Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1238: Liangzhou division was destroyed

As time passed, Gongsun Yu led a team of mages in Tianzhenzong to break through the battle, but it still had no results, but the news of the birth of the Xian Family Ruins seemed to have wings and passed quickly in Liangzhou.

There are fairy family tombs in the ruins, which can be used to teach, and have been passed down through the ages.

There are four treasures in the ruins. Whoever obtains them can become immortal.

There are countless elixir in the ruins of Xianjia, and even there is no shortage of immortals. After swallowing, the realm can rise greatly.

The transmission of these messages was spontaneous transmission by Brother Liangzhou, and a group of people helped in the dark, and it spread more and more outrageously. At the end, it has become countless immortals in the ruins of Xianjia. Ministry, among them are fairy soldiers ...

Therefore, after an hour, seven treasure ships hurried towards the Qilian Mountains.

On the first treasure ship was a large banner, depicting a pair of flying bears with black wings.

The Flying Bear Sect, one of the twenty-seven first-class ancestors in Liangzhou, dominates Bear County.


Five silhouettes flew in the air, intercepting seven treasure ships.

One of them yelled, "This area has been designated as a forbidden area, everyone in the Flying Bear Sect, please leave quickly."

But at this time, more than a dozen treasure ships arrived at a rapid speed. Judging from the flag of the bow, it was the logo of Tianhezong, the overlord of Xianhe County.

Here comes a first-rate ancestral gate.

The next moment, there was an old man with dark hair on the deck of the treasure ship headed by Fei Xiong Zong, and his eyes narrowed, and his pupils narrowed, then he fisted: "It was the wind brother, Ouyang sister, Wang Brother, Brother Duanmu and Brother Lu! "

"Little brother Tianhe has seen you friends!"

At this moment, a treasure ship of Tianhezong rushed forward, standing side by side with the treasure ship of Flying Bear, but talking to a middle-aged man standing at the bow.

Tianhezong was founded 8000 years ago. The founder is exactly this middle-aged man who calls himself Tianhe.

"Unexpectedly, five Taoist friends actually joined the Taiyi religion. It is really gratifying!" Tianhe looked at Xie Tianmu under the eyes with a smile.

Hearing that the five devotions were all sullen.

"Two, this place is already occupied by my Taiyi Liangzhou branch. It is better for the two to leave quickly!" Feng Fangfeng persuaded.

The ancestor of Fei Xiong Zong sneered: "Hey, this is the ruins of the Xian family, but it is an opportunity for my ancestors in Liangzhou. The Taiyi religion wants to monopolize it, I'm afraid it can't be justified!"

The ancestor of Tianhe nodded: "Brother Jiang makes sense. Since Xianfu is in my Liangzhou, Taiyi teaches to eat meat, and even the soup doesn't give us a mouthful. I can't justify it, I don't accept the Liangzhou sects!"

"Tianhe Taoist friends said it extremely well, since Xianfu is in our Liangzhou territory, it should be deserved to be acquired by our Liangzhou sects!"

At this moment, a figure flashed, appearing in the air, the four talking old ladies with cold faces, silver hair, holding a snake head cane.

"It turned out that Sister Xi was here. Tianhe is polite!"

Xi Qingjun, the combined ancestor of Shenyuezong, has not been born for many years. At the beginning, Xie Tianmu put down the Yantai, and she did not give birth to a first-class ancestral gate in Liangzhou. Unexpectedly, this time the birth of the Xianjia ruins attracted her.

In the ensuing half hour, the ancestors of Liangzong's twenty-seven ancestors appeared one after another, making Xie Tianmu's face somber that he was about to hand out water.

The three ancestors of the Chen family, the Jin family, and the Ning family were even more depressed. As long as I knew this, they should not have come here in such a hurry. Now that all the first-class forces have arrived, how should the three fairy books be divided? ?

Especially when Xie Tianmu caused a fairy to self-destruct, there was a dark hate in their hearts.

After a long while, a group of ancestors gathered together to discuss ways to break the battle.

Everyone looked at the ancestors of Tian Zhen Zong. Everyone knows that Tian Zhen Zong is the best choice to break the formation.

"Ahem!" Tian Zhenzong's ancestor coughed gently: "Aging is not very demanding. After breaking the battle, there are three immortals, only one of them must be copied!"


A fit ancestor who had a good relationship with the Celestial Sect echoed.

"No opinion on aging!"

"I agree!"

Everyone understands people. This time is unbreakable. No one can get Xiandian. Moreover, the ancestors of Tianzhenzong did not have greed and only copied one, so no one opposed it.

"Wait a minute, the relics of the Xian family were discovered by our three together, so after obtaining the Xian Code, our three will have to extract a Xian Code each!" Said the ancestor of the Chen family.

"No! I disagree!"

As soon as this word came out, the ancestor of the fit immediately opposed it.

"You three are too greedy, you want all three fairy books!" Laughed another fit ancestor.

"But the ruins of the Xian family were discovered by us, why shouldn't we pick them up!" The ancestors of the Jin family angered.

"Since you first discovered why you didn't get the Xiandian inside first, this shows that even if the three of you found the remains of Xianjia earlier, you didn't have the luck to get the three Xiandians. Therefore, I think that you three can only extract one. Department of Fairy Code! "Continued the fit ancestor.

"All right!"

At that moment, Xie Tianmu suddenly said: "Three immortals, I received only two copies of Taiyi, the other one can be copied by Seoul, etc., but originally belongs to my Taiyi!

"Xie Tanzhu's appetite is too big!"

As soon as this word came out, some people refuted it.

"That's right, all three fairy books must be handed over to everyone for excerpt!" The other one sneered. Xie Tianmu strongly suppressed the Liangzhou sects, and everyone at the scene would have been dissatisfied. If it wasn't for him, there would be too much teaching. Strike in a crowd.

Seeing these fit ancestors were refuting himself, Xie Tianmu's eyes were a little gloomy, but in the end, he agreed, after all, even if he had five fit ancestors to help, it would not be the enemy of thirty fit ancestors.

After the discussion, the ancestors of Tianzhenzong began to break.

At this moment, a sword light fell from the sky, revealing a figure of Cangjie, and then Tongtong fell to his knees in front of Xie Tianmu: "Altar master, it's not good, we divided the altar to be destroyed!"


As soon as this word came out, Xie Tianmu's face changed greatly. Although he took away five fits, but there were no less than 100 distracting masters in the division, how could he be destroyed.

The other ancestors of the fit were more or less gloating when they heard the news.

"Come on, what's going on?"

Xie Tianmu stared at the distraction.

The parting **** cried and said, "The altar master, the people first trapped the entire altar with the formation method, and then used poison to make everyone really break up. For a time, most of the disciples only left them to slaughter. The horrible thing is that the guys finally evacuated the treasure house in our division! "


Xie Tianmu's double fists squeezed anxiously to go back and catch the murderers at once, but at this moment it was a crucial moment for the opening of Xianjia's relics. If he left, Xianjia's classics would probably not have his share.

Thinking of this, he kept his anger under control, only to get the fairy family books before going to the group of guys to settle accounts.

[Digression by the author]: Three updates are complete, thank you [Deng treats a purple chess piece] [Perfume fragrance] [My dream flying] Three big rewards

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