Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1237: Xiandian self-destruct

It was a special magic weapon that could detect the nodes of the matrix method. However, Song Xuan just looked at him and was relieved. This fantasy array was simplified by the fairy array, and even the simplified version was barely called the fairy array

The compass-like spirit can measure only one-tenth of the matrix nodes.

"What's wrong with Gongsun, can you break the battle?" Jin ancestor stepped forward and asked.

Gongsun Yu did not speak, but carefully watched the light dots in the black and white grid, then Xiumei frowned, and said a while later: "This fantasy array is much more powerful than I expected, and I am not so sure."

"Okay, go ahead and break the battle, my old lady won't bother you!"

The ancestors of the Jin family retreated, without much confidence, and there was hope. It was better than the two previous batches of array mages who could not reach the door.

In the following, Gongsun Yu generally controlled the compass weapon, and tentatively played a series of tactics.

Finally, two hours later, after Gongsun Yu played a trick, the void of the whole valley was rippled like a ripple.

For a moment, everyone's eyes widened.

The ripples are getting stronger and stronger. In the end, a vibrant valley appeared in front of everyone, and the valley was more than ten times larger than the grassless valley that I saw before.

The whole valley can be roughly divided into three regions.

Outside is a patch of elixir field, which is full of long-lasting high-quality elixir, with a total of no less than 10,000 plants.

For a while, even a good master could not help but get excited, as for a distracted master, he even straightened his eyes.

Because the value of these elixir is already comparable, and even surpasses the wealth of a first-class family or ancestors, at least tens of thousands of superb Lingjing.

Moving forward is a mountain forest, in which the spirit beasts run in groups and dance, and many of them are comparable to Yuan Ying.

Across the forest is a wooden house.

There are matrix formations around the wooden house, but these formations do not hinder everyone's sight, and you can clearly see the scene inside the wooden house.

The furnishings inside the cabin are very simple, one table and one bed.

On the wooden bed was a jade futon with nothing else, and on the table were four old books.



An old book on the wooden table flew up and danced happily around the wooden house.

"God! Are these books perfect!"

Looking at this scene distracted, someone could not help but exclaim.

The breathing of all the masters, including Xie Tianmu, became thicker, and all eyes burst into green light.

"It's Xiandian! Absolutely Xiandian!"

Because only Xiandian contaminated with the immortal atmosphere can become refined.

at this time.

The flying fairy book seemed a bit boring after flying for a while, and flew back to the wooden house, but instead of falling on the wooden table, it slammed into one of the ancient books.


A splendid silver light burst out of that ancient book, but it was still hit.

The fairy book that had done bad things fled directly out of the wooden house, and the ancient books that were hit by the fly flew up, seeming angry, and quickly chased after the fairy book.

"Oh my god, there's a fairy book!"

All distractions didn't know how to describe the mood at the moment. As for the eight fit ancestors present, an inexplicable light appeared in the eyes.

Two Xiandians chased and fled in the valley, and flew back into the cabin again, knocking the other two ancient books together.

Then, in the eyes of everyone's astonishment, the two ancient books also emitted a ray of light.

"Four Immortals!"

Everyone's eyes are dull, even the masters of integration are no exception.

What is Xiandian?

It is the foundation of Lijiao. The ancestor who founded Taiyijiao at the beginning was to obtain a book of immortals, and then to build such a behemoth of Taiyijiao in 10,000 years.

Throughout the Tang dynasty, except the Taiyi religion, even the royal family had no immortals.

But now there are four books appearing at once. As long as some people get Xiandian and dormant to repair Dacheng, they can create a super power that is not weaker than Taiyijiao.

If you get four books, you can even create a super power beyond Taiyi religion.

For a moment, a crazy idea quickly grew in the hearts of the eight fit masters, and everyone wanted to get the fairy code.


Xie Tianmu stepped out and came to the top of the valley. The detective grabbed it and broke the array to catch the four books.

Seeing this scene, the three ancestors of the Chen family, the Jin family, and the Ning family also flew up, but were stopped by five other masters.

"Do not!"

But at this moment, an extremely angry, regretful voice sounded, but when Xie Tianmu's big hand was about to touch one of the fairy books, the fairy book actually turned into a flame and burned.

In the breath, the fairy book turned into a ball of ashes.

"No, this is the self-destruction of Xiandian. Xie Tanzhu quickly stop, otherwise three Xiandian will self-destruct together!" Seeing this scene, the ancestors of the Chen family shouted in pain.

In fact, without his reminder, Xie Tianmu has already taken back his big hand.

At this moment, his face was gloomy and terrible, and his eyes were full of annoyance and regret. If he was not too confident and impulsive, then this fairy book would not be self-destructing.

Fortunately, there are three books of fairy tales.

Others also felt extremely sorry for the self-destruction of Xiandian.

At this moment, the scene in the valley suddenly disappeared and disappeared again.

"How long do you have to break this formation?" Xie Tianmu stared at Gongsun Yu coldly.

"Sorry, senior, I'm afraid I can't break this formation!" Gongsun Yu said with a sullen expression.

"I'll give you five hours. If you can't break this formation, let me die!" Xie Tianmu said coldly.

"The requirements of the seniors are too high, and the little girl can't do it!" Gongsun Yu shook his head.

"Do you want to die?"

As soon as Detective Xie Tianmu grabbed him, Gongsun Yu was captured in front of him out of thin air, and his neck was restrained: "I ask you again, can you break the battle!"

"Can't!" Gongsun Yuxuan insisted.

Hearing that Xie Tianmu clasped her fingers around her neck and suddenly Gongsun Yu's face turned blue. ,

"Thank you altar, don't be impatient. Breaking the line is technical work, and you can't be anxious!" Seeing this, the ancestors of the Jin family quickly persuaded.

"Yes, why do you care about a little girl." The ancestor of the Chen family also persuaded.


Xie Tianmu let go of Gongsun Yu. Suddenly, the other coughed while covering his neck.

"Break through, I can't treat you badly!"

Leaving a word, Xie Tianmu went to one side and closed his eyes to recuperate. In fact, at this moment his heart was not calm at all. After all, a fairy tale was destroyed in his hands like that, and he even wished to give himself a slap.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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