Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1235: You killed me

"Greedy?" Xie Tianmu snorted coldly, his fiery red hair fluttered in the wind, a strong breath erupted all over his body, and he took a step towards the three ancestors who were fit.


The monstrous momentum came on.

The three ancestors were unwilling to show weakness and released their own momentum, rashly colliding with Xie Tianmu's momentum.

"Boom boom!"

The void blasted between the two sides, like thunder, and the dust around them was whistling and whistling, the sky and the earth were dark for a while.

Seeing this scene, the distractions of both sides stepped back, because the four masters' confrontation made them uncomfortable.

However, when Song Ye saw this scene, there was a touch of fun in the corner of his mouth, and things went more smoothly than he imagined. This Xie Tianmu was so cooperative.

"Boom boom!"

The momentum of the two sides continued to confront each other in the void, but after watching the two sides, it was found that Xie Tianmu looked relaxed and did not seem to do his best. The three ancestors of the fit ancestors had blue muscles on their faces and their eyes were rounded. Obviously, they were all exhibiting Go all out.

The confrontation continued for more than ten breaths, and then saw the three ancestors Qi Qiqi step back.

Win and lose standing points.

Seeing that the three ancestors joined forces could not defeat Xie Tianmu, all the distractions in the Liangzhou sub altar showed great joy, and the look to Xie Tianmu was full of worship and awe.

On the other hand, the three big families have low expressions, and at the same time, when they look at Xie Tianmu, they have a deep awe in their eyes.

"The treasures of the world, the strong ones, are divided into 30% of you. It is already very gracious. Now, I ask you, do you agree or disagree!" Xie Tianmu stood on his hands, the robe was windless and automatic, and all over him exuded a hegemony. The momentum of the world.

"Xie altar master, although you have beaten the three in the momentum of the confrontation, but really fight, you may not be able to beat the three of us together!"

The ancestors of the Chen family roared unwillingly.

"Yes, this ruin was discovered by our three families together. In the end, we took a step back. The owner of the altar occupied 40%, and our three families accounted for 60%!" Jin's ancestors followed closely.

"Keep things on the line, I want to see you in the future. As long as you promise to come down, Xie Tan will strongly support you in the future!" Ning's ancestor also slowly spoke.


Suddenly, Xie Tianmu laughed loudly and laughed. He stared at the three fit ancestors with contempt: "You are not as good as me, even if you are really fighting. Now, I own 80% of the content in this ruin. 20%! "

Nowadays, the entire martial arts in Liangzhou have been successfully suppressed by him, and five masters of the fit have taken over for him, so they have not regarded the ancestors of the fit of the three at all.


The three ancestors suddenly became furious when they heard the words. The ancestor of the Chen family even laughed angrily. He grabbed a probe, and a quaint long sword appeared in his hand: "Xie Tianmu, you deceive people too much. Since so, then Come and fight! "

"Yes, really when our three old guys are muddled, Xie Tianmu, this is you forcing us to fight you!"

As soon as the ancestors of the Jin family shook their bodies, a layer of fiery red armor was added to the body. The whole person seemed to be bathed in the fire, and a two-meter-long sword was held in his hands.

The ancestor of the Ning family reached out with both hands, and suddenly a short shot was added to both hands.

"Are there many people?" Xie Tianmu smiled dismissively: "Everyone come out!"

As the words fell, five figures flashed behind Xie Tianmu.

At the sight of these five people, the momentum that the three ancestors had just condensed was instantly weak, because these five people were all masters of integration.

"Unexpectedly, five of you actually voted for Xie Tan's master!"

The ancestors of the Chen family looked complicated.

"Brother Chen, sister Jin, brother Ning is polite!"

A fit master stepped out and gave a fist to the three.

"Have met Fengfeng!"

The three fit ancestors responded with a bitter smile, and then the other four fit ancestors met with the three fit ancestors.

"Now I announce that after the relics are opened, the three of you will get 10%!"

Xie Tianmu's voice sounded again.

It was said that the eyes of the three ancestors seemed to be spitting fire, but the strength of the other party was too strong, even if the three of them joined forces, it was far worse.

"Just as Xie Tanzhu said!"

The three exchanged views, and vindicated.

On the other hand, Song Ye screamed as expected, and to his surprise, Xie Tianmu really conquered the five ancestors' ancestors. Fortunately, he didn't rush into action, or he was attacked by a master assembler, I'm afraid he has a big move. Can't escape.

Seeing the three ancestors who promised to come down, Xie Tianmu instructed several distractors behind him, "Go ahead and break the battle!"


Four distracting masters walked out towards the valley at the same time. They were all array mages, and they all reached the peak of the mysterious level, and they could be promoted to the level array mages in one step.

It ’s a pity that the array here is composed by Song Ji and Huang Ji, which is equivalent to the joint formation of two prefecture-level array mages, and the outermost magic array is a simplified version of an immortal array, even if it ’s ordinary. The low-level array mages can't be broken, let alone four xuan-level array mages.

Sure enough, the four array mages made a lot of troubles and spent half an hour, but still could not break the array.

At this moment, dozens of treasure ships suddenly appeared under the Qilian Mountain. The treasure ship headed by it was extremely huge and dark, and an extremely gigantic three-headed ghost statue was erected on the bow.

"The Qilian Mountain has been turned into a forbidden area, and no one can enter without permission, and the offender will die!"

In the early days of the distraction of the Chen family, the sky once again rose to the sky, shouting violently towards these dozens of treasure ships, and it was very rude.

"Presumptuous! Qilian Mountain is our territories of ghosts and gods, who are you, and quickly reported to the name!" A distracted voice stood out in the early days, refuting loudly.

This person was the second early distraction of Ghost God Sect, and served as the deputy master of Ghost God Sect. He was only half a chip weaker than Ge Yinyang.

"Ghost Shenzong is a fart, I am the elder of the Chen family of the three major families in the city!" The Chen family's early distraction responded proudly.

The Chen Family!

After hearing this, the vice-lord of Ghost Shenzong's face could not help but change slightly. The Chen family was first-class strength, but they were much stronger than their Ghost Shenzong.

At this moment, two figures flew up and cried, "Zongzhu, this is the man who killed Shao Zong, you have to take revenge for him!"

The figure flickered, and there was another person in the bow. It was Ge Yinyang. He grabbed his hand, and the two Yuanying repairers were captured on the boat. He stared at them coldly, and forced to ask, "You mean Is that the tiger he killed? "

"Yeah, the lord, the lord of the young master wanted to go into the mountain, but he was killed only by offending him in words, and he asked the lord to take revenge for the lord of the young master!" The two Yuanying repairers continued to cry.

"Good, good!" Ge Yinyang almost bit his teeth and turned to look at the distraction of the Chen family: "Did you kill me?"

[Author's off-topic]: Three updates have been completed, thank you [Deng treats a purple chess trace] [I dream of flying] [Long Yiyi] [King of the Great Gods 234] [Dragon World] [Lone Traveler] [Youyou 52000] These big rewards

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