Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1020: Assists

After a short while, Ning Ling's eyes fell on the man and the woman again, Xiu brows slightly wrinkled, she was considering how to deal with them.


Good-natured, she seemed unable to get the cruel hand.

If let go, they will definitely leak information about themselves.

Can't kill, can't let go!

Ning Ling really felt very distressed and couldn't help sighing: "If Brother Liang is fine again."

After some tangling.

Ning Ling decided to lock them in the villa's garage first. As for how to dispose of them, think slowly.

However, the arrival of these two people today made her vigilant, so she came to a corner of the villa and took out a superb spirit crystal from the storage spirit ring and put it down.


A burst of activations engulfed the entire villa.

Before Song Ye went to Mass City, he arranged a large array around the villa. However, this large array is only the last step. Just put a superb spiritual crystal somewhere to activate it. Ling, and told her to activate this formation when encountering danger.

Early the next morning.

Mass City, SWAT Base, Minister's Office.

Song Ye looked at Han Xiruo in a special police outfit and couldn't help but have a headache: "Miss Han, it's very hard to be a special police. Did you really decide?"

As soon as he came to work today, he received an order.

It was a special police officer who came to report to him, and this special police officer was Han Xiruo who had dinner with him last night.

"Report Minister, I'm not afraid of suffering!" Han Xiruo answered with a standard military salute.

"Well, since you are not afraid of suffering, then I have nothing to say!" Song Xuan said a little, then he called Xiao Liao in and asked him to arrange Han Xiruo to a team of Zhang Chongyang .

"Yes, Minister!"

As a secretary to the minister, Xiao Liao knew that the special policewoman in front of her was not easy, because she was arranged directly by Tianyang District.

After a while, Xiao Liao came back to report and had handed Han Xiruo to a large team of Zhang Chongyang.

"Well, I see. Go ahead and do it!"

He waved Xiaoliao, Song Ye guessed the wrong purpose of Han Xiruo. He had severely lost her face before, wouldn't she want to get revenge this time? Still want to break into the interior to find my flaws?

It's just that these two possibilities are very small.

First, why can't my Lao Tzu help him, why does she think she can deal with him?

Second, if you want to enter the enemy to collect evidence, you should hide your identity and act in a low-key manner.

And Song Yan knew her identity so clearly, how could she let her catch the flaw.

After negating these two possibilities, Song Min suddenly came up with a third possibility: "Did this girl see me?"

The land breeze he changed was quite handsome, even a little more handsome than himself, and it is normal to attract the attention of girls, so this possibility is not ruled out.

If that's the case, then Han Xiruo has some meaning, knowing that she offended her dad, and dare to chase herself.

"Forget it, don't bother to think about it!"

Shaking his head to get rid of the distractions, Song Kun thought about the cultivation.

Every night he will enter the temple space to practice Faxiang Tiandi and Tianyuan Zhang of the mixed Yuan.

However, after Fa Xiang Tiandi reached Xiaocheng, it would be difficult to make ambitious penance, so Song Xuan put his mind on the Yuanyuan Tianluo Palm. It should be able to shatter the realm of that vampire prince.

If he was right, it would not be easy for the vampire prince to create such a realm.

In order to complete the third form of mixed Yuan Tianluo Palm, you must condense the mixed Yuan true element, and a mixed Yuan spiritual mine is only enough to condense one drop of mixed Yuan true element, and ten drops of mixed Yuan Zhenyuan can exhibit the third type once.

If there are no mixed mines and shrines, just by absorbing the external mixed gas, I am afraid that one hundred years may not condense ten drops of mixed real yuan.

From this we can see how difficult it is to condense and cherish Zhenyuan Zhenyuan.

Fortunately, Song Yuan has enough mixed Yuanyuan mines, and the temple has time to speed up, so now he has stored dozens of drops of mixed Yuanyuan.

He decided to wait a few more days and save enough of the mixed Yuan Zhenyuan to break the realm of the vampire prince, and then perform the Taishang killing and go to Luo Xincheng to kill, because this fairy is basically It cannot be cultivated by itself. Only cultivation in battle will be effective, and it still needs to be in group battles.

In an instant, it was time to get off work. Song Yi had just arrived at the base parking lot, and just happened to see Han Xiruo also come in.

"Minister, can I invite you to dinner?" Han Xiruo smiled.


Song Yan smiled and nodded: "Where to eat?"

He would like to see what medicine is sold in this Han Xiruo gourd!

"How about going to Tai'an Restaurant?" Han Xiruo suggested.

"Okay, I have no opinion!" Song Yan agreed.

Ten minutes later, the two appeared at Tai'an Restaurant, and Han Xiruo had already booked a box in advance, but it was one of the six best boxes.

The style of this box is very different from that of "rosin", it looks warmer, and the space will be smaller, suitable for couples.

"Did this girl really come for me?" For a moment, Song Ye was skeptical.

After a few glasses of wine, Han Xiruo's face turned slightly red, and she removed her coat to reveal a white ditch, which was particularly eye-catching.

However, Song Ye did see the person who blame the beauties, and did not show the appearance of the pig brother because of a ditch, but instead did not squint, as if he did not see the ditch at all.

On the other side, the main star, Shanmei City.

After Ning Ling came to the restaurant at work today, three female colleagues who accepted Chen Gang's invitation yesterday, intentionally or unintentionally said good things about Chen Gang in front of her.

Seeing this, she immediately understood that the three female colleagues were afraid that they would be bought by Chen Gang.

She has seen all kinds of palace designs, so she doesn't take this matter to heart.

In an instant, it was time to get off work again.

As soon as he stepped out of the restaurant, Chen Gang came again, but this time, he didn't hold the flowers.

"Ms. Ning, is it a pleasure to invite you to dinner?" Chen Gang said gracefully.

"Sorry, I don't want to eat with you!" Ning Ling said indifferently.

"Don't Ning Ling just eat a meal, nothing!" A female colleague advised.

"That is, you promised to see Chen Gongzi so sincerely!" Another female colleague persuaded that yesterday, Chen Gang not only invited them to a devil's restaurant, but also gave them a flash. A gift that is enough for them to pay for half a year.

Otherwise, they will not be willing to assist Chen Gang.

[Author off topic]: Three changes, the update is complete

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