Magic card gods

Chapter 273 Brother Bao

Although he was played by Wei Yuan, Zhao Wendong, who looks like a rich man, has a really good personality.

Soon he told the reason why he came to Wei Yuan.

It turns out that this kid has been interested in those nagging stories since he was a child.

And after Liu Fu's small caravan returned to Shaoxing, it was inevitable that someone would tell his fantastic experience of surviving a near-death.

As the saying goes, if good things don't go out, gossip spreads all over the world. It took less than an hour for Zhao Wendong to know.

He immediately mobilized people to look for Elder Wei, and came over as soon as he found it.

When he saw Wei Yuan eating wine and meat for five or six people by himself, he concluded: This monk is so terrifying, he must be a strange person!

So even if Wei Yuan dismantled him and slapped him in the face, he would have the cheek to get close.

Zhao Wendong invited Wei Yuan to spend the night at his house so that he could ask for advice.

He also said that he wanted to sleep with Wei Yuan, Wei Yuan almost picked up the dragon subduing Zen stick!

Seeing that Wei Yuan refused to go, Zhao Wendong persuaded him again and again: "Elder Wei, I heard that strange people have been haunting the Gulaofeng of Kuaiji Mountain recently. There must be a Taoist priest here. Why don't you and I go together tomorrow so that we can bump into each other? Xianyuan!"

Wei Yuan: "I bumped into your grandmother's good grandson Xianyuan! Your father, I am a monk!"

Just when Wei Yuan was about to refuse straight away, Ah Suo suddenly said, "Wait a minute, I really think I've found a big chance!"

Wei Yuan froze for a moment, and asked in his heart: "What kind of chance?"

"Then Kuaiji Mountain has a great opportunity!"

Wei Yuan was stunned, could there really be a fairy fate? Am I going to change the door? My cheap master knows, so why not come to me with a mountain? !

A Suo said again: "Now I still can't see it clearly, you might as well go to Kuaiji Mountain to find out."

Wei Yuan thought the same thing, don't take advantage of the bastard. Don't care what the fate is, I'll take it first. Whether he needs it or not!

Wei Yuan said to Zhao Wendong: "Okay, I promise you. You lead the way!"

Zhao Wendong was very happy. He has been obsessed with Buddhism, Daoism, Zhiguai for more than ten years, and today he finally met a real person!

When we went back, we had to light candles, and the servants were ahead to light the way, and the group went to Zhao's house.

On the way, Wei Yuan suddenly saw two yamen servants sneaking into the alley, and took a beggar into a sack and carried it away when no one was prepared.

After thinking about it, Wei Yuan didn't say anything.

When approaching Zhao Wendong's house, a carriage passed by and drove into the distance. At this time, the wind happened to blow the curtains.

Zhao Wendong said in surprise: "Hey, isn't that Sun Wenbin? Didn't he kill someone and go to jail?"

"Shh!" The servants on the side hurriedly motioned for silence.

When they got to a place where no one was around, the servants said: "Then the Sun family is one of the top ten families in Shaoxing, how could it be possible for the children of the family to go to jail!"

"But that's murder!" Zhao Wendong was a little dissatisfied and seemed a little naive.

That Sun Wenbin had been hiring an oiran before, but the oiran unexpectedly fell in love with another poor scholar secretly, and ran away with the scholar to save money to redeem himself.

Inexplicably, there was a Tong Bao brother, and Sun Wenbin felt that his head was a little green, so he directly led someone to beat the poor scholar to death.

So he was taken into custody.

The servant said: "Our magistrate is called Lord Qingtian. In fact, without the support of the business gang, he can't do it for a day. Can he really put Young Master Sun to death? So the arrest is for the common people to see. Young Master Sun is more comfortable in prison than at home. I guess it would not be surprising to ask a woman from a brothel to serve her."

"Then why did Sun Wenbin come out again? And it's so late, this is heading towards the city gate!"

The servant had a familiar expression: "Normally, the young master of the Sun family probably couldn't stand the environment in the prison, so he won't wait."

"Just let it go?"

"How could it be released? Just wait, tomorrow you will definitely hear the news that the young master of the Sun family committed suicide in prison. Wait for a while before coming back."


"Yes, it is suicide! Master, why do you think there are so few beggars in our Shaoxing Prefecture? There are two words in the Yamen called catching geese and touching fish. To catch geese means to catch these beggars and the like to die, and to touch fish means to meet some people who cannot be found. When it comes to the case of the murderer, randomly pick some green-skinned gangsters with dirty buttocks to draw lots, and whoever is caught will take the blame!"

"This... how can it be like this?"

The servant also shook his head: "The past few years have become more and more evil. A few years ago, the case of riding a horse in a busy city, young master, still remembers the case of two deaths and four serious injuries? Most of the time, the case will be delayed without trial, until all the sufferers are dead, no one pays attention, and then press it. Now it is much more evil than then..."

Wei Yuan suddenly became interested, and recited the doggerel in the night:

"Abiding by the law is always sad, strong beams sing every night. Riding horses and mules at the expense of others and benefiting oneself. Honesty and justice starve. Repairing bridges and repairing roads and blindness. There are many murders and arson. I went to the west to ask the Buddha, and the Buddha said-I can do nothing."


Shaoxing Kuaiji Mountain, also known as Nanmao Mountain.

This is a famous mountain range in the world. From the time of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors to the present, there are countless allusions.

But outsiders don't know that there is a mountain named Gulaofeng in this mountain range.

Gu Laofeng was not called this name 40 years ago, but now everyone is called Gu Laofeng.

In the city of Shaoxing Prefecture, it can be regarded as rich, but the surrounding counties are relatively poor.

In the two counties around the Gulaofeng, there is such a terrible custom, that is, in order to save food, the local old people who are over 60 years old will be sent to Gulaofeng to die!

Thirty years later, there are many dead bones in the valley. It can be said that the number of people who died here was no less than that in Haiergou in Xiaoshan County!

It's just that those old people who went up the mountain with a little food chose to live better for their children and grandchildren. Most of them went up the mountain voluntarily, so there was no resentment.

Otherwise, this mountain is probably already a ghost by now!

Although Gulaofeng is not covered with resentment like Xiaoshan County, it is a dead place with countless corpses. Therefore, some heretics have to come here to practice some evil methods.

The sorcerer who was seen some time ago was an evil sorcerer who practiced Yemao Mountain, and he sacrificed magic weapons here.


Early in the morning, Zhao Wendong and a few servants urged Wei Yuan to get up quickly and go to the lonely old peak.

Wei Yuan already knew from A Suo what the so-called Gulaofeng immortal was like.

It's just that Wei Yuan still has to go for the big opportunity that is still unclear.

Besides, until now, Wei Yuan has never really met anyone in the world of practice.

The person who could use fireballs before was more like a folk juggler. The moves are fancy, but even if you encounter some enemies with high martial arts skills, you may not be an opponent.

Walking all the way to Kuaiji Mountain, the mountain road was rugged, and when he was about to approach Gulaofeng, Wei Yuan felt a chill.

It's kind of sad...

Yesterday I asked for a ticket, and the result was one hundred recommendation tickets less than usual!

I really want to die! You abominable Tongbao brothers!

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