Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1002: A blood slave's ambition

Since becoming a blood slave after being bitten by his host last night, Xu Cong has been in a state of confusion and uneasiness.

And he found that he began to hate the sun and the day, and liked to stare at others' necks. There was an urge to bite up.

His first task was to develop a hundred offspring in half a month.

For this task, he faintly looked forward to it, expecting that night would come as soon as possible.

After two hours, the shift was changed.

Lao Lin, who is on guard with his class, looked at him: "Xiao Xu, is your body uncomfortable, and why is your face so pale?"

"It's okay, I played too late last night, so it's a bit futile." Xu Cong smiled disapprovingly.

"Your boy always loves to go to that kind of place, young people need to know how to control!" Lao Lin advised.

"Lin brother is right, I will go to less places like that in the future, right, brother, how about I invite you to drink tonight?"

"Have you been a kid?" Lao Lin looked at Xu Cong a little bit unexpectedly. This kid is usually very shy and rarely asks for help.

Xu Cong smiled awkwardly: "Lin Ge took care of me for so long, I wouldn't let you go for a meal! How about, Lin, give me face?"

"That line."

"Great, that's it!"

Xu Cong said happily that before he became a blood race, he was only a fourth-tier fighter, and Lao Lin was a fifth-tier fighter. But now, his strength has soared several times and the speed has more than tripled. Human beings' resilience and self-healing ability, he is sure, even the average nine-level soldiers are not his opponents.

However, he does not want to reveal the identity of the bloodline for the time being, so he plans to intoxicate Lao Lin tonight, and then take the opportunity to turn it into a bloodline.

His master is a third generation blood race, so he is a fourth generation.

According to his master, the fifth generation of blood races has been unable to develop offspring, unless promoted from blood slaves to barons.

At the same time, his master also told him that the more blood he absorbs from humans, the faster the promotion will be.

Thinking of this, another urge to bite was born in his heart, even his eyes were faintly red.

That night, Xu Cong and Lao Lin came to a relatively remote tavern.

"Xiao Xu, why do you want to come here?" Lao Lin asked with a smile.

"I heard that the wine here is delicious and affordable!" Xu Cong replied with a smile: "It's quiet here."

"is it?"

"Of course!" There was a touch of weirdness in Xu Cong's eyes.

Soon, the waiter took the two into the booked box, and at the same time, the dishes were served within five minutes.

"Wow, so rich!"

Seeing the dishes on the table, Lao Lin was even more surprised, and he was skeptical: "Xiao Xu, aren't you just asking for dinner?"

"Lin brother, where did you think of going, I asked you today, mainly to thank you, come, I toast you!"

"OK, do it!"

The two cups hit each other in the air, making a crisp sound.

In the following, Xu Cong continued to persuade alcohol, and Lao Lin was a good drinker. He would not refuse at all, so soon Lao Lin was drunk, but Xu Cong, who was not as alcoholic as Lao Lin, seemed unusually sober. This is mainly due to the resilience of the blood race.

Looking at Lao Lin drunk on the table, Xu Cong smiled proudly, and then he lifted Lao Lin and bit his neck.


The decayed teeth penetrated deep into Lao Lin's neck and penetrated into the blood vessels in the neck. Then, a toxin belonging to the vampire was released, and Lao Lin was anesthetized throughout the body.


The first bite of blood was swallowed into the abdomen, and Xu Cong suddenly felt a numbness. The happiness was as if to ascend to heaven, and it was even more comfortable than that between men and women.

Until he drained a third of Lao Lin's blood, Xu Cong let go of him reluctantly. If it wasn't for the master's death order, he had to develop 100 offspring within half a month. He would not hesitate to drain Lao Lin's blood.

Even so, after entering the body, that one-third of the blood quickly transformed into a kind of blood energy, which increased his strength by about one layer. This discovery made Xu Cong excited, just sucking personally, my strength Just one level higher. If ten people are absorbed, my strength will be doubled. If 100 people are absorbed, most of my strength can be promoted to the level of a general.

War will be the biggest pursuit of his life before, but now, this pursuit has become within reach.

Suddenly, Xu Cong moved in and put Lao Lin back in place, then opened the box door and shouted, "The waiter comes in!"

Soon, a young waiter came in and asked respectfully, "Sir, what do you command?"

In the tenth natural star, in order to subject the Turks to surrender, the federal empire stipulated that the service industry should try to recruit Tu residents as waiters. Therefore, this young man is also a famous Tu.

"My friend is drunk, help me to help him up!" Xu Cong pointed to Lao Lindao.

"Okay sir!"

Just as the waiter walked to help Fu Lao Lin, Xu Cong closed the box door and came to the waiter behind his body shape. He cut a hand knife over his neck. Suddenly, the waiter's body was soft. To fall, Xu Cong quickly reached out and supported him, and then stuck his fangs into his neck.

One minute later, Xu Cong gathered his fangs.

But his pale face had a kind of fainting like ** after, the taste of absorbing blood was too good, and at the same time, after absorbing the second person, his blood energy increased a lot.

Then, he called the second waiter into the box on the pretext that one waiter could not help one person.

Then he sucked the blood of the second waiter and turned them into blood slaves.

Then, he took out the medicine he had prepared and gave it to the waking waiter, and let him put it in the meal of the guests in the tavern.

Because this pub is a bit remote, there are not many guests, only five or six people.

As for the staff of the tavern, there are not many chefs, one chef and four waiters.

An hour later, a chef, four waiters, as well as the owner and six guests of the pub became Xu Cong's blood slaves.

Coupled with Lao Lin, he has developed twelve offspring.

Although the development of twelve offspring is a joyous thing, what makes him most pleased is that the blood energy in his body has begun to undergo qualitative changes. He has a hunch that if he absorbs the blood of several people, he It may soon break through the blood slave and become the baron.

Thinking of this, he could not wait to rush to the street to find a few people to absorb the blood, but he knew that if he did that, he would likely be found by the patrol special police.

But not in a hurry. Tomorrow, he and Lao Lin can invite several colleagues to drink, so that they can be developed into future generations, and he can be promoted to the baron smoothly.

[Author off topic]: One more.

Seeing that many people care about Lan Xiao, well, mosquitoes can only tell the truth, okay, mosquitoes are just amused.

But who can tell me that Lan Xiao is really in the book?

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