Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1268: Bear King's Nest

Song Xuan called the two combined monsters aside and asked them about the duality of the monster prison.

The banshee Xiu is called Ying Lan. The native is a blue eagle. She has been put into demon jail for more than 2,000 years. The old demon is called Xi Xi. Its body is a mutant rhino. He was put into demon jail for a longer time. Reaching more than 4,000 years, Shou Yuan has been close to 10,000 years, and there are few years to live well.

In their description, the demon prisoner is divided into nine areas, and the largest one is a powerful demon repairer called the lion king. This lion king repairer has reached the late stage of integration, but it is unique King.

The leaders of the other eight regions have to confess to him, so the Lion King's life is very nourishing, at least much better than other creatures in the demon prison.

The other eight regional leaders, Yao Xiu occupied five, and only three were human beings.

One of the leaders has been chopped by Song Ye, the strong man Xiu Xiong Wang just now, his body is a black bear.

There is an agreement between the eight leaders, and the guard channel is rotated every three years. Therefore, as long as the monk who is one of the demon prisoners enters the two, they will fall into the hands of the eight leaders. The end is generally miserable and will be reduced to blood .

The environment of the demon prison is much better than that of the demon prison. You can see the vegetation and grasslands and small woods, but there is still no vitality.

The Bear King had six men in the early stage of the merger. Ying Lan and Yun Xi followed the panda to stay in the passage, and the other four monsters stayed in the nest.

"Go, go to the bear's nest!" Song Yong waved his hand, motioning Ying Lan and Yunxi to lead the way.

"Master, there are so many people moving forward together, it's a little swaying. If found by other leaders, it will cause trouble!" Ying Lan said worriedly.


Song Yong waved his hand, and there was a five-par spear in the flag, even if he came later in the fit, there was no fear.

As a result, a group of more than eighty people flew towards the bear king's territory quickly.

"Well, isn't that Yinglan and Xixi under the Bear King's hands? Why are there so many blood foods around them? Did all these blood foods come back from the demon prison, and then they were beaten up by the King of the Bear?"

In a small mountain valley, a pure black mouse the size of a slap, those cold eyes were staring closely at a team moving forward hundreds of meters away.

"The luck of the bear king is also very good. Actually, he caught more than 80 blood meals in the late part of the distraction. No, I have to report this to the rat king to know, and take a cup from the bear king."

Thinking of this, the pure black mouse plunged into a smooth mouse hole inside the mountain valley and disappeared.

For half an hour during the march, Song Yong took the team to the bear king's territory.

Territory, in fact, is just a humble building.


Black shadows flashed, and a thin middle-aged monkey with a beak-shaped beak wearing a yellow robe appeared in front of the team. He glanced greedily over Song Kun and others, and then addressed Ying Lan and Yun Xi Dao: Coming blood food? Well, that's great, Benzu hasn't had enough food for a long time! "

During his speech, his green eyes slowly swept Song Song and others, so that the black widow and others had a chilling chill.

"Master, this guy's body is a weasel, treacherous and sly, loves to take advantage, and is also timid and afraid of death!"

Ying Lan introduced to Song Yi.

When we heard Ying Lan's title to Song Yan, the weasel stared at Song Yan with suspicion and looked at it. He was obviously a kid in the early stages of distraction. How did Ying Lan call him a master?

"Ying Lan, what do you mean, Bear King?" The Weasel was a little more alert.

"The Bear King has been beheaded by the owner, and now both Xixi and I have surrendered to the owner, Huang Pizi has not come to meet the owner!" Ying Lan yelled loudly.

The weasel was stunned, and then said unbelievably: "Impossible, this boy is only distracted at the beginning, how could he kill the bear king!"

"Presumptuous, Huang Pizi, how dare you disrespect your master!"

When Ying Lan's eyes were cold, he went straight to the weasel.

"Ying Lan, what do you crazy lady want to do? You can't stop!" The weasel shouted loudly while resisting.

"Master, do you need a subordinate to go up to help?" Yunxi whispered to Song Yan, his life is about to run out, and if he uses it for one more point, he will have to live a little longer, so he is afraid to be as wantive as Ying Lan. Swing repair.

"No need!" Song Yan raised his hand. Judging from the situation, Ying Lan had the upper hand.

Suddenly, the three figures flashed, and three more people were added, but they were the three other bear kings.

Yunxi quickly introduced: "Master, the one on the left is called Bai Huihui, the body is a white snake, the middle is called Leopard, the body is a leopard, the right is called Zhu Tiangang, and the body is a black pig!"

"Ying Lan, Huang Pizi, what are you doing, can't stop!" Bao Tian shouted sharply.

"Leopard Boss, this mother-in-law is crazy, it's not my yellow skin who doesn't want to stop, it's this mother-in-law who bites me!" The weasel screamed.

Hearing that, Leopard Tian frowned slightly, and she cried, "Bai Huihui, Zhu Tiangang, please go and separate them!"

"Ying Lan, let's go!" Song Su suddenly said.

"It's the master!"

Song Yong waved a hand, and took advantage of Huang Pizi's opportunity to dodge back to Song Yan's side.

Seeing this and hearing the words, the three demon leopards stared suspiciously at Song Ye.

Then Leopard asked, "Yu Xi, what's the situation?"

"The Bear King is dead. Now I and Ying Lan have worshiped His Majesty." Xi Xi pointed respectfully at Song Ye.

"Hahaha! Yu Lan, Xi Xi, the two of you really lived and went back, and worshipped under the help of a kid in the early part of the distraction, it was like losing our demon's face!" Zhu Tiangang laughed wantonlyly, There was scorn and sneer in the laughter.

"Zhu Tiangang, you're looking for death!" Ying Lan was about to burst out of anger, but was pressed by Song Yang on his shoulders: "Stop being calm!"

The next moment, Song Yan stepped out, slowly glanced at the four fit monsters, and said, "I will give you ten minutes to consider, surrender or die, choose by yourself!"

"Boy are you talking in a dream, what qualifications did you have in the early days of distraction to make us surrender?" Zhu Tiangang sneered, and then stared greedily at Song Wei: "You kid, who has fine skin and tender meat, must be very delicious. "

"Master, villain is willing to surrender!"

Just then, Huang Pizi stepped forward and fell to his knees before Song Yan.

"Huangpizi, what do you mean?" Seeing this, Zhu Tiangang shouted loudly.

"You made a smart choice!"

Song Yan smiled and said to Huang Pizi, "Come, let go of your Yuan Shen!"

"Yes!" Huang Pizi quickly let go of his eyes, and let Song Kun punch a magical power into his Yuanshen. Because there was no resistance, Huang Pizi was immediately enslaved by Wu Lingzi, looking at Song Xu's eyes even more. Respectful.

[Author off topic]: One more, Happy New Year everyone

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