or an insect mouthpart.

Its sound was weird, like some kind of insect, but it was so ethereal that it couldn't be heard clearly.

Yiyi Luren, Tengnv Erxiong and the others felt nauseous when they heard the news.

At this time, Hao Mengmeng took out the Sanqing bell that Wei Yuan gave her and started shaking it. A clear and rich voice immediately rang out in the empty top floor.

What Wei Yuan thought was that even if it was a bat, maybe the sonic attack would be more effective. His guess was correct, the Sanqingling not only interrupted Dafu's ultrasonic roar, but also made it extremely uncomfortable. Because its eyes are not very good, this roar will not only stimulate the brain of the enemy, but also can feedback sound waves, replacing its visual perception of the surrounding situation.

As soon as the Sanqing bell shook, the damage was second to none, mainly because it directly made Dafu lose his perception ability.

Ashe took the opportunity to shoot a Frost Arrow, while Saeko Busujima charged forward with a knife in her face excitedly.


Wei Yuan waited for two hours, and finally a three-eyed crow found something.

Wei Yuan switched to the perspective of the three-eyed crow, and found that in the artificial lake in the park in the distance, an ugly huge toad jumped out of the water and landed on the shore.

Wei Yuan: Fuck, I guessed wrong. It didn't come out of the river.

That huge toad, which was nearly two meters in diameter, had big, sticky bumps all over its back. It is not a parasite experiment, so it still looks like a toad, but it has been enlarged.

When it jumped ashore, it opened its mouth, and its ten-meter-long tongue instantly rolled a dead body into its mouth. This product was swallowed without chewing. Then he squinted his eyes and didn't move, waiting for the other dead body to sway suddenly, and was instantly eaten by it again!

There were not only ten experimental subjects that Umbrella escaped, but the ten special experimental subjects required in Wei Yuan's mission were not simple.

Either they were originally special experimental materials, or they were combined with other things in the natural environment after escaping to produce new mutations. In short, not ordinary.

For example, the big salamander fish was implanted in a biochemical stomach bag, and ate a dead body of a special infected person, sour water, thus producing the ability to spray strong acid.

And the big crocodile, big evil, has short-distance powerful charging and very high defense like a stormer.

That big bat, Daifuku, is a parasite experimental body, and has fused the ability of the boom in the special experimental body, and the parasite will burst out when injured.

The big expensive toad in front of him is a fusion of the abilities of a special infected hunter and a smoker, and has extremely strong jumping pounce, tongue spit and poisonous smoke skills.

It is an elite monster under Tier 3...

Thanks to the book friend "Ye Yue Yu" for the reward~

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