Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1021: Come again

After hearing the persuasion of three female colleagues, Ning Ling glanced at them lightly. Immediately, their words stopped abruptly, seemingly stuck in their throats, because they felt a pressure and majesty from Ning Ling's eyes.

Then, Ning Ling turned around and left, and ignored Chen Gang and the three female colleagues.

At one point, Chen Gang's face was a little ugly, and the three female colleagues who had come back whispered indignantly, "Isn't that just looking pretty, what is it!"

"That is, it's her honor that Chen Shao invited her to dinner, but she refused, she just didn't know what to do!"

"A **** is arrogant!"

"Shut up, you three bitches!"

Chen Gang interrupted the words of the three violently, and then turned to leave. He wanted to use Ning Ling's colleague to promote the invitation. He did not expect that the other party would not eat this at all, and everything became useless yesterday.

Since there is no use value, it is natural to be polite to the three ordinary-looking women, so when he heard their words, he interrupted them with rough words.

Looking at Chen Gang leaving with a speeding car, the three female colleagues looked at each other, and for a while, they cursed Chen Gang in unison.

Tianjia inner courtyard.

Tian Long put down the tea cup in his hand and asked the middle-aged man standing in front of him: "Lao Jiao, come to see me, did that thing come to fruition?"

Lao Jiao shook his head: "I sent two maids who defeated Tier 2 yesterday to arrest the girl named Ning Ling. As a result, they disappeared!"

Hearing that Tianlong could not help but brighten his eyes: "Will they fold into that Ning Ling's hand?"

"Very likely!" Lao Focus nodded.

"Then we must catch her, as long as we catch her, maybe we can unlock the secret of Lu Feng!" Tianlong said with some excitement.

"I have sent you three guards in the late period of the battle before I came to see you, and I should be able to win her!"

"Okay, good. Once you catch her, come and report to me!"



As soon as Ning Ling approached the villa, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Last night, due to vigilance, she started a large array, but did not expect someone to come to the door.

This large array is mainly composed of sleepy and psychedelic arrays, and there are also killing arrays that require her to operate in person. The sleepy and psychedelic arrays are automatically triggered whenever someone enters them.

Pushing the door into the villa, Ning Ling also entered the formation.

The three people who came this time are much stronger than the two last night. According to the realm of martial arts, it should be like the late master.

However, these three people have been trapped in the large array for so long. They have been on the verge of collapse. They have spent seven or eighty eight of their energy and are able to exert a layer of combat power.

Therefore, Ning Ling did not deal with them, but returned to the villa through the formation method, entered the kitchen and started cooking.

After dinner, she followed the three of them.

One of them has fainted, and two are insisting, but they are also shaking.

With a dazzling figure, he came to the fainted person, first sealed his acupuncture points, then put him in the garage, and locked them with the two last night.

The other two did not let her wait too much, and they fainted in only half an hour, and were picked up and thrown into the garage by Ning Ling.

Mass city.

After dinner, Han Xiruo issued an invitation to watch a movie.

This time, Song Yan did not agree, but directly rejected it.

Because he received the news from Litchi, the two most trusted subordinates of the prince of the vampire, Shiyue Yueyue, brought the six counts of vampires into Mass.

Prince Vampire's most trusted man is of course Poetry and Yueyue. These two women are both vampires of the Earl's later period, and their figures are particularly hot.

It is no good that eight counts of vampires appeared in Mass.

Looking at Song Ye who left, a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of Han Xiruo's mouth, and he stretched out his hand and grabbed in the void: "Lu Feng, you don't want to escape the clutch of Miss Ben!"

"Where are they now?"

Song Yan said in a deep voice to the litchi kneeling in front of him.

"They were caught in four different hotels, respectively ..." Lichi reported one by one: "Now, Wang Yong and Ye Lisa are watching them!"

With Song Yi's strength, it is not difficult to deal with the eight counts of vampires.

But killing them would anger the vampire prince. Once the guy ran to Mass City, it would be a devastating disaster for Mass City, so Song Yan planned to enslave the eight counts. And become your own slave.

On the water bed in the suite of an ordinary hotel in Mass City, two hot bodies are entangled and rubbing against each other.

"Yueyue ... you said ... we ran to Mass City together ... will the master blame us?" Shi Shijiao gasped intermittently.

"Yeah!" Yueyue flushed and groaned, "How can the master ... blame ... blame us, we can only become stronger if we create more people for him!"

"Hee hee, right, when we turn Mass City into our territory, the host will definitely reward us!" Speaking of this, Shi Shi accelerated the range of friction.

"Oh!" Yueyue made a thick voice, and her cheeks became more and more red: "It is the owner who will definitely reward you to climb into his bed!"

"Don't you want it!" Shi Shi's little hand suddenly fiddled, making Yue Yue, who was extremely sensitive, emit a puff of pant again.

at this time……

The figure flashed, and a handsome man appeared in the room.

When he saw the two hot bodies entangled with each other on the bed, he couldn't help laughing and said, "It seems that I'm not in the right time!"


The lingering two women exclaimed at the same time, then jumped from the bed, and pulled up the sheets to wrap the seductive body.

"Is it necessary? You should see everything!" Song Yan smiled with a smile.

"you wanna die!"

Two afterimages flashed, and then a slight wind came from the left and right.

"Let's go back!"

Song Yan sang softly, and then heard two bangs, the two women's bodies fell back, and they fell on the soft big bed. At the same time, the sheets that wrapped tightly around them also scattered, Obscure, looming, extraordinarily eye-catching.

The two were shot back with anger, and the two women realized that the young man in front of them was a strong enemy, turned over and crawled, and transformed at the same time, and eight blood-red wings appeared behind them. Now, let Song Yan feast his eyes for a while.



Bloodwings incited, and there were numerous afterimages in the room. At the same time, a series of attacks were approaching Song Yan.

"You are just doing a fearless struggle!"

Song Xuan said lightly, banging two punches into the void, with two muffled sounds, two naked bodies fell back to the big bed again.

[Author off topic]: One more

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