Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1219: Death of the Master

Taiyi religion, in front of a seemingly ordinary attic in the Taiyinzhou branch.

Chu Yun bowed in front of the attic, Shen said: "Master, there is a hunting order from the general altar. This hunting order was issued by the real person in charge, and I also ask Master to look over!"

"Come in!"

The next moment, a thick voice came from the attic.

Chu Yunda went straight to the attic, and ascended the third floor, and saw a large-faced middle-aged man sitting there. He was Montai, the master of the division altar in Taiyinzhou.


Chu Yun presented Yujian with both hands.

Montai nodded and waved his hand, and Yujian fell into his hands. When he opened Yujian, there were three rows of handwriting and Song's head appearing above Yujian.

"Who is this Song Ye? Actually, he can let the real teacher teach the real person to issue a hunting order?" Montai frowned slightly, asking a little strangely.

Chu Yundao: "Return to Master, the disciple has sent someone to inquire, I believe that his news will be returned soon!"

Montai nodded with satisfaction: "Well, you did a good job, let this thing be done to you, if you can kill that Song Ye, teach the real person should not hesitate to reward!"

"Thank you very much, Master!" Chu Yun stooped to salute again, but his eyes flashed with guilt.

"You step back!"


Chu Yun walked out of the attic and was planning to continue practicing, but his face suddenly changed, because he found that the power of his primordial spirit was dissipating, and the dissipating speed became faster and faster with the passage of time.

After reaching the fitting period, the soul and Yuan Ying will finish merging together and become the Yuanshen, which is also the origin of the fitting period.

Subconsciously, Mengtai thought of the jade bamboo slip offered by Chu Yun, and released his consciousness to cover it, only to find that there was a hint of weak and cold air on it.

Suddenly he understood that he was victimized by his most trusted apprentice.

Thinking of this, he was inexplicably angry, anxious to kill Chu immediately, but stability is the most important thing to repair himself, and he was frightened that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop the collapse of Yuan Shen.

"Damn, what the **** is going on?"

Montai roared. For such a short time, the power of his primordial dissipated by one-tenth. If this continued for at most a quarter of an hour, all his primordial celestial corpses would disintegrate, and as soon as the primordial celestial corpses disappeared, he would fall For a waste.

"Right, seal!"

Suddenly, Montai thought of something. His hands were madly sealed, and the seals were formed one by one to break into his own primitive god. He planned to seal his own primitive **** to prevent it from falling apart.

But what made him feel hopeless, even under the seal, he couldn't stop the collapse of the Primal God.

Just then, the figure flashed, and a handsome young man appeared in front of him.

"It's you, Song Ye!"

As soon as he saw the handsome young man, Montai recognized that the young man was the one in charge of teaching the real killing order.

"Good!" Song Zheng nodded.

"Is it your hands and feet?" Montai asked again.

"Good." Song Zheng nodded again.

There was a strong killing in Montai's eyes, and he resentfully asked, "Why did you do this, and what did you do to me?"

"You are teaching real people to kill me. I am not his opponent, so I can only use you as a division!"

Song Yu smiled and said: "The reason for the collapse of your Yuanshen is very simple. That is, I applied a layer of" Bad Shensan "on top of Yujian. Even if this kind of bad **** is in the fairy, it will cause Xianji to break up. , So you do n’t have to waste any more effort! ”

"I'm going to kill you!"


Montai smashed his fist. Although his Yuan Shen was quickly disintegrating, the power of this fist was far beyond the late distraction.


The dark sword came out, and it turned into a dark sword light and Montai's fist collided in the void.


The void shattered, and a huge crack appeared, while Song Yan's figure quickly regressed, his face was a little heavy, he thought he was invincible in distraction, and should be close to the beginning of the union, but this encounter only found out, He also had a large distance from the beginning of the fit.

"not good!"

Meng Tai, who wanted to chase and kill Song Yong, found that when he started Yuan Shen, his speed of disintegration doubled. In a moment, his Yuan Shen had melted by three-tenths.


As soon as his figure flickered, he was about to perform a teleportation escape, but at this moment, a sword stabbed.

This sword light seems ordinary, but it contains something that makes him feel taboo.

In desperation, he fought again.

He smashed a punch and smashed Song Ye again, but the power of the Yuanshen in his body was mostly lost.

"Song Yan, if this seat is not dead, you will cramp your soul!" With a roar, Montaeu wanted to use the teleport to escape. This time, Song Yan did not stop him.

The next moment, Montai suddenly changed color, because he found that the void was actually imprisoned.

"Break me!"

He waved his arms and blasted out.

Buzz! !! !!

The void shook, and a huge black hole appeared. Montai stepped into the black hole.

But at this moment, a sword light that made him feel scared appeared on his chest.



Jian Guang crossed his chest, making Montai's figure fall.

When he stood still again, the broken void had disappeared and he was again imprisoned.

And only three-tenths of the power of the primordial spirit in his body remained.

"This seat fights with you!"

Mengtai's eyes flashed viciously and he rushed towards Song Yan.

"If you were you during the heyday, I must have fled as far as I can, but now ...!"

Song Xuan greeted him with a sword. At one moment, the punches and swords slammed together in the void, and soon, the entire attic was torn and collapsed.


After a long while, an unsatisfactory scream sounded, and a head flew into the sky.

Grabbing his hand, his head fell into Song Ye's hands, and he naturally said to himself: "With Monte Thai's head, I believe that Tuoba Feng can more easily persuade the teaching of Vulcan!"

After two hours.

The large shroud that shrouded the Taiyinzhou altar disappeared.

After a while, some people discovered that the master of the Taiyi religion Taiyinzhou altar was beheaded and killed, and the masters of the distraction period were all killed. All the disciples of the Taiyi religion under the distraction were abolished and repaired.

In addition, all treasure houses were evacuated, not even the storage ring on the ground of Taiyijiao altar.


Still the inn.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Song Yan, Tuoba Feng's face appeared a happy expression: "What's wrong?"

"Take it!"

Song Xuan threw out a wooden box, Tuoba Feng opened it, and found it was an angry head.

"This is the head of Monte Tai!" Tuoba Feng stared at Song Ye in suspicion. Vulcanism and Taiyi religion were deadly opponents, and the identity information of the leaders of various divisions of Taiyi religion was naturally included in the teaching!

Song Zheng nodded: "With this, you should be able to convince your Master more easily!"

"Okay, I'm going to go back to the Fire God immediately!" Tuoba Feng put his skull into the storage ring.

A few days passed by.

A message was sent back from Taiyin Prefecture to the Taiyi Church.

After receiving this news, Taiyijiao shook again and again, and even Mingzheng's real person showed a very confused expression.

[Digression by the author]: Three updates have been completed, thank you [yoyo my heart 5200] [soul break, red face] two great rewards

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