Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1001: Follow the vine

In the end, Lan Xiao followed Dong Xiaowan to the 96th Division.

At the same time, Song Ye received his reinstatement order in the afternoon yesterday.

As soon as Song Yi arrived at the special police base, it caused a lot of sensation. Yesterday, such a major event happened, and his minister was able to return to his job safely and smoothly. No matter from what aspect, it is a skill.

What's more, the injured prison guard has been sent to the hospital and he is recovering well. He should be discharged from hospital within three to five days.

Shortly after entering the office, Goosen knocked on the door.

After chatting a few words, Gao Sen suddenly said something awkwardly: "The Minister, I, Gao, really admire you so that you can escape from danger!"

"Are you very disappointed?" Song Yan asked with a smile.

"How can I be that kind of person?" Gao Sen promised with a red face.


Several expensive speeding cars drove into the city of Mass. Eventually, the vehicles landed on the parking lot on the top floor of the best restaurant in Mass City, and then ten young men and women came out of the car. These ten people had the same characteristics. His face looked pale.

Headed by a man and a woman.

Men's suit leather shoes, meticulously combed hair, very gentlemanly.

The woman's dress was glamorous, and there was a cold eye on her body.

As for the other eight, the eyes of the men and women all looked with awe.

Soon these ten people stayed in this hotel.

In the presidential suite, the man and the woman sat on the sofa, and the other eight stood there in two rows respectfully.

The man said, "This task was personally explained by Master Shishi and Master Yueyue. Therefore, we must complete the task anyway and develop at least 54 thousand or five generations of people within half a month. You have no problem. Come on! "

"Master Liang Fan, please rest assured that we will complete the task!"

Eight people in unison.

"You are just three generations of people. You have limited ability during the day. Now, you go back to your room to rest, and then start to act at night!"


Eight three generations of blood races took the lead, and at the moment, only one man and one woman remained in the presidential suite.

"Litchi, I heard that there is an ancient town in Mass City. Why don't we go around?" Liang Fanyu said flatteringly.

The second-generation blood clan called Litchi sank: "Liang Fan, I hope you find out that we came to Mass City for missions, not for fun. If in the end we haven't completed any investigations by Poetry and Yueyue adults, I must be Won't let you go! "

Liang Fan said with a confident expression: "Relax, it takes such a long time to be able to complete the task. Besides, you have to pay attention to the work and rest, do you really not plan to go to the ancient town?"

"No!" Litchi said coldly, "I need to inquire about Mass City's information to see if there is any alert to us!"

Hearing that, Liang Fan could not help but smile disdainfully: "Litch, you really care, you and I are viscounts, even if the general war sages are not our opponents, let alone, we can fly and have a strong self-healing Power, little Mass City, how could it threaten our existence! "

"Be careful sailing for ten thousand years, I'd better investigate!"

As soon as the voice fell, Litchi got up and walked outside.


With the door closed, Liang Fan's face suddenly became gloomy, and he whispered, "Smelly bitch, one day, I will get you to bed!"

The night was as dark as ink.

Except for a certain area in the city of Mass, everything seemed extremely quiet.

The area is known as the nightless area, which is full of entertainment places such as bars, boxing halls, brothels and so on.

Just tonight, there were suddenly eight pale men and women in the area.

Because they are either handsome or beautiful, the chance of being chatted after entering or exiting the entertainment venue is very high. The eight people are almost unwilling to come, and the people who chat with them soon came to the hotel to open the room.

In a hotel room.


The sound of a sharp weapon piercing the flesh, but the fangs of a blood family pierced the neck of a middle-aged man.

After sucking out part of the blood from the man, the female blood tribe could not help showing a satisfied smile.

About five minutes later, the middle-aged man in a coma woke up, and then fell to his knees in front of the female blood: "Lu Dong, see the master!"

If the blood race only **** one third of human blood and feeds back some of that blood, that name, within five minutes, the other person will become a blood slave. If the other person's whole body blood is sucked, that name, The opponent will die and not become a blood race.

"Get up!" The female blood tribe proudly said.

When the other party stood up, she slowly said, "Lu Dong, I hope you can develop a hundred blood slaves in the next half month. If you can't complete the task, I will kill you!"

"Observe the master, his subordinates must complete the task!" Ludong promised.

In another hotel, the woman in leather and leather pants shouted excitedly when she entered the room: "Jiao En, hurry up, kiss me!"

"it is good!"

Jiao En promised a kiss, and then kissed the woman's neck, but a snoring sound came out immediately, and the woman's eyes protruded.

Similar things are constantly happening in various hotels.

At the same time, in the presidential suite at the best hotel in Mass City, Liang Fan was rolling the sheets with a beautiful woman.

After the incident, the woman said intoxicatedly: "Van, you are so amazing, I really want to be with you forever!"

"That's not easy!" Liang Fan smiled strangely, and the two fangs suddenly grew out of the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this scene, the woman's eyes suddenly stared round: "You ...!"


Liang Fan's fangs penetrated deeply into the woman's white neck.

In the early morning, a dried blood group gathered in Liang Fan's suite again.

"Master Liang Fan, Master Litchi, last night I developed a total of fifteen offspring." A female blood race said.

"Two adults, I developed seventeen offspring last night!" Said another male bloodline.

Then, the other six people reported one after the other, and the one with the most developed 22 offspring in one night, and the eight developed one night to develop a total of 156 offspring.

In addition, they gave an order to the 156 people, allowing them to develop one hundred offspring in half a month. If everyone completed the task, then they could have ten thousand five hundred and six hundred for the offspring.

And the next time, they can continue to develop offspring, as long as to maintain the record tonight, then they can easily complete the task.

In the early morning, Song Yong drove to the special police base.

Just entering the base, his eyes suddenly fell on a special police officer on guard.

However, he quickly regained his gaze, and if no one walked into the office building, his face became gloomy as soon as he entered the office, because he found out that the special policeman was no longer a human and became a vampire.

There is a residual tooth mark on the other person's neck, which means that the other person is most likely bitten last night.

So he didn't win the special police officer, he just wanted to follow the vine and find the blood race that turned him into a vampire.

[Author off topic]: Three more, today's update is complete.

At the request of readers in the group, I wrote a testimony of thousands of chapters, and unknowingly made thousands of chapters. Should everyone give a reward?

Some people say that Qianzhang should be added, and mosquitoes think so, but they have not been at home for a few days, and the code word is not very convenient. Therefore, they will be added after the eighth.

By the way, there are readers in the book review area asking, who is Lan Xiao? The mosquito is also strange. Who is Lan Xiao? Is there anyone in the book?

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