Magic card gods

Chapter 522 Violent development, time backfires!

Li Tie once killed Kakarot's brother in the fantasy world of Dragon Ball, but few people know that he got the blood of a Saiyan!

Needless to say how strong the bloodline of the Saiyans is, it is no worse than the bloodlines of those Balrogs, angels, and ancient giant beasts.

And there's a trait that gets stronger every time you're near death!

Although Raditz's bloodline can be thin, it is very low-level.

But for Katu, only such an opportunity is needed, and there are naturally many ways to improve the bloodline!

Li Tie, the master of the barbarian style, fought for 80 years, awakened the Super Saiyan, became a great warrior at the peak of the 5th order, and became the president of Katu in the place where warriors are everywhere in Chuyan City!

When he played Archimonde before, he didn't become a Super Saiyan.

Because Archimonde is essentially a magician, after being calculated and targeted by Wei Yuan and the president of Tianyuan City, he is no longer qualified to transform him.

But the Kil'jaeden in front of him is different. Although this guy is stuck here, his combat effectiveness is not affected.

Originally, according to the plan of Wei Yuan and his wife, it was to spend more than ten to twenty days to kill Kil'jaeden in the end. Anyway, he was stuck in the ass and couldn't get away.

And if Li Tie wanted to share a sip of the soup, he had to show his real skills, otherwise it would be impossible for Wei Yuan and the two of them to let him take advantage of it.

You can still say that you have a good relationship for the first time, but you come here every time to collect debts?

So he directly transformed into a super game, to be the main attacker, and to bear the pressure.

Wei Yuan and the president of Tianyuan City looked at each other: but it's not bad. With this reckless main attack, Kil'jaeden can be taken in a short time. The rest of the time we can do something else...

Time is money, my friend. The world may not have much time left!

Moreover, Wei Yuan also wanted to see what level this Super Race is!


Originally, the Burning Legion invaded again, but it was a big event. Things like five-color dragons should also come to help.

But they didn't come!

The main reason is that in this short period of time, too many things have happened!

In Black Rock Mountain, a Katu with first-born twin horns and the blood of a powerful bull demon, wearing the gold holy garment of Taurus, killed the dragon general Dakisas, and led all the Katu to the black dragon prince Nai. Farian!

In Stormwind City, a priest of the Holy Light, Katu, led Windsor and the people to reveal the true face of the black dragon princess Onyxia. And he actually stood up to the furious black dragon princess and beat her away with the holy light!

Without waiting for Bolvar, Windsor and others in Stormwind City to catch their breath, they actually exposed Archbishop Benedictus whom everyone admires again! He is actually a minion of the Old Gods, and an important figure in Twilight's Hammer, Father Twilight!

This is the person whom Storm King Varian admires very much and regards him as a life mentor!

At that time, Benedictus had countless arms and legs shot out, and when the purple light came out of his body instead of the golden holy light, no one could deny it!

In Ironforge of the dwarves, a group of kartus surrounded the King Dagran Thaurissan of the Dark Iron dwarves, with his pregnant new wife, the princess of the Bronzebeard dwarves, claiming to have contacted the Wildhammer dwarves , I want to come back and host the Three Hammers League again!

Magni Bronzebeard's daughter married the Dark Iron Dwarf King, but she brought her son-in-law back to her natal family to usurp the throne!

Like Jaina, you are really father's rags!

The Black Iron Dwarf's slave owner, the Balrog King, was caught in a bitter fight and had no time to control them, so he let them run away.

A female carder with the ice and snow godhead is consolidating her domain in the Molten Core, trying to trap the Fire Demon King in the formation!

In Stranglethorn Valley, a Katu who followed the route of the Japanese power system, led a hundred ghosts and demons, and just killed the troll magician Jin Du.

As the Lord of the Hundred Ghosts, he and his team have captured several troll gods alive and subdued them into their summoning of the Hundred Ghosts. Now only the blood god Hakar is left!

In Kalimdor, in the temple of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, when the coalition forces were about to completely defeat the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, suddenly some of the Kalimdor rebelled and summoned the Zerg Overlord!

A clone of the Zerg Overlord descends here and takes over the battlefield.

He doesn't care about C'Thun, but Ahn'Qiraj he wants...

That group of gnomes and goblins from the Demon Science Research Association, without anyone noticing in the large barrier, built a giant machine that was 800 meters high and covered a radius of 20 miles!

The fifth-order Katu who presides over the machine is a believer in the multi-turret religion. On that terrifying machine like a metal mountain, there are turret barrels everywhere!

And its Gauss pulse main cannon with a caliber of ten meters aimed at the Frozen Throne of Northrend.

Thousands of miles apart, this Gauss pulse cannon will accelerate along the planet's horizon and finally hit the Frozen Throne!

The power is probably no less than the Eye of Sargeras that Illidan used to bombard the Frozen Throne before!

After all, this is a masterpiece of resources concentrated by a large part of the city of Katu! A true continental weapon!

A Katu with the eyes of reincarnation is floating above the maelstrom. At the peak of level 5, he uses his full strength to use the Earth Explosion Star, and he actually wants to pull the Deep Rock Continent out of the ground!

Anyway, the princesses of the earth are all killed, and it would be a good choice to kill another stone mother, Serazane!

A magician wearing a magic dress and holding a shining staff is performing a ceremony in the Stonetalon Mountains.

At this time, the entire Stonetalon Mountain Range was processed by him into a magic workshop, which became his temporary domain.

He placed an old oak ax in a cumbersome magic circle, and began to chant:

full ~

It starts from five weeks when it is full, and when it is broken is when it is hoped.

The thunder of war casts the foundation, and the blood and glory meet.

The wind blows from the sky, and the walls are separated, and the doors are closed in all directions.

Called out from the crown, wandering to the country's forked road.

Prisoned by the threshold of insanity, chained and controlled by my hands.

From this, the contract is declared: You are hereby my order,

My life is your axe, if the call of the Holy Grail is fulfilled,

This is a reasonable response. Here we swear,

Yu is the guardian of this world, and also the villain of this world.

The three-word spirit that entangles you restrains the root action in the wheel,

Can the Guardian of Libra respond? (Adapted from a poem by a big guy in Zhihu~)

He was summoning the heroic spirits, and the oak ax, which was regarded as a holy relic, was made of the branches of the world tree, made by the demigod Cenarius himself, and an artifact ordered by the moon god Elune! Once in ancient times, Sargeras, the dark titan, was slashed!

He is summoning Brox Saurfang, the orc hero!

He has participated in three orc wars on many timelines in Azeroth, sniped the Burning Legion on Mount Hyjal, and even traveled back to the ancient times inadvertently. In order to buy time for his comrades, he took the initiative to jump into the portal to face the Dark Titan. until the heroic death.

Holding an oak ax in his hand, he achieved an unparalleled feat, that is, wounded the Dark Titan with a mortal body! It bought time for Malfurion and others, and then detonated the Well of Eternity, banishing Sargeras back to the Twisting Nether.

In other words, he saved Azeroth!

His glorious deeds, only those shamans and druids who accidentally touched the world line, can be lucky enough to hear and be praised.

This apprentice of a magician from the moon illusion world actually wanted to summon this orc hero! And it's a Berserker job agency!


To make trouble, the carders make trouble unscrupulously.

Because of the bosses above the head, they made things even bigger!

It is unimaginable that Wei Yuan has encroached on the outer domain and made a big deal. But compared to those Tier 6 and Tier 7 bosses in the Twisting Nether, it's still not as good!

Tier 6 bosses have already invaded other timelines and started to change the direction of the world. There are also counterattacks against those planets occupied by the Burning Legion.

And those two 7th-order bosses even killed several Void Lords!

In this world, this thing is equivalent to the opposite existence of Titan. Each has absolute significance.

The rapid decay of darkness will cause the world to become unbalanced!

Killing one is a huge damage to the entire world!

The bosses have gone crazy! It is completely rushing regardless of the consequences!

And the backlash of the world has also begun, the most obvious being the Bronze Dragon.

In a short period of time, the number of bronze dragons increased tenfold, and all bronze dragons from other world lines began to gather. In order not to destroy the trajectory of the world, they want to "correct mistakes"!

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