Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1220: Dragon War

In just a few days, the two altar masters were killed, the distracting masters were slaughtered, and the sub-alien disciples were each abolished and repaired. This is no longer provoking Taiyi, but the two slaps are severely thrown On Tai Yijiao's face.

As a real Ming Ming teacher, he felt a burning pain in his cheek.

"Check, be sure to find out who did it!"

At the Taiyijiao high-level meeting, a late elder of the fit roared.

The real person Ming Ming was sinking in the water, slowly sweeping over a high-level executive: "What's your opinion?"

Another elder said: "The most important thing now is to ensure the safety of those divisions, and no divisions can be destroyed anymore, otherwise our Taiyi Religion will sweep the majesty!"

The high-level meeting of Taiyijiao confirmed two things.

First, the elder Jiang Liushi led the team to lead 20 true elders and two hundred true disciples to detect and arrest the killers of the two divisions.

The killers cannot be made too easy, and they must be killed in front of the practitioners in the world in order to re-establish the majesty of the Taiyi Religion.

Second, notify the remaining 106 teams as quickly as possible, so that they are fully alert to prevent being killed again.

At the end of the meeting, the real person Ming Ming returned to his dormitory.

A mysterious man enveloped in a black robe suddenly appeared.

In this regard, the real person Ming Ming didn't have any surprise, and coldly commanded: "Send someone to sneak into the Prince's House, and once Song Yong appeared there, arrest him immediately, and send two people to follow the saint in secret!"


The mysterious figure of the black robe disappeared.

Looking at the empty palace, Ming Ye's real person can't help but reappear that handsome but slightly immature and full of resolute face. Somehow, he has a strong feeling that the dragon **** division and the Taiyin division Destruction has a direct relationship with the little thief.

A few days passed by.

Jiang Liushi took a group of true elder disciples to Long Shenzhou and Taiyin Prefecture, and initially determined that there were three murderers who killed the two major altars, one middle-aged, one young, and one young.

The image of that young boy is very consistent with Song Yi who was chased by Tai Yijiao.

Unfortunately, although the killers were identified, they could not chase their whereabouts, and even if there were experts in calculation, they could not infer their clues.

Where do they know that Song Zheng's system has consumed a large number of systems and has been upgraded several levels. Even an immortal, it is impossible to calculate his relevant information.

At the same time, the news of the demise of the Taiyijiao altar spread rapidly in the Tang Dynasty.

Everyone was very skeptical of this news for the first time, because it felt impossible. It was as if someone in the main world heard that the world overlord Miguchi had broken two states by an unknown power.

But soon, the news was confirmed by masters who went to the two states in person.

For a time, there was a great earthquake in the world, and some even shouted that the Taiyi religion that had stood on this land for 100,000 years was about to decline.

And one-by-one strength has also held high-level meetings because of this matter.

In this land, there are two super strengths, one is the Tang Dynasty, and the other is the Taiyi religion.

If you want to gain a foothold in this land, all forces, large and small, and Zongmen sects at all levels must pay taxes to these two super powers.

For a long time, these two forces have become stronger and stronger, but they have always been difficult to surpass themselves.

Ten days later.

Dragon God State's first-class Zongmen Tianlong Zong attacked the first-class Zongmen Savage King together with the first-class strength Zhen family.

The battle lasted for three days and three nights. As a result, the Savage King was destroyed, and the site resources and even the outstanding disciples were all divided up by the Tianlong Zong and Zhen family, which resulted in a considerable expansion of both strengths.

In the past, there was the suppression of the Taiyi religion division. Even if these first-class sects or strengths have ambitions, they can only hide it. Now, the Taiyi religion division has been destroyed, and they show their fangs without hesitation. Taking advantage of the fact that the Taiyi Religion has not reorganized the sub-alternate, and has some more benefits.

The actions of the Tianlong Sect and the Zhen Family have given other first-class forces in Dragon God State an example. Some hostile hostiles and strengths have fought. Even some second-rate and third-rate forces can't bear it. They have revenge and resentment!

In just a few days, the battle on the land of Long Shenzhou was endless, the blood flow was endless, and the chaos was completely chaotic.

On the other side of Taiyin Prefecture, because there is a legendary elder Jiang Liushi with a true elder here, even if the local forces are attentive, they dare not act rashly, but once Jiang Liushi and others leave, Taiyinzhou will fall into chaos.

At the moment, Jiang Liushi was very annoyed. After more than ten days of tracing, the whereabouts of the three murderers have not been traced, and his temper has become increasingly violent.

After more than ten days of trekking, Tuobafeng finally rushed back to Vulcanism and immediately asked to meet Zhu Ronglu.

In charge of teaching the hall, Zhu Rongji stood high, looking down at the Tuoba wind below, and said lightly, "Fenger, what's wrong with you?"

"Master, please see!"

Tuoba Feng put a wooden box in his hands.

Zhu Rongji waved his hand and the wooden box flew in front of him.

Open it, revealing a staring head with eyes ringing. Although the other party is dead, there is still a breath of the masters of the fit, and this head is clearly Taiyizhou Taiyinzhou altar master Meng Tai.

For a moment, Zhu Rongji stared at Tuoba Feng very unexpectedly: "He killed you?"

Tuoba Feng smiled bitterly: "Where is the talent!"

Zhu Rongji didn't speak, waiting for Tuobafeng to give him the answer.

"Master, this first level of Monte Thai is a gift from someone!" Tuoba Feng gritted his teeth.

"Oh, who is it?" Zhu Rongji showed a hint of interest.

"Song Ye!" Tuoba Fengxi said the name.

After hearing the words, Zhu Rongji thought a little bit, and thought of who the other party was. His face suddenly became cold. Suddenly, the hall suddenly became cold: "Is that the guy who has broken Fairy?"

"It's him!" Tuoba Feng nodded his head hard.

After a short while, Zhu Rongji's voice sounded again, and he couldn't hear the emotions: "So, he has some skill, let's say, what is his purpose?"

Tuoba Feng reiterated: "He will exchange the twelve sub-altars of Taiyi Religion in exchange for Xianer's life!"

"On him?" Zhu Rongji sneered.

Tuoba Feng continued: "The Master didn't know. This man destroyed the Taishen Dragon Divine Altar within a day, and spent a few days to destroy the Taiyin Altar. He knew he had committed a major crime before he I want to make atonement this way! "

"Atonement? Why not come to Vulcanism in person?"

"He didn't dare, fearing that Master killed him!"

"This guy has self-knowledge!" Zhu Rongxi smiled on his face: "Go and tell him, my dear agrees with this condition!"


Tuoba Feng did not expect Zhu Rongji to agree so happily: "Master, did you really agree?"

Zhu Rongxi said with kindness: "Why not promise, how to say, Xianer was also brought up by the teacher himself. Although such a thing happened, although he was angry for the teacher, things have passed so long. It was almost the same, Xianer was also punished, so the teacher has planned to release Xianer, go, you go to Wanyou Valley to pick up Xianer! "

"Thank you, Master! Thank you, Master!" Tuoba Feng grateful Chao Zhurong made a few noises, and then went to Wanyou Valley with excitement.

But inside the hall, Zhu Rong's mouth turned up a meaningful sneer.

[Author's off topic]: One more, thank you for [not mentioning the failure of stowaway] [The Lone Ranger] [Unknown] [Be brave to fight] [Zhou Lele] [Youyo 5200] These great reward

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