Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1266: Disciple of Phoenix Tianjiao

Chapter 1266 The Disciples of Phoenix Tianjiao

The four are three men and one woman, all of which are relatively thin.

"For many years, I have waited for your well water to not violate the river water. What are you doing here when you arrive?"

One of them spoke, faintly questioning, discerning from his voice that it was the voice that had previously responded to Song Yong.

"Bold, my master is here to solicit you. If you are interested, you will be obedient and let go, and let my master plant a restraint on you, otherwise you will have to wait and try our means!"

Zhou Laoqi jumped out and shouted at the man.

"Yes, my master is wise and savvy. The four of you can worship your master is a blessing from your past lives!" The black widow was unwilling to let Zhou Laogua take the limelight and jump out and shouted.

"Ha ha!"

The other side smiled contemptuously: "We don't want to be hostile to you, but we are not humiliating people. Come on, don't disturb me to sleep."


"I don't know why!"

Hearing that Zhou Laoguai and Black Widow couldn't help anger.

At this moment, Song Zheng raised his hand, and Zhou Laogua and the Black Widow both closed their mouths quickly.

"I don't know why the four were put into demon prison?" Song Yan stepped forward and asked Shen Sheng.

The other party responded lightly: "It has nothing to do with you. I don't want to be your enemy, but please don't provoke me to wait!"

Hearing that Song Yan was not angry, but showed a bit of interest. On his own, there were 81 people in the late stage of distraction, but there were only four people on the other side, but there was no fear. They must be dependent.

"Strange Zhou, black widow, you take someone to take down four of them!"

While talking, Song Yan backed away.

Zhou Laoguai and Black Widow were overjoyed, leading ten people to surround four people together.


The next moment, the twelve distracted rushed towards the four together in the later period.

"court death!"

The four eyes were cold, and they faced the battle without fear.

As soon as they fought, the four of them showed extremely powerful combat power. With a long arm, they shot eight people in a row. Song Yu saw this, his eyes couldn't help but a slight glance. He was not the big devil in the novel , Have to wait for the protagonist to kill his younger brother one by one before pretending to play like a force.

So he waved: "Let's go together!"

Suddenly, the remaining sixty-nine distractions all rolled up in the later period, and jointly launched an attack on four people.

"Boom boom!"

The blast of energy continued to explode. Under the siege of eighty-one people, the four seemed to be defensive and had no counterattack, but Song Kun who watched the battle found that the four had no real strength.

So he said again: "Kill one person, and award a hundred superb spirit crystals."

In the demon prison without the slightest vitality, Lingjing represents cultivation and life. Therefore, all the 81 practitioners broke out with a combat power of 10% or even 12%. Do n’t be ordinary. Attacked four people.

Suddenly, the four finally felt the pressure and finally dared not have any reservations to burst out of real strength.

"Wow! Huh! Wow! Wow!"

The robes of the four were all torn apart, but their bodies swelled in circles.

"Bang bang bang!"

The body was expanded, and the strength of the four people was increased at least two to three times. I saw that they stepped out and successively punched out, throwing each practitioner to the air.

In just a moment, more than a dozen people were severely wounded and lost their combat effectiveness.

At this time, Song Yuan also saw the mystery. These four people have cultivated a very powerful method of refining the body and exerting it. If they can use the power of heaven and earth outside the prison, they may not be able to perform So powerful.

But here, there is no aura between the heavens and the earth, and the strength of the spiritualists has been greatly reduced. As time goes by, their combat power has also improved a lot.

"Stay back!"


Zhou Laoguai and the black widow were relieved, and quickly drew back, staring at the four with a bit of taboo.

"Let's make a bet!" Song Yan looked at the four, saying, "I will fight the four of you alone. If you win, we will withdraw. If you lose, how about becoming my servant?"

"You dream!" An angry expression appeared on all four faces.

Song Yan smiled: "Although your refining method is powerful, there are time limits. And there is no replenishment in the heavens and earth. Based on this, I have so many people, even if you consume it, you can consume you! "

Hearing that all four had their pupils shrunk, apparently being hit by Song Kun.

After a while, one of them said, "This bet is not fair, we won't get anything!"

"Well, if you win, how about I give you a thousand pieces of Superb Lingjing?" Song Yan said again.

For a while, all four eyes were bright and they were very excited. Although they have the Turtle Breath method to reduce their own consumption to the minimum, they still have consumption. If there is a thousand superb Spirit Crystals, relying on the Turtle Breath method, They can last at least a thousand years.

"Do you talk?"

"You have no choice but to believe me!" Song Yan chuckled.

"Okay, I hope you can keep your bet!" The man said a bit angrily.

"Be careful!"

As soon as the words fell, Song Yan took a step forward, at the same time, his body swelled up suddenly, and instantly turned into a ten-foot-high.

The world of law! !! !!


Song Yan, who became a giant, soared in strength, waved his hands and shot four palms in succession towards the four.


The four did not flinch, but directly met Song Ye's palm.

"Bang bang bang!"

At the next moment, the figures of the four looked like straw, and they were shot and fluttered by Song Kun, falling hundreds of meters away.

"My son is mighty!"

Seeing this, Zhou Laogua was so excited that he shouted quickly, and when others saw it, he shouted with him.

After a long while, the four stood up slowly, with blood spilling from the corners of their mouths, and obviously the palm had already suffered a minor injury.

"Do you want to continue?" Song Yan asked with a smile, but his voice was like thunder.


The four of them slammed again, and Song Yong waved and patted them, just like flapping flies. Then, the four of them flew out again.

"Wow wow wow !!"

The four of them stood up strenuously, could not help but cough up blood, and ate another hand of Song Yan, and they were more seriously injured.

"Why, even more?" Song Yan laughed.

"Well, we are willing to submit to you!"


Song Xuan folded up the world of law, flashed in shape, brushed past the four, and then punched the four magical powers into their bodies.

Suddenly, all four's expressions became stunned.

"Don't resist, or die!" Song Yan threatened.

It was said that the tangled colors flashed on the faces of the four, but they eventually gave in.

After half a while, the four were all enslaved by Puppet Supernatural Powers. Song Wei waved his hand to signal Zhou Laogua and others to go to the side first, and then stared at the four people: "Tell me your origin!"

"See the master, I am a disciple of Phoenix Tianjiao!" The four bowed to the ground, unison.

Hearing that, Song Kun was shocked. He did not expect that Taiyijiao was so bold that he dared to put the disciples of Phoenix Tianjiao into demon prison.

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