Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1003: Life is like acting depends on acting

Xu Congzhi left the tavern with satisfaction, but did not find that a personal figure on the roof of a house not far away was quietly looking at him.

"Vampire! Is it a native inhabitant of this world, or was it made by the host?"

Song Ye thought secretly that any night wind was blowing the long black hair.

As soon as he thought, a deep starry sky appeared over his head, during which the stars flickered, beautiful and moving.

After a long while, Song Zheng put away the star calculations, but his face was a bit ugly, because he could not detect any information of the other party. There are two possibilities for this situation. First, the other party has a means or a body to conceal the secret. With veiled artifacts, second, the host of the opponent's system with more than one star.

"That's fine, I'll play with you slowly!"

As soon as his body shook, Song Yan disappeared into place.

As soon as Xu Cong returned home, he felt a trembling breath, and then he saw a beautifully dressed and beautiful woman sitting on the sofa in his living room. This beautiful woman turned him into a bloodline. the host.

"See the master!" Xu Cong bent over and saluted.

Ye Lisha nodded with satisfaction: "You have made great progress, should you have developed a lot of offspring?"

"Back to the master, his subordinates have developed a total of twelve offspring today." Xu Congmanlou proudly said.

"You're so proud?" Ye Lisha asked coldly.

Xu Cong was startled and quickly said: "Dare!"

"You really don't have the qualification to be proud, you are only eighth of my twelve blood slaves!"

Hearing Ye Lisha's words of contempt, Xu Cong could not help expressing an impulse: "Please rest assured that I will develop more offspring tomorrow!"

Ye Lisha smiled on her face: "Very well, I hope you don't let me down, because I am more optimistic about you!"

After sending Ye Lisha away, Xu Cong could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, because when facing the master, there was a pressure to suppress him all the time.

After learning about the situation of the twelve blood slaves, Ye Lisha was still quite satisfied, because these blood slaves have produced nearly two hundred and five generations of blood slaves.

Since these blood slaves performed well, she plans to create some new blood slaves.

There are very few pedestrians on the dim street.

She is the third generation of blood, so she has her dignity, and the blood slaves she chooses are relatively young and handsome. The ugly and old people can't get into her law.

As it is, she only developed twelve blood slaves last night.

"Well, so handsome man!"

Suddenly, Ye Lisha's eyes brightened, because she saw an extraordinary temperament, a handsome man was walking towards her, and she had an impulse from the first sight of the other person, and she wanted to develop it into Blood slave.


Just as the two passed by, Ye Lisha, wearing high heels, suddenly fell to the ground and made a cry.

"Miss, are you okay?"

The handsome man asked in a panic.

"My foot is sprained, can you help me get up?" Ye Lisha covered her ankle, said pitifully.

"I'll help you up." The handsome young man quickly reached out and held her arm to lift her up, but as soon as she stood up, she made another whine, and fell into the arms of the handsome man: "I My feet hurt so much, I can't stand firm! "

"What then? I'll take you to the hospital." The handsome man said.

"No, no need, you can take me back to the hotel, there is medicinal liquor in my hotel!" Ye Lisha looked at the handsome man pitifully.

The handsome man could not help showing hesitation.

"What? You don't want to send me back? It doesn't matter, I can go back by myself!"

While talking, Ye Lisha pushed away the man, and then jumped forward with one foot. Every time she jumped, there would be pain on her face. Even if she jumped a few steps, she already had tears in her eyes.

Seeing this, the handsome man quickly put aside his hesitation, caught up, and held her arm: "I'll take you back to the hotel."

"Sir, thank you, you are such a good person." Ye Lisha moved.

"It doesn't matter, I believe anyone will do it!" The handsome man yelled.

The handsome man took her a few steps and frowned suddenly: "Otherwise, I'll carry you."

"Thank you then!" Ye Lisha smiled shyly.

"It's okay, come up quickly." The handsome man crouched down, urging Ye Lisha.


Ye Lisha snorted softly, and then rushed to the handsome man's back, and the handsome man stretched out a pair of powerful hands to grab her hips, and strode forward.

"By the way, which hotel are you staying in." A few steps away, the handsome man asked.

"Shuangling Hotel."

"Well, I know, it's only a thousand meters from here." The handsome man smiled.

Fluttering on the handsome man, smelling the sunlight from him, Ye Lisha's expression became extremely intoxicated, and the fangs hiding in her mouth were faintly tickling and wanted to bite the neck.

However, Ye Lisha restrained her fangs from growing out.

"What's your name?" Ye Lisha asked softly.

"My name is Song Yan." The handsome man smiled.

"Your name is so nice, by the way, my name is Ye Lisha." Ye Lisha smiled.

"Your name is also good."

"Thank you."

The two talked and unknowingly came to the best hotel in Mass City, the Shuangling Hotel.

When Song Yong was carrying her into the hotel, a **** woman was carried into the hotel by a man holding her waist.

When she saw Ye Lisha on Song Yong's back, the **** woman murmured: "This Ye Lisha really plays!"

Especially when she could clearly see Song Yun's features, she couldn't help showing envy, glanced at the tall man beside her, and the blood-sucking blood that had just poured out of her heart suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Soon, the two took the elevator to the 19th floor.

"My room is that!" Ye Lisha pointed to a room.


After the fingerprint verification, the door opened and Song Ye walked in with Ye Lisha on his back.

Song Yan put Ye Lisha on the sofa, and then said, "Where is your beating wine? I'll help you find out."

"It's in that cupboard." Ye Lisha pointed to a cupboard.

"Then I'll look for it!"

Song Yan walked to the cabinet, and when he opened the cabinet, he saw a bottle of beating wine and secretly said, "This female vampire is quite well prepared, but there is really beating wine!"

He walked in front of Ye Lisha with the beard, and Song Kun asked, "May I help you clean it?"

"Thank you, what am I worried about?" Ye Lisha showed gratitude again.

So Song Kun squatted down, took off the high heels under Ye Lisha's feet, took off her socks, and exposed a snowy white foot, while the ankles were red and swollen.

Song Yong said some beaten wine in the palm of his hand, and then rubbed it with Yelia's ankle with both hands.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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