Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1043: I want to work with you

Feeling the eagerness of the heads of state and the nine pavilions, Song Ye was able to understand their feelings and feelings. Yan Huangguo was overwhelmed by the group of people who cultivated the immortal world. This time, they had the opportunity to turn tight and seize it , And the Dragon Guard is the basis for them to turn over.

"I have no opinion, I can do it at any time." Song Yan expressed his opinion.

In entering the fantasy world, he was only at the peak of the late construction period, but now he is in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty. It is no longer a matter of picking the Xiuxian Realm with his strength, but he does n’t want to do that. Only when the country is strong is it really strong.

"Since Xiao Song has no opinion, let's set the date three days later!"

The head of state waved decisively, decisively.

After leaving from Dainei, Song Xuan flashed out and appeared outside the Shayan Jade Decoration Store in Xiangcheng, and then he walked inside.


The welcomer in cheongsam smiled and saluted.

At the same time, a young shopping guide welcomed him: "Hello sir, I am Xiaoxi, the No. 5 shopping guide of the Shayan Jade Store, and I am happy to serve you."

Although Song Yan is the owner of the Shayan Jade Decoration Store, he is a shopkeeper, so these employees basically do not know him.

"Thank you. I'm not here to buy anything. I'm looking for someone. By the way, are you President Han?" Song Yan asked with a smile.

"I'm sorry, I don't know." The shopping guide smiled, but there was a hint of scorn in the depths of his eyes, and he secretly said that there was another who wanted to chase Mr. Han.

"Is Manager Su Huiyun Su here?" Song Yan asked again.

"Do you have anything to do with Manager Su?" The shopping guide asked.

"I am her friend."

At this moment, Su Huiyun, who was wearing professional attire, just stepped downstairs. When she saw Song Yan could not help but walk, she came forward with some uncertainty: "Is Song Song you?"

The reason why she wasn't sure if the person in front of him was Song Yan, mainly because Song Yan's temperament was totally two people compared with the previous few days.

"It's me." Song Zheng nodded. "What about Hansa?"

"Go and talk to my office upstairs!" Su Huiyun suggested.

"it is good."

Su Huiyun's office is small, but she smells a book and gives a cup of tea to Song Yong. Su Huiyun smiles and says, "It's not too late when you come back, Miss Han took someone to Hengyang in the morning. city."

"What to do in Hengyang?" Song Yan asked.

Su Huiyun said a little bit badly: "Naturally, it's a matter of handling branches."

Hearing Su Huiyun's words, Song Yun suddenly remembered that before he crossed the fantasy world, Han Sha told him about opening a branch. Today, there are still a lot of jade and gold and silver in the warehouse. Such a store in Xiangcheng, I do n’t know if it will be sold until the year of the monkey, so it is imperative to open a branch.

Han Sha's temperament seems to be soft, but she is quite demanding in her bones. She wholeheartedly manages Song Yun's business, one is for Song Yun, and the other may not prove her idea.

Since Han Sha had gone to Hengyang, Song Ye was not in a hurry to find her. After bidding farewell to Su Huiyun, Song Ye went directly to Zhao Jia Quan Wu Guan.

Zhao Fengyang and Zhao Xiaoyu are siblings of the Zhao family. After recommending Song Yi to join the Zhao family, it can be said that they have done great work. Zhao Changsheng intentionally transferred their siblings to Yandu and entrusted them with a heavy responsibility, but the siblings refused. It's better to keep Xiangcheng.

However, after being able to teach Pei Yuan Jing by Song Yi, the strength of the two brothers and sisters can be said to have improved every day. Before Song Yi crossed, Zhao Fengyang had touched the innate, and Zhao Xiaoyu had reached the later stage of the day after tomorrow. I do n’t know if Zhao Fengyang has No breakthrough to innate.

Today happens to be Saturday, so even in the morning, there are trainees to practice martial arts, especially with the increase of Zhao Fengyang and Zhao Xiaoyu's strength, the name of the martial arts hall is getting louder, and more and more people come to learn martial arts.

As soon as I entered the martial arts, I met an old student Wang Song. It was a bit unexpected to see Song Ye coming.

"Well, Xiao Song, long time no see!"

"Yeah Wang." Song Yan smiled.

"By the way, I haven't seen you for months. Where did your kid go?" Wang Song asked casually.

"Go to college."

Wang Song showed a sorrowful look: "Look at my memory, and actually forgot about it, by the way, our brothers haven't seen each other for a long time, and we will have a meal together at noon today."

"That line, I'll go exercise first." Song Zheng nodded and responded, then went to the equipment area to exercise.

During the meeting, some old students greeted him with enthusiasm. After all, he defeated Zhao Xiaoyu and helped the martial arts to resolve the dilemma. His name was very loud among the old students.

Seeing a group of old students are very enthusiastic about Song Ye, it makes some new students very curious, especially some female students. Who is Song Ye who looks handsome and has a good temperament?

"Brother Huang, who's that kid? Looks pretty dragging!"

The new student Chen Jin glanced at Song Ji who was doing bench press. He asked a little bit. He came to the martial arts school to learn martial arts for three months, but his talent for martial arts was very good. Little real kung fu, so he has the first strength among new students, even many old students are not his opponents.

"Why, not convinced?" Huang asked with a smile: "His name is Song Yan, a veteran student, very strong, the owner of the second hall may not be his opponent."

Brother Huang is an old student, so he knows some insider information.


Chen Jin doesn't agree, the owner of the second hall in Huang Ge's mouth is Zhao Xiaoyu.

"Don't be dissatisfied, just you, three tricks in his hand!" Huang patted Chen Jin's shoulder and turned to walk beside him, but a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth when he turned, Chen Jin was too proud. Let Song Yun kill him.

Taking Song Yong's current practice as an example, practicing these instruments has no effect on him at all. The reason why he came to the martial arts is nostalgic, after all, he spent ** ten years in the fantasy world.

"Song Yan, right?"

As soon as Song Kun left the bench press, Chen Jin appeared in front of him, and looked at him proudly and asked.

"Yeah, I'm Song Yan." With Song Yan's eyesight, it was obvious at a glance that this young man wanted to pick things.

"I heard that you can fight well, I want to play tricks with you!"

Chen Jin slowly spit out a word, which looked very imposing, but it was a bit ridiculous in Song Yan's eyes. The other party did not even build up the inner strength, and in his eyes was no different from an ant.

This scene soon attracted the attention of other people in Wuguan, because it was the weekend. Today, there are 40 or 50 people in Wuguan.

When the old students knew that Chen Jin was going to challenge Song Yan, their expressions became quite strange.

The new trainees who did not know what Song Yan was talking about were quite excited to discuss whether it was Chen Jin's powerful point or Song Yun's powerful point.

In the face of Chen Jin's provocation, Song Yan smiled and left.

Seeing this, Chen Jin was somewhat annoyed: "Hey, what do you mean, are you afraid to deal with me?"

[Author off topic]: One more, today there will be four more

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