Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1242: Song Xiaomo

The three sub-altars were destroyed in succession, and when Taiyijiao became angry, he became vigilant.

On the same day, Zhang Jiao Mingzheng sent the combined masters in the general altar to the remaining 105 sub-alternates, so that there were at least two combined masters in each sub-alternate.

And in conjunction with the local Xiuxian Zongmen, he tried to capture Song Kun.

To this end, the Taiyi religion has also given very rich conditions. As long as it can catch Song Yan, regardless of life or death, the Taiyi religion can give away a piece of exercises that can be practiced to the period of robbery. One hundred pills.

Even if the masters in this condition can't stand the temptation, the monks of the Tang Dynasty moved around and searched for the whereabouts of Song Yong.

The name of Song Yan also spread to every corner of the Tang Dynasty with this great pursuit. No one knows, no one knows.

At the same time, Taiyijiao sent a large number of monks to search the whereabouts of Song Mao in the Tang Dynasty.

The tenth day passed quickly, and the men and women searching for Song Ye did not gain anything. He seemed to evaporate from the world. There were also sophisticated masters to calculate Song Ye's whereabouts, but none succeeded.

Three days later.

There was news from Beitianzhou that another one of the Taiyi Church was overthrown. The two early masters of the North Tianfen Altar were also cut off and their bodies were thrown into the destroyed Altar.

The news came out that the world was shaken, and Taiyijia was furious.

At the same time, the Xiuxianmen who hunted down Song Qin quietly withdrew troops. Although the conditions given by Taiyi Religion were very enticing, that Song Yi was too cruel. Since he had defeated Taiyi Religion, there were masters sitting in the altar, so they naturally destroyed them. The martial arts, it is not worth it to put the whole sectarian gate in for that benefit.

With the retreat of the Immortal Sect, Song Xun's fierce name quickly spread in the Tang Dynasty. I don't know who called it Song Xiao Mo, and everyone naturally called it Song Xiao Mo.

During the three days, all Xiuxianmen schools in the Tang dynasty reclaimed their troops and stopped hunting Song Kun.

In this regard, Taiyijiao tripled the reward.

But still no martial arts is willing to participate.

In a deserted state, in a certain restaurant in the city, Song Yong, who is in the middle of a big man, is drinking alone.

The restaurant is very lively, and most of them are talking about his Song Xiao Mo.

"You said, which sub-segment of Tai Yijiao Song Xiaomo will choose to destroy next time?" A young Jindan curiously said.

There were five men and women with him at the same table. Judging from their dress, they should all belong to a sect or power.

Hearing the words, one of them said: "The first time that Song Xiaomo destroyed the dragon altar's sub altar, followed by Taiyinzhou, and then Liangzhou and Beitianzhou, there was no regularity between the four. Where can I guess what his goal is. "

Another humane: "Yeah, but I heard that all the divisions of Taiyi Religion have strengthened their vigilance, and the combined masters in the field have been promoted to three. Song Xiaomo is afraid that it will not be easy to succeed, and he may even lose his life. ! "

One of the women said, "But speaking, I really admire the Song Xiaomo, and just destroyed the four divisions of Taiyijiao by just practicing the early distraction!"

An elderly young man retorted: "It should be Miao Chuan. How could the early stage of distracting have destroyed the Taiyi religion's altar, I think that Song Xiaomo has at least the cultivation period of the fit period, and may even be a monk crossing the robbery!"

The woman sneered: "Nonsense, I heard the uncle talk about that Song Xiaomo is really only in the early stages of distraction, but this person is as intelligent as the sea and rare in the world. He is good at using tricks. It is said that Xie Tianmu, the master of Liangzhou, is Those who were killed by him must know that Xie Tianmu was in the middle of the fit! "

"If this is the case, this Song Xiaomo will be too terrible. He will be trained in the early stage of God before the age of 100, and he will also be fit. If I have one-tenth of his ability, it will be fine!" The youngest one The monk sighed.

"Come on, even if you are a master of integration, you don't dare to confront Taiyijiao like Song Xiaomo!" The brother sitting next to him joked.

Talking like this, Song Yan has heard cocoons in his ears these days, so he didn't take it to heart.

However, the Taiyijiao sent additional staff to the division, which made him more and more difficult to start. This made him a little distressed. He was also surprised at the heritage of the Taiyijiao. Each division had three fits. Just There are more than three hundred masters in the division.

How many masters are there in the general altar?

In addition, there are monks crossing the robberies. What is even more frightening is that Taiyi Religion still has immortals.

Regardless of this period of time, he destroyed four separate altars in succession, causing a lot of trouble to the Taiyi religion, but did not shake the root of the Taiyi religion. As long as he was able to get him, he could send some staff to regroup the altar.

So, how can it hurt the root of Taiyi Religion?

Song Zheng took the wine glass and took a sip, and analyzed it carefully. Firstly, Taiyi Religion has been teaching for many years and has a deep foundation. Secondly, Taiyi Religion is the state religion of the Tang Dynasty and holds a righteous name. This also allows Taiyi Religion to recruit more Outstanding disciples.

Third, the Taiyi religion enjoys the same privileges as the Tang Dynasty, and has the right to tax the ancestors of the world. In this way, the Taiyi religion has no shortage of resources and has accumulated over 100,000 years. It can be said that it is rich in oil.

If the qualification of Taiyi religion is cancelled, then Taiyi religion will not be eligible to accept apprentices in all the territory of the Tang Dynasty. Unfortunately, the Tang Dynasty also depends on the support of Taiyi religion. Therefore, it is impossible to cancel the qualification of Taiyi religion. Unless, the Tang Dynasty was supported by another force that was not weaker than the Taiyi religion.

Therefore, this road does not work, then the only way is to prevent the monarchs in the world from paying taxes to Taiyi religion.

Although the teachings of Taiyi are very deep, they are too huge. As long as the tax is not collected, there will always be a day to eat.

But how can we stop those first-class sects or forces from not paying taxes to Taiyi Religion?

Suddenly, Song Yong thought about it.

After thinking about it for half an hour, Song Xun's mind gradually formed a plan.

Taihuangzhou has thirty-two county towns, and its territory is much wider than that of Liangzhou, and its resources are relatively abundant.

Within the Great Desert State, there are 38 first-class forces.

Each faction has a combined master, and three of them have two combined masters.

In the evening, a cloud of fire turned red for half the sky.

In Tianxu County, there is a middle-aged big man striding under the gate of Zongshan in Shaoyang. It is Song Yan.

"Who is the senior? What's the matter?"

Because Song Xuan did not hide his breath in the early stage of distraction, the disciples of the Shaoyang Sect who guarded the mountain gate were quite pressured and asked respectfully.

"I have a question to see your lord suzerain, and I hope that some friends will report!"

While talking, Song Yong threw out four bags.

The four guardians of Shanmen grabbed the bag and saw it, and they were immediately overjoyed, because there were ten top-quality Lingjings in the bag and they went to report quickly.

The Shaoyang sect sent Song Ye to meet the elders in the early days of fate, and the other party said politely: "How do you call a Taoist friend?

Song Yan smiled, and then whispered a text.

After listening to this text, Chu Tian's look changed dramatically, because the text read by Song Yong was definitely from an extremely sophisticated practice method.

[Author off topic]: One more

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