Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1218: Decoy

"What can you do? Or you don't want to make excuses with the backfire religion?" Tuoba stared at Song Yan coldly, with doubt and vigilance in his eyes.

"The main reason that Lingmei was kept in Wanyou Valley was because I broke her body?" Song Yan said again.

"What! You think I'm kidding you with false words!" Tuoba Feng's tone was a bit bad.

"Tuoba brother, be calm and restless!"

Song Yan raised his hand: "To solve one thing, we must understand the ins and outs of one thing, right, if I don't want to rescue Tuoba Xianer, why take such a great risk to come to you."

After listening to Song Yi's words, Tuoba Feng's face eased a lot, saying: "At the beginning, my sister and I returned to Vulcanism, and the story of Xiaomei ** was discovered by Master." Postscript glared at Song Yong again and continued: "Master is very angry and wants to kill her. Later, I begged hard that Master did not kill her, but abolished her goddess position. Then she was locked into Wanyou Valley. Wanyou Valley is extremely cold, and there is no vitality in it. Therefore, anyone who enters it must always release Zhenyuan to resist the strange cold. Once Zhenyuan is exhausted, she will die in it. Based on my sister's practice, she can persist in it for a maximum of one year, so she must be rescued as soon as possible! "

After listening to Tuoba Feng ’s talk, Song Ye could n’t help lowering his head to contemplate, and he said after a while: “Brother Tuoba, do you think that you will take me to Vulcanism and give it to your master, your master will let you down. sister?"

Tuoba Feng did not speak, but the meaning was obvious.

Song Zheng replied: "I think that even if you take me to Vulcan and give it to your master, he will not let Tuoba Xianer go!"

Hearing that, Tuobafeng's face cooled down again: "Say less those that are useless, in short, you must follow me back to the **** of fire!"

Song Ye waved his hand again: "Torpa Brother, don't worry, listen to me. In the big array on the island of Wanling, I and Lingmei and Tianluo were all affected by the beast of life. The three of us I can't help myself, so I not only took Tuoba Xianer's body, but even Li Tianluo was no exception.

However, the two of them had different experiences. By believing in the real person's cultivation, it can be seen that Li Tianluo had already taken off, but he did not punish Li Tianluo.

However, your Master, the reaction was a bit overwhelming, indicating that he took the matter seriously and was very angry, so he wanted to kill her and vent his anger. Even because of your courtship, he never thought about letting Tuoba Xianer go. The imprisonment of her to Wanyou Valley was just sentenced her to a death sentence. Therefore, your master ’s ultimate purpose is to kill Tuoba Xianer, so I ’m sure that even if you catch me on Vulcan and let you Master killed me, he will not let your sister out! "

Hearing Song Yong's analysis, Tuobafeng's face suddenly became extremely pale, staring at Song Yong: "Can you do anything?"

"This is why I came to see you!" Song Zheng replied, "Vulcanism and Taiyi religion are the natural counterparts. Yesterday, I beheaded and killed all the distracting masters of Taiyi religion Dragon Divine Division. To the cultivation of other disciples. "


Hearing this news, Tuoba Feng couldn't help but be shocked: "It's actually you who took away the Taiyi religion."

Song Yan sneered: "Everything I did in Wangcheng was to marry Li Tianluo. The day before yesterday, I went to Taiyi Church to meet a real Minglu and asked him to marry him. I hope he will marry Li Tianluo. As a result, the old guy will kill I, I have always been gracious and vengeful. Although I am not a real opponent of Mingyi, I can destroy their division! "

"Destroy their divisions?" Tuoba Feng sneered at: "The owners of the Dragon Divine Division are only in the late stage, but the divisions in other states have integrated masters, so how do you destroy them?"

Song Yun Shen said: "I have my own way, so I do n’t need to worry about Tuoba Brothers. Now we are talking about saving Tuoba Xianer. You can return to Vulcanism to your Master, as long as he releases Tuoba Xianer, how about I help him destroy the twelve divisions of Taiyi religion near the Song Dynasty? "

For a moment of contemplation, Tuoba Feng said: "Master may not agree!"

"Although Your Master is extremely angry at Tuoba Xianer's loss of mind, but the wood has become a boat, and he also intends to kill him. In this way, he will not get any benefits, but if he is not killed, he can weaken the power of Taiyijiao One can get nothing, but one can get a lot of benefits. You said, which would your Master choose? Take a step back, even if your Master does not want to promise, but don't forget, he is the palm of the Vulcan religion. He has no reason not to agree to such a thing that is of great benefit to Vulcan! "

After hearing this, Song Tufeng nodded deeply: "But Master may not believe you have that strength!"

"It's simple. At most ten days, I will destroy the Taiyi religion's sub-altar in Taiyinzhou, where the monk Montai was in the early stage of the union!"

"Is this true?"

"Brother Tuoba is waiting for the news in the King City."

"Okay, I trust you once!"


Song Kun stood up and held his fist to Tuoba Feng, and disappeared as soon as his figure shook.

Taiyin Prefecture, in the city, in the restaurant not far from the Taiyi Church.

The person Shi Jiandao dressed up by Song Yi is sitting at the window, drinking at his own discretion. He is here to wait for the rabbit, and wants to see when Chu Yun comes out.

One day.

Two days.

Three days.

Chu Yun was still embarrassed in the sub-altar. For a moment, Song Xuan was anxious.

However, this afternoon, something happened. Taiyi's disciples dispatched to search for his whereabouts. It seems that Taiyi's order to kill him came here.

Suddenly, Song Yong thought of a strategy.

That night, in a box of Dengxian Tower, Chu Yun, wearing a green robe, was faced with a solo drink. Two guards stood outside the box.

This afternoon, he received a letter asking him to meet at Dengxianlou.

The reason why he went to the appointment was that the other party told him that he knew Song Ye's whereabouts.

But he came to Dengxian Tower and waited for an hour, but the person who wrote the letter still did not show up.

Finally, when Chu Yun drank another pot of wine, the man finally appeared.

"You know where Song Kun is?" Chu Yun stared coldly at the middle-aged practitioner who appeared.

"Good!" The middle-aged man nodded.

"Tell me, the benefits are indispensable to you!" Chu Yun said with some excitement. This hunting order was issued by a real teacher. If he can kill Song Ye to complete this task, he must be able to teach the real eye.

Suddenly, the middle-aged man showed a strange smile: "Far in the sky and in front of my eyes!"

"You are Song ...!"

Before Chu Yun finished speaking, a stagnant little world appeared and enveloped him. In the next moment, the middle-aged man pointed out and hit his eyebrow.

[Author off topic]: Two more, thanks [L Xiaojian] [half drunk, half awake, half dementia] [red flames out of the sky] [Deng treats a purple chess trace] [lanyeyu] [crazy big pants] [td104680415] [Choice] [Killing Horse Chess] [Lone Ranger] [Soul Break, Red Face] These great rewards

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