Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1243: Send you a fortune

A quarter of an hour later, Song Zheng met Wu Zhengyang, the lord of Shaoyang.

The other person was wearing a white robe, tall and tall, exuding a strong and just breath.

"This Taoist is polite, I don't know how to call it?" Wu Zhengyang asked politely.

"I've seen Lord Zong, and I'm in the next Song dynasty." Song Yan responded with a smile.

"It turned out to be Song Daoyou. I don't know what's going on with your friend?" Wu Zhengyang asked again.

Song Zheng looked upright and solemnly said, "Here is to send the fortune to Guizong."

Wu Zhengyang froze, and then laughed: "I also ask my friends to speak up." But with a little disdain in the depths of your eyes, you dare to say that when you were distracted at the beginning, you gave me the Shaoyang Sect to make a fortune. He was doubting that the person in front of him was a liar. I didn't know where to get part of the incomplete skills to frighten the elder, but the real purpose was to want to deceive in the Shaoyang school.

"Wu Zongzhu thinks, what is the reason restricting the Shaoyang Zong to sit up?" Song Yan asked suddenly with both hands.

Seeing this scene, Wu Zhengyang felt that Song Ye was playing tricks, and he became more of a liar, so the smile on his face disappeared and he said coldly, "Song Daoyou, there are still many things to deal with."

Song Yan heard the words, and immediately understood that the other party did not believe in himself, so he smiled lightly: "Well, since Wu Zongzhu doesn't believe in the next, let's go! Just leave!"

Holding his fists to Wu Zhengyang, Song Yan turned and walked outside the living room.

Want to escape?

Wu Zhengyang sneered. In his opinion, as long as he did not keep him, the other party would definitely find another excuse to stay and continue to flicker him.

But this time he guessed wrong, the other party walked without any clutter, walked out of the welcome room in a blink of an eye, and continued to move forward without looking back.

"Did I guess wrong?"

Wu Zhengyang frowned.

Seeing Song Yan's figure disappearing completely, Wu Zhengyang finally shouted, "Taoyou stay here!"

Song Ye turned around and looked at Wu Zhengyang, playing with taste: "Are the masters afraid of being a liar?"

Wu Zhengyang smiled awkwardly: "Taoyou said a joke."

Song Zheng walked back and stared at Wu Zhengyang: "Master, please answer my question just now!"

After hearing this, Wu Zhengyang thought about it: "I think there are three points that restrict the growth of the Shaoyang sect. First, the region, the second person, and the third top force!"

Song Zheng nodded secretly. It seems that Wu Zhengyang is also an understanding person. The size of the region represents the amount of resources. The excellence of the gatekeeper is otherwise related to the future development of Zongmen. Finally, if there is no top master sitting, a first-rate Zongmen Difficult to develop, such as Taiyi religion, if there is no immortal sitting in town, Taiyi religion will not develop to the point where it is today.

However, Wu Zhengyang still had reservations and did not mention the taxes from the Tang Dynasty and Taiyi Religion.

Song Song then said: "The first two points are actually just a problem. With a wide area, Guizong will naturally be able to obtain more resources and receive more and better gatekeepers. In my opinion, the second point that restricts the growth of the Shaoyang Zong should be It ’s from Taiyijiao! "

As soon as this word came out, Wu Zhengyang's face changed slightly, his eyes narrowed, and his eyes became more vigilant.

Song Yue continued: "There are 108 states in the Tang Dynasty, and each state has dozens of counties. The first-class schools or forces occupy at most a county's territory. Therefore, for thousands of years, there has been no The first-class sects break themselves and become the super-sects, and the strongest first-class sects occupy two or three counties. "

"Good!" Wu Zhengyang nodded sympathetically.

"Who caused this situation?"

Without waiting for Wu Zhengyang to answer, Song Zheng sneered and said, "Nature is too Yijiao. As long as Taiyijiao is not extinguished for a day, the world's first-class sects have no chance to be promoted to super power, because they control the exercises and resources.

There are so many first-class ancestors in the Tang Dynasty, but none of them can reach the robbery period, at the same time, as far as I know, any one of the first-class strengths has the potential to grow, the Taiyi religion will not hesitate to suppress them, Why do they do this, is it because they are worried that they are sitting up, threatening the status of Taiyi Religion? Even the Tang dynasty had to be restricted by them, and it was difficult to break through the union to reach the calamity, which shows how overbearing the Taiyi religion is! "

Wu Zhengyang's eyes flashed: "Song Daoyou said it right, but what can we do? Too much teaching is too strong, so strong that it is difficult to develop a resistance!"

There was a bit of helplessness, a bit of anger, and a little depression in his tone.

In terms of resources, the Shaoyang sect pays certain miracles and elixir to the Tang Dynasty and Taiyi religion every year, but these miracles and elixir have reached one half of the annual income.

20% of the Tang Dynasty, 30% of Taiyi taught.

Each year, half of the income is paid, and the rest must maintain the expenses of the Zongmen and the disciples 'cultivation. Therefore, the number of disciples must be limited each time, because the resources of the Zongmen are not enough, and the disciples' cultivation is higher. The more resources it consumes, especially the masters of fitness, the more resources they consume in practice, which is why each first-class sect can only support one fitness master, because one more can't afford it.

Only after the old generation master Shou Yuan was about to run out, Zongmen dared to cultivate new masters.

As for the reason why the masters of the fit will end up with Shou Yuan, it is because they have no follow-up exercises.

Feeling the change of Wu Zhengyang's emotions, Song Zheng said again: "Have you ever thought of such a problem. In the long run, the Taiyi Church, which cuts meat and drinks blood on everyone, is getting stronger and stronger, but the world's first-class ancestors can only remain the same. Even when a county's resources are exhausted, it will degenerate, so you will never break through and become a superpower! "

"So what?" Wu Zhengyang stared at Song Yi.

Song Yan lowered his voice, with a bit of confusion in his voice: "Now there is a chance, but there are some risks, just look at the suzerain?"

"what chance?"

Wu Zhengyang asked.

"Destroy the Taiyi religion and the desolate state!" Song Yan said in a word.

"How is that possible?" Wu Zhengyang lost his voice.

"Why isn't it possible?" Song Yan smiled.

"Who the **** are you?" Wu Zhengyang stared at Song Yan coldly, full of vigilance.

Song Yan continued: "It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that I can help the Shaoyang Zong grow stronger. After destroying the Taihuangzhou sub-Altar, the treasure house's resources can be taken away by 20%!"

The resources in the Taihuangzhou branch are the resources collected by the 38 first-rate forces for hundreds of years. Even if only 20% of the resources are collected, that is a huge income.

Suddenly, Wu Zhengyang's face changed dramatically, and he said after a while: "20% is not worth our adventure!"

Song Yan smiled, knowing that Wu Zhengyang was excited: "This is only one of the conditions. After it is done, I can give Guizong a book of advanced exercises that can be practiced to the later stage of integration!"

"That's what it is!"

A sudden voice sounded, and then saw a skinny old man step in.

[Digression by the author]: Two more, thank you [The King of the Great God 234] [My Dream Flying] [Sha Zhou Leng] [The Lone Ranger] Four great rewards

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