Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1044: Destined

Hearing that, Song Zheng glanced back at Chen Jin and said seriously: "You are not my opponent."

Listening to Song Yan's words, Chen Jin became increasingly annoyed: "How do I know if I haven't played?"

Song Yan could not help rolling his eyes, too lazy to care about Chen Jin who felt good about himself, and continued to walk towards the rest area.


During a light drink, Chen Jin rushed out in a stride, and immediately caught up with Song Yong, and reached out to grab his right shoulder.


As soon as his fingers touched Song Ye's shoulder, it seemed as if he was grabbing at the tip of a needle, and his pain retreated sharply.

It's just weird that there are no slight wounds on his fingers.

"Is it an illusion?"

Chen Jin stared at Song Yan's back in confusion.

The next moment, he took a deep breath and shouted towards Song Hou's back: "Song Hou, if you have a seed, fight me!"

Hearing Chen Jin's shout, Song Yan paused slightly, then turned slowly, staring at Chen Jin: "Do you really want to fight me?"

"Crap!" Chen Jin sneered.

"Good!" Song Zheng nodded.

Soon after, Song Ye and Chen Jin came to the ring of the Wuguan.

It is human nature to see the excitement. Moreover, the two people who are fighting are still more controversial. One is the first student recognized by the old students, and the other is a rookie among the new students.

Therefore, all the students in the martial arts went to the edge of the ring to watch the excitement, and talked aloud about the victory.

Old students are more optimistic about Song Yan.

The new students are more optimistic about Chen Jin. After all, Chen Jin's record is real, and Song Xun's strength is only from word of mouth of the old students.

On the stage.

Song Jinchao Chen Jin googling his fingers: "You do it first!"

"court death!"

This insulting movement made Chen Jin furious. With a bowed figure, the whole person flew out like a large spring, then threw his right arm like a short whip, and drew it to Song Yan's chest with a sharp wind .

Seeing this, Song Zheng nodded secretly. This Chen Jin is indeed a good talent. Although he hasn't developed the inner strength, it is not far away. Unfortunately, he has a bad heart and is too proud.


At the next moment, Song Kun lifted his foot and kicked out. Chen Jin, who had just reached in front of him, was kicked and kicked off by him, and flew directly out of the ring.


With his feet on the ground, Chen Jin stepped back and forth seven or eight steps before he stabilized his body. A slightly handsome face turned red.

The winner has been decided!

Seeing that Song Ye beat Chen Jin out of the ring with just one move, all the old students couldn't help cheering. As for the new students who supported Chen Jin, they turned to support Song Ye and shouted.

"What's so lively!"

At this moment, a voice sounded, but a man and a woman entered the martial arts hall, and it was the man who spoke.

"Ah, Song Ye!"

When that woman saw Song Ye on the ring, she couldn't help showing a very excited look.

"Brother Zhao, Sister Xiaoyu!"

Song Kun leapt down from the ring and greeted Zhao Fengyang and Zhao Xiaoyu with a smile. Yes, this man and daughter are exactly Zhao Fengyang and Zhao Xiaoyu.

"When did you come back, why didn't you tell me in advance!" Zhao Xiaoyu looked at Song Yan and complained.

"Oh, didn't I want to give you a surprise?" Song Yan smiled. After a while, Zhao Xiaoyu was more beautiful, especially the size of the pair on his chest has increased a lot.

As for Zhao Fengyang, he did not disappoint him. He had already passed the hurdle of the day after tomorrow and the day before, and reached the level of the day before.

"Come and sit in my office!" Zhao Fengyang said.

"it is good!"

Watching Song Ye accompany Zhao Fengyang and Zhao Xiaoyu brothers and sisters left, Chen Jin's eyes flashed with resentment, especially when he noticed that Zhao Xiaoyu's look at Song Ye made him jealous.

Before he knew it, Song Yan and his siblings of the Zhao family talked in the office for more than two hours.

At first, I only talked about gossip, but gradually, the topic turned to cultivation.

Now Song Ye is a master in the middle of Yuan Ying, and casually pointing at Zhao Fengyang will benefit him a lot, not to mention Song Ye is still pointing him very seriously.

Therefore, after two hours, Zhao Fengyang had a feeling of being born and reborn, and at the same time, many confusions in cultivation were all resolved in just one hour.

Later, Song Yong took some time to point at Zhao Xiaoyu, making her repair a breakthrough on the spot, reaching the peak of the day after tomorrow, and only one step to enter the innate.

Then Song Yong took out two jade bottles and gave them to his brother and sister. Each jade bottle contained ten elixir.

"I have two bottles of elixir here. Brother Zhao takes one capsule a month. Sister Xiaoyu took one capsule in March before she broke through."

"This ... isn't it!" Zhao Fengyang hesitated.

"Everyone is family, so don't be polite!" Song Yan smiled.

Hearing that Zhao Xiaoyu's cheeky face was slightly red, and after secretly looking at Song Yan, she lowered her head quickly, but she misunderstood the meaning of the family in Song Yan's words.

At noon, Song Ye ate a meal with older students such as Zhao's siblings and Wang Song. It was fun and very lively.

"Boy, there is a good movie recently. I just want to see it. How about you go with me?"

After having dinner, Zhao Xiaoyu said a bit shyly.

"Okay!" Song Yan agreed.

Ten minutes later, the two came to the cinema and bought movie tickets for popcorn and drinks, and they walked into the screening room together.

The movie was selected by Zhao Xiaoyu, and it is a campus love film called "Destined to Fate".

The plot is dog-blooded and contains the three major elements of domestic love movies, abortion, derailment and going abroad.

In short, such a plot seems very boring to Song Yan, but Zhao Xiaoyu sees it with interest.

With the development of the economy and more and more people ’s pockets, more and more people are willing to go to the cinema to watch movies, which makes Yanhuang ’s box office almost exceed North America, the world ’s largest box office.

Unfortunately, the higher the box office, the more bad movies, often a blockbuster fight is not the plot and special effects, but stars and stars.

A lot of stars and junk plots can make money.

This also caused the total box office, which has been rising year by year, to start to fall again.


Suddenly, lethargic exclaimed, because a supporting role in the movie was actually played by Murong Xin.

Murong Xinyue is a big star of film and television song. Now she actually appears on the big screen. It seems that she intends to enter the big screen of the movie.

Although only a supporting role, Murong Xinyue performed very well, although the acting skills are not as good as the old drama bones, but also more than newcomers.

The ending of the movie is not with the protagonists.

Soon after leaving the cinema, Zhao Xiaoyu received a call. After hanging up, she looked at Song Yi and said, "Would you like to join a party with me?"

"What party?" Song Yan asked.

"A meeting in our bedroom and another bedroom!"

After hearing what she said, Song Yong understood instantly that it was nothing more than a joint venture of male and female dormitories.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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