Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1265: Push

Song Yong also took out ten pieces of superb Lingjing and threw it to him, and said, "Hurry up and recover."


The two nodded, and immediately sat not far away to soak up the aura in the Need for Spirit to recover.

They have their own cultivation in the later part of the distraction. It is only the lack of vitality in the demon prison that caused their cultivation to fall to the middle of the distraction. Now they have the superb spirit crystal, so they only recover in half an hour. At its peak.

And only used a piece of Need Lingjing.

After Xiu's recovery, the two did not regret the real yuan. The dirt outside the body was removed when the real yuan rolled in the body.

"I plan to subdue all the practitioners in this heavy demon prison, you two lead the way!" Song Yan's voice sounded again.


The two respectfully responded that they were both respectful and awesome to the new worship master. In fact, what they were most curious about was how the other party brought Ling Jing to the demon prison. You must know that all the practitioners who were put into the demon prison Will be searched by Taiyi.

Being able to bring Ling Jing into the demon prison under the search of Tai Yijiao, it is not easy to rely on this ability. You must know that someone had hidden the stored spirit in the chrysanthemum, and was still searched out by Tai Yijiao.

Others swallowed Lingjing directly into the body and were still forcibly removed.

In short, there are many people who have tried many methods and have not escaped the search of Taiyijiao.

"Well, there is a black widow in Chou, you got a new guy!"

As soon as he stepped out of this area, there was a sturdy young man wearing only one pair of pants walking forward, and his eyes toward Song Yan were full of greed.

"Take it down!"

Song Yan said lightly.


Apart from that, Zhou Laogua and the black widow rushed out directly and launched an attack on the strong young man.

The strong young man was attacked and defeated by the two, and he shouted angrily: "Chou old man, do you want to break the rules of the black widow!"

"Wei Gang, for the sake of everyone's acquaintance for many years, you had better catch it!" Zhou Laoguai laughed.

"Aren't you afraid of being besieged by everyone?" Wei Gang continued to growl.

"Huh, I don't know!"

"Bang bang bang!"

With a series of collisions, a strong young man named Wei Gang was finally unable to resist the joint attack of the two and was captured.

Zhou Laoguai brought Wei Gang to Song Jun and forced him to kneel.

"Give you two choices, either die or surrender, which one do you choose?" Song Yan asked indifferently. For these guys who rely on cannibalism to maintain their cultivation, they can't use it, then they will kill them directly. He won't A little bit soft.

"I am willing to surrender!" Wei Gang said without hesitation.

Song Xun nodded with satisfaction, broke a ban into Wei Gang's knowledge, and let him feel the taste.

Later, he took out three superb Lingjings and threw them to Wei Gang to restore him to cultivation.

In the next few hours, Song Xun subdued six practitioners in succession, but this also attracted the attention and vigilance of other practitioners.

So, after half an hour, Song Zheng had just stepped into an area with people and was surrounded by more than 20 practitioners.

"I didn't expect you to trust a new guy!"

A black-faced man headed out, coldly.

"Boss Ding!"

Seeing this man, Zhou Laoguai Black Widow and others all changed their face, because this Zhou boss was very strong. When he was put into demon prison, his cultivation was about to enter the fit period. After so many years, Although his cultivation has declined, he still stays in the late distraction.

The other party continued: "Okay, since you have violated the rules, then I have a reason to kill you, brothers, kill me, one is not left!"

With the wave of Boss Ding, more than 20 practitioners rushed towards Song Ye and others.

Because there is no vitality in the demon prison, the powerful Taoism cannot be cast at all, and the magical powers on his body are searched by Taiyijiao. Therefore, when he is divided into deities, he fights like a warrior on earth, relying on martial art With magical powers.

Although Zhou Laoguai and others restored Xiuwei, they are stronger than the people in front of them, but the true quality of everyone is at the same level, so he can not occupy much of the cheap, but fell into the disadvantage of the number of people.



The sword came out of the sheath and Song Kun disappeared.


Between the blood splatters, four heads flew up.

"Boy is looking for death!"

Seeing this scene, Ding Lao was greatly shocked and waved his fist towards Song Ye.


Song Kun cut a sword backhand. The seemingly powerful Boss Ding was chopped directly by a sword. Even a bloodless Taiyi teachings could not stop his sword, let alone Boss Ding.


After cutting Fei Ding with a sword, Song Yong killed two of them in a row, and then gave a light drink: "Everyone will give me a hand, otherwise I will die!"

The death of the six companions effectively deterred the remaining people, and they all jumped out of the battlefield and stared in awe at Song Yong.

"Either surrender or die, and give you three breaths to consider!" Song Yan said again.

As a result, there were no suspense. Nineteen people including Boss Ding surrendered. Song Ye did not dislike the trouble either. They banned them one by one in their knowledge of the sea, and let them try the painful taste, and then took out Need for Ling Jing to restore them to cultivation.

At this time, the number of Song Jun's men increased sharply to 28.

Next, Song Yan took the 28 rehabilitated practitioners all the way to push them all the way, conquering the rest of the human race, some of them were taunting, and Song Yan was too lazy to talk nonsense with them. And killed directly.

Therefore, in the end, Song Yan conquered a total of 72 practitioners, all of whom were late in distraction.

After the human beings were solved, it was time to solve the nine demons.

The nine demons had long discovered the fighting on the territories of the human race. When they saw Song Ye coming with seventy-two restored monks, they surrendered directly, which made a dry tribe monk regret.

Even though these nine demon monks are degraded, their strength is still very strong. After restoration, they can easily defeat the late distraction of the human race.

Now, it's time to look for the practitioners who have been hiding in the dark.

There is no trace of vitality in the demon prison, so without plants and water, it is almost dead.

The group of men underwent a rush, and soon locked in the places where the monks were lurking.

Song Zheng rushed to the brigade directly.

Then they found four practitioners who buried themselves in the soil. They didn't breathe and their heart stopped beating like dead people. But Song Kun knew that they had performed a special method similar to the Turtle Breath, so that They fall into a state of false death, so that they can minimize their own consumption.

"Did you come out by yourself, or did I let you dig you out!" Song Yan said in a deep voice.

"No need! Let's come out by ourselves!"

A dry voice sounded, and then four figures rushed from the ground ...

[Author off topic]: Three updates are complete

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