Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1264: I am your dog

Chapter 1264 I'm Your Dog

With more than a year of retreat in the shrine, Song Yun's level of prohibition has soared, and he has successfully broken the third prohibition in the five-parcel banner.

With the opening of the third level of prohibition, the power of the five-parcel flag is increased by more than ten times. It can be used to arrange the formation even if the masters are trapped, but this is not enough to slam the Taiyi religion because There is a robbery period and the fairy sits in town.

Therefore, he used the emperor's emperor to rob him of his relatives. In order to convince the Taiyi religion that the emperor was his real body, he even put on the black sword and installed millions of superb spirit crystals in the storage spirit ring.

And his true body has been lurking in the Six Prince's Mansion. Until now, it was confirmed that there were no masters who were too apocalyptic in the surrounding area before he appeared.

As for the avatars locked in the demon prison, if he wants to, he can take them back immediately, but he will not do so. Taiyijiao took his ink black sword and millions of superb spirits, how can they not let them pay some cost.

Splitting several swords with the strongest strength, seeing that he still could not shake the barrier for half a minute, Li Sixuan had no choice but to give up.

He turned back and stared anxiously at Song Yan: "What do you want?"

"Rest assured, for the sake of the Four Princes, I won't kill you, but you don't want to keep it for your self-cultivation!" Song Yan said lightly.

"No, you can't abandon my cultivation!"

Li Sixuan shouted in horror that Xiu was abolished and that he would become an ordinary person, which he couldn't accept.

"You have no choice!"

As soon as the words fell, Song Ye stepped out to Li Sixuan and pointed to his brows.

"Song Ye, let me die!"

Li Sixuan growled, his expression defying his sword.


With a flick of his finger, the long sword in Li Sixuan's hand was shot and at the same time, his other finger had hit his eyebrow.


Like the sound of a balloon leaking, Li Sixuan ’s practice is rapidly disintegrating, and his realm is falling rapidly. With just a few breaths, his practice has fallen to the beginning of distraction.

Song Kun directly broke his sea of ​​knowledge, even if he wanted to rebuild it later.

Feeling this, Li Sixuan's face became pale: "You are so vicious!"

Song Zheng calmly said: "It's not counted. I have spared you once last time. You still have to fight against me. If you die, you must bear the tears!"

In just half a quarter of an hour, Li Sixuan changed from a late distraction to an ordinary person, and the whole person suddenly grew old, from a handsome young man to a decadent middle-aged man.

The repair is obsolete. Li Sixuan will grow older in the following days. Even if he has the elixir support, he will not live for a hundred years.


A hand knife stunned Li Sixuan, Song Ye returned to Li Tianluo, grabbed her hand, and said quietly, "Would you like to leave the world with me?"


Li Tianluo nodded heavily. After this incident, Li Tianluo said that the whole heart was tied to Song Yong.

"Take me out of here!"

Li Tianluo looked up and looked at Song Yi.

"No hurry, I have some things to deal with in Wangcheng. You can rest in the advanced temple." Song Yan embraced Li Tianluo into his arms and asked her advice softly.

After hearing that, there was a hint of complexity in Li Tianluo's eyes. She faintly guessed what Song Yan was going to deal with, but she didn't ask much. This time, the Taiyi religion really disappointed her.

After incorporating Li Tianluo into the temple, Song Yong stole the five-parcel flag, and then stepped into the temple and used the shuttle function of the temple to shuttle to the demon prison.

The temple can pass through even the world barriers. Therefore, the demon prison of Taiyi religion can prevent the masters from entering and leaving, but it cannot stop the temple.

The Shuttle World consumes a lot, but Shuttle Demon Consumption only consumes a thousand superb Lingjing, which is within Song Yang's tolerance.

The monster prison is heavy.

The emperor who was practicing cross-legged suddenly looked up.

When the waves of the sky flashed, Song Xun stepped out, and the emperor's emperor saw the situation, and directly turned into a light and shadow and merged into him.

At this moment, two figures blasted out from not far away, showing that they were Zhou Laoguai and Black Widow.

"Black widow, this kid is really as powerful as you said?" Zhou Laogua looked at Song Yan, his voice suspicious.

"If you don't believe it, just try it." Black Widow sneered.

"Forget it, Zhenyuan's preciousness must not be wasted, but you and I will take this kid together!" Zhou Laogua warned.

Song Yong's voice suddenly sounded: "Black Widow, I just spared your life just now, this kind of thing is not the second time. I give you a chance to redeem your guilt and win the old man. I can not care about you. ! "

I heard that the black widow could not help but be a bit taboo, but thought that she was injured only out of care, and now she is doing her best to cooperate with Zhou Laogua again. It is still no problem to win this kid. Thinking of this, she couldn't help it As a self-channel: "Boy, where are you brazen? After catching you, your mother will eat you alive!"

"Quack, eat well alive, I like it too!" Zhou Laowei laughed strangely.

"Do it!"

With a light drink, the black widow shot first. She was extremely fast, and the rustling sound pulled out a series of afterimages, and her hands turned into a pair of sharp ghost claws and grabbed Song Song.

Zhou Laogua followed closely behind, stamped into fists, and bombarded and killed Song Song with a breath of air.

Facing the attack of the two, Song Yan raised his eyebrows gently, and then banged two punches in a row.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

Between humming, the figures of Zhou Laogua and Black Widow fell back at the same time and fell hundreds of meters away.

"How can it be?"

The moment they were knocked off, they shouted incredulously. They never dreamed that they were not an early distraction opponent.

"Run away!"

The two rolled over and climbed up, turning into two streams of light and fleeing in different directions.

Seeing this, Song Yan's lips flickered with disdain: "Give me back!"

I saw that his body just shook, and then saw the two men who fled from different directions vomited blood and flew back.

"Either surrender or die!"

Song Yan looked at the two and said lightly.

"I'm willing to surrender to the son!"

Zhou Laogua and the black widow fell to the ground at the same time.

"Don't resist!"

Song Yanyin broke the two bans into the sea of ​​knowledge of the two. Although this ban could not reverse their minds like maggots, it could serve as a deterrent.

"Ah! Ah!"

Suddenly, Zhou Laoguai and Black Widow both screamed and started to roll on the ground, begging for mercy:

"My son's life!"

"My son spares his life!"

As soon as Song Min was moved, they both felt loose and the pain receded like a tide.

"If you don't want to come back again, you better be honest!" Song Yan said lightly.

"My son rest assured that Zhou Laoguai will be your dog after you, bite whoever you ask me to bite!" Zhou Laoguai quickly loyally said.

"Very well, since you are my dog, I can't treat you as a master!"

During the conversation, Song Yong threw ten pieces of superb Lingjing: "This is enough for you to recover and repair!"

"Enough, Enough! Thank you master for your reward!" Zhou Laogua said with excitement. He took the gimmick with a pinch, and the black widow on the side saw his loyalty.

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