Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1234: Xie Tianmu drives

"Song Xiaoyou, I wonder if you have a way to break the line?"

The three ancestors thought about it and still couldn't think of a good way.

Song Kun shook his head: "Three seniors, too high on the juniors. If Brother Song Kun is here, he should be able to break the battle with his method of formation."

Isn't that nonsense?

Now the whole Taiyi religion is chasing and killing Song Yan. I'm afraid I don't know where to hide. How could it be found by them, but I'm afraid they never dreamed of it. before.

Dongcang County, Beibei Mountains, Ghost God Sect.

An elder who guarded the soul hall hurriedly came to the hall where the sovereign lived.

The main hall where Ge Yinyang lives is a pure black palace made of Yinsha jade. Before coming near, you can feel a strong Yinsha atmosphere. If you are a regular practitioner, you may not be able to stay long. You will have stiff limbs, and your thoughts will not work well.

But for Ge Yinyang, who practiced "Ghost Nerve", practicing in such a place full of qi and qi has great benefits.

"Sovereign, there are major events reported by the ghosts!"

The elder of the soul hall came to this black hall and shouted with sorrow.

哐 Dang!

The gates of the two closed palaces opened suddenly, and a voice came out from the inside: "Come in."

The elder ghost entered the hall with seven bows, and then the old man sitting in a black lotus sitting on the floor above the hall kneeled down to the ground: "Sovereign, the big thing is not good, Master Tianhu stayed in the soul fire in the soul hall. It's off. "

A special place of the soul hall, all important figures of the ghost and **** sect will pick a true spirit fire and put it in a soul lamp. As long as the soul is not completely scattered, even if the Jin Danyuan infant is destroyed, as long as there is a little residual spirit, all You can rely on the guidance of that true spirit and true fire to return to the soul temple and the true spirit of fire and become one.

In Ghost Nerve, there is a special secret method that can insert the fire of the true spirit fused with the remnants into the body of a pregnant woman, so that after the baby is born, it is possible to restore the memory of previous lives.

Of course, this possibility is extremely small, but even if the memory of previous lives cannot be restored, it can be regarded as an alternative rebirth.

Therefore, only the high-level or important figures of the Ghost and God Sect are eligible to deposit a true fire into the soul hall.

Although Ge Tianhu's qualifications are not good, he is a young master after all. Therefore, he also kept a true fire to put it in the soul hall, in case he was killed in another day, so he had a chance to be born again.

But now, the fire of his true spirit is extinguished, which means that Ge Tianhu was completely beaten by the soul, and there was no remnant left.

Therefore, after getting this news, a pale pale cheek of Ge Yinyang suddenly became gloomy and watery, gritted his teeth and said, "Send someone to check for me and find out the killer who killed Tianhu!"

Although he was dissatisfied with the second son, he was his son after all, so at this moment, he could not wait to give the murderer Wandan.


Guiqi ordered to leave the hall, but as soon as he walked out, he heard an angry roar from the hall, shivered subconsciously, and accelerated the pace of leaving.

Just then, Ge Tianlong arrived.

Entering the hall, when he saw the gloomy cheek of his father, Ge Tianlong was startled and asked, "Father, what happened?"

"Your second brother was killed, and the spirit is flying away!" Ge Yinyang resentfully said.


I heard that Ge Tianlong couldn't help but be surprised, because Ge Tianhu's qualifications were so bad that he could not threaten his status. Therefore, the relationship between the two brothers was relatively good. In addition, Ge Tianhu was a lofty temperament, so he didn't interfere. The events in the case are even less threatening to him, so he feels guilty and loves his brother.

Suddenly, Ge Tianlong's eyes burst into flames, and he bit his teeth and said, "Who killed the second brother!"

"My father has ordered someone to investigate, I believe there will be news soon!"

Ge Tianlong nodded: "If you let me know who killed the second brother, I must cramp his skin and torture him for 7 to 49 days before killing him!"

Just then, there was a hint of hesitation on Ge Tianlong's face.

"Just talk," Ge Yinyang said.

Ge Tianlong said in a deep voice: "Yes, the father and the child got a report from their subordinates. A light curtain appeared in Qilian Mountain. The light curtain revealed a mysterious outline of cultivation. The child suspected that a predecessor's cave house or heritage would be born in Qilian Mountain ! "

Then he read out the general outline of the cultivation.

After listening to this general outline of cultivation, the ghost and **** Zhenyuan who practiced to the extreme in Ge Yinyang actually had an inexplicable change. Suddenly, he felt a fascinating general outline of cultivation, and it seemed that the predecessor who inherited it was not simple.

Immediately he made a decision and led all the masters of the Ghost God Sect to the Qilian Mountains.

Qilian Mountains, half of the time in front of that valley, most of the array masters from the three are still exploring, but still have not found the clue of breaking the array.

There are more and more scattered repairs around the mountains. In addition, there are also some small families of immortals. People from the small martial arts have also rushed in, but there are three distracting masters who cut off the road to the mountain. They can only be around Stay, hoping to get a piece of cake.

For a time, the three ancestors were all impatient.

The ancestors of the Jin family couldn't help but yell at the array of mages: "Your group of wastes, the family has spent so much resources to train you, even a magic circle can not be broken, what use is it to support you?"

Faced with the scolding of the ancestors of the Jin family, all the matrix mages did not dare to speak back, but their hearts were extremely dull. At least the prefecture-level matrix mage was the one who arranged the magic array. The most powerful of them was only the mysterious entry.

"Why is Sister Jin so impatient? Maybe I can help you!"

Just then, a thick and loud voice sounded, and then a huge cloud floated on the sky.

The clouds flew closer, everyone looked up, and found that standing on the head of the cloud was a middle-aged man with a tall, wide nose and big eyes, and dozens of distracting masters standing behind him on the clouds. .

When the three ancestors saw the man, his face suddenly changed.

The old ancestors of the Chen family took a step forward and saluted the red-haired middle-aged man who flew down from the cloud head: "It turned out that the master Xie altar arrived, and there was a long-distance welcome!"

"I've seen Xie altar master."

"Thank you for being polite!"

Jin's and Ning's ancestors followed suit.

"Haha, the three Taoists don't have to be polite."

Xie Tianmu laughed loudly, but his eyes fell on the valley, and he asked, "I have a few good array masters under my hands. Why don't you let them try?"

"Not urgent!"

The ancestors of the Chen family sank their eyes: "This ruin was discovered by our three families together. Now that the owner of Xie Tan is here, let's discuss how to share the contents inside!"

Hearing the words, Xie Tianmu waved politely: "Since it was discovered by the three of you, I will lose a bit. I will take 70% of the contents. How about you take 30%?"

Hearing Xie Tianmu's distribution method, the faces of the three ancestors became extremely ugly, and his eyes were full of anger.

"The owner of the altar is too greedy?"

[Author off topic]: Two more

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