Magic card gods

Chapter 523 Level 6

If there are pests on a plant, it is naturally very bad.

If there are too many pests to a certain extent, it may even cause the death of plants.

Therefore, if this plant has its own consciousness and ability, it will never allow pests to harm its body.

If it's one or two small bugs, maybe it won't be too much of a concern. After all, it can't cause too much harm.

But once the pests become large-scale and become a pest disaster, it will inevitably arouse the resistance of the plants themselves. It may even induce external forces to "spray pesticides"!

Azeroth is the plant, and the will of the world is the alien force.

When some low-level Katus started making troubles, the sleeping star soul of Azeroth didn't care.

After all, He himself has many timelines and destiny lines, and it is not impossible to change them at all. So it doesn't matter what the difference is.

Things like the Western Liberation Front, Hermes, the Tauren Alliance, and the rise of the wild boar are not big things.

But when Archimonde died before he started to climb the tree, the quicksand wall was lifted, the battle of the temple of Ahn'Qiraj was even controlled by the Zerg master, the blood god Haka was besieged and the animal gods were captured and became Shikigami and the Frozen Throne After being bombarded twice, the entire Icecrown Glacier was on the verge of shattering... When things piled up, it changed from one or two small bugs to pests and diseases.

And Azeroth's own defense mechanism couldn't even handle it anymore. As it got worse, the world's will backlash finally appeared.

Bronze dragons appear in large numbers, which means that bronze dragons on many timelines have repeatedly appeared!

Chromie alone has six or seven of them! There are also several bronze dragon kings!

You know, there is a taboo in the law of time, try not to meet with peers from different timelines!

If it's that kind of "simple" time magic, it's okay to summon yourself from the past or a period of time in the future to help, at least it's still on the same timeline, but the nodes are different.

But calling yourself on a different timeline is likely to cause big problems!

Even carders are very cautious in this regard, carders below level 7 will basically not touch this.

Because only when you reach level 7, you are the only one in the world, the one-proof-for-ever-proof state, and it is the sum of you on all timelines, so there will be no other problems.

Otherwise, it is very likely that things like Zheng Zha and the devil Zheng Zha will happen.

In fact, the Bronze Dragon in Azeroth, which is in charge of the time domain, has already had problems in this regard, such as the Eternal Dragon!

That's the big problem after the bronze dragon on a different timeline collided with this timeline.

They completely abandon the responsibility of maintaining time, and use the ability to change history to achieve their own goals.

The Bronze Dragon King also went crazy because of similar problems!

A wise man would not fall into the same pit twice, but now, the Bronze Dragon has made this mistake again, and it is a large-scale mistake!

Who knows what will happen to the bronze dragons in other timelines after this time?

However, it was already a last resort. The violent backlash of the will of the world caused all this.

If Katu is allowed to go on like this, it won't take long for this world to end early, and even go berserk because of it.

It's not a big deal for Wei Yuan to stay in Azeroth, or at most engage in Outland, Emerald Dream, and Shadowlands.

Those Tier 6 and Tier 7 bosses chased and killed the Burning Legion in the Twisting Nether, occupied various planets, besieged the Lord of the Void, destroyed the balance of light and darkness, order and chaos, and really shook the foundation of this world!


Bronze dragons are nothing, compared to the giant dragons of DND, the dragons of Azeroth are just younger brothers.

But the ability of the bronze dragons of dozens of timelines gathered together is terrifying!

They selected the individuals and forces most suitable for combat in all timelines, and pulled them to snipe and strangle the Katu on a large scale!

There are more than a dozen in the 5th order alone!

There are two different versions of World Sa, one is the version of salvation and the other is the version of destruction.

One of the Alsace Lich Kings who unified the whole world, this is to beat the Lich King with all the creatures of Azeroth!

One of the Deathwings who completely destroyed the earth, devoured all the five-color dragons, the Destroyer of Worlds.

There are several strongest four-element lords in each timeline, defeating and killing other element lords, and unifying the existence of the elemental world.

There is even a Medivh who successfully split his soul and expelled the influence of Sargeras. This is already at level 6...

It can be said that it has completely ignored the consequences!

There are also various demigods, various heroes, and various forces who resisted the death of the Burning Legion in ancient times!

Among them, the most conspicuous force is the Light Forged Tribe!

This is an extremely biased timeline. In order to pull the tribes on this timeline over, the Bronze Dragon sacrificed many members!

On this timeline, the orcs in Draenor did not exterminate the Draenei, but merged them!

Not only the draenei, but also intermarried with the ogre!

A blue-skinned orc with a height of more than three meters is holding a holy light crystal ax, have you seen it before!

Gul'dan in that world was not a cripple, and he had not been treated unfairly. He discovered the Burning Legion's trick at the first time, and led the orcs to tenaciously resist the invasion of the Burning Legion.

Under tremendous pressure, orcs, draenei, ogres and other races united and intermarried.

By the time the Dark Portal first opened in the normal timeline, Draenor's tribe had absorbed the technology of the Draenei, the holy light of the Naaru, the physique of the ogre, the authority of the elemental spirit, and the protection of the ancestors. ...

This is the Light Forged Tribe, one of the strongest forms of the tribe!

And now the leader of the Lightcast Tribe is Little Hellscream, the brainless roar who was ruthlessly crushed to death by Wei Yuan in this timeline!

Tat for tat!

In just three days, the carders suffered heavy losses!

At this time, even the bosses in the Twisting Nether couldn't bear it anymore. Although no powerful enemies appeared in the Twisting Nether, the environment began to change drastically, and the universe was in danger of collapsing!

The bosses have sent a signal, retreat!

Wei Yuan was ready to retreat a long time ago. After killing Kil'jaeden, he originally wanted to find other benefits, but he knew the bronze dragon well and was on guard, so he had been paying attention to the movement of the Cavern of Time. .

When he learned of the change of the bronze dragon, he died down. The other carders are carnivaling, enjoying this rare harvest day, maximizing the benefits as much as possible, crazy leeks.

But he is afraid, the benefits are almost taken up, what bicycle do he want!

If you jump again, you might be hung up on a street lamp!

So he was already ready to escape, and withdrew as soon as he got the signal!

Of course, because he was quiet some time ago, he was not targeted by the aborigines from other parallel worlds, so before he left, he still had a chance to grab a handful of Pandaria's wool!

Anyway, I don't plan to come to this world!


In the void, in a small world composed of countless islands and small continents with a suspended plane, the various plots are barely pieced together.

On the plateau in the middle of the Skull Continent, a towering world tree is growing vigorously, and it grows by a hundred meters every day.

Beneath it is the lake poured with the waters of the Eternal Well, the source of its growth.

The roots of the world tree penetrated deeply into the earth, passed through mountains and oceans, and connected most of the land together.

The huge alchemy array is composed of hundreds of millions of graphics, symbols, characters, and runes, running and expanding in the veins of the earth...

High in the sky are nine "suns" that emit light and heat!

Of course they are all fake, either high-tech artificial suns, or epic magical creations.

As the world gets bigger, a small artificial sun is no longer enough.

Another planet can be seen in the sky, surrounding this land like a satellite, that is Pandora.

Now the branches of thorn flower vines are all over every inch of land there, connecting the souls of all the creatures there.

The energy level of the small world is increasing, and it can already generate magic power by itself!

This is a qualitative change!

Although the arrangement of land veins, arrangement of mountains and rivers, climate distribution, ocean currents, sunshine, temperature, species, basic physical laws, calculation of constants, etc. still need to be solved one by one, the prototype of a world has already appeared!

When the whole world was forged into one, Wei Yuan finally had the long-awaited advancement!

Tier 6!

That's one chapter today, and I'm going to finish it.

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