Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1269: War fit

Chapter 126 War Fit

Seeing this scene, Leopard's complexion became a little dignified. Although Huang Pizi was timid and afraid of death, he was definitely the smartest one. Therefore, his surrender in the early part of the distraction must be watching What's going on.

"Baotian, what should we do?" Bai Huihui asked.

"I'll test him first!" Leopard responded, then his eyes fell on Song Yan, and Shen Sheng asked, "What's your name?"

"Song Yan!" Song Yan responded calmly.

"There is a saying that we are strong among our demons. I have a suggestion. We might as well take a test. If you win, we can surrender to you. If you lose, then you have to surrender. For us, do you dare? "

"Master, although the strength of Leopard Sky is not as good as the Bear King, it is the strongest of us!" Ying Lan reminded through a voice of the heart.

It is said that Song Yun could not help showing his thoughtfulness. He has been in the early stage of distraction for some time. It seems that after many battles, most of them have won through matrix formation or strategy, and did not agree with him. The fit master turned up front.

If it is possible to have a positive battle with the master of fit, it will also be of great benefit to his cultivation.

"Okay, I promise you!"

The next moment, the men and women on both sides dispersed, leaving a clear space for Song Kun and Leopard Tian as the battlefield.

"Be careful!"

Leopard Tian drank softly and stepped out, approaching Song Yi three meters in front of him, raising his hand and punching.

His fists were very heavy, and before reaching his body, Song Yong felt a sense of suffocation and depression.


The spirit sword came out of the sheath and chopped on the opponent's fist before the opponent's fist hit his chest.


With a loud noise, Song Kun was shocked, and his body was bumped back and forth by the huge force on the opponent's fist.

Leopard Tian looked at the Lingjian in the hands of Song Kun unexpectedly, secretly, this kid can actually bring the Lingjian into the monster prison, not easy!

In the turmoil of his mind, he stepped up to catch up with Song Yong and punched again.

This punch was stronger. After the bombardment, all the void in front of it collapsed, and Song Zheng was in the center of the collapsed void.


Skybreaking sword intention erupted from Song Yan's body, shattering the various forces around him, and turning the spirit sword in his hand into an afterimage, chopping off again and again!


With a series of collisions, Song Xun's body continued to recede, while Leopard Tian punched almost like a punch. The powerful punch shocked Song Xun very uncomfortably, and there was an urge to vomit blood.


The next moment Song Kun launched a light drink, the sword changed, and the sky's sword shot wildly, covering the leopard sky.

Huh! !!

Each sword is extremely sharp, and can easily penetrate the void. Under the many swords, Leopard Tian is not afraid. He squeezed his hands with his hands, and a pair of mysterious runes appeared on his fists.


The two punches blasted out, and the monstrous punches broke out, and all the sword qi around them was crushed.

However, Song Yan took the opportunity to retreat a few hundred meters away.

Staring at Song Yan, a few hundred meters away, Leopard grinned: "The warm-up is over, you deserve me to use your real strength to fight you!"


A terrifying roar emanated from Leopard's mouth, forming a circle of sound waves, where the sound waves passed, the collapse of the void, and the impact of this sound wave, there was blood overflowing from Song Nao's mouth and nose.


As soon as he was in shape, he was out of the scope of sonic attack, his hands were stunned, and there was an invisible air flow around his body.

"Kill! Sting!"

He held a long sword and turned into a ghost that was difficult for even a master to kill him to kill Leopard.


With a loud noise, Baotian waved his fist to meet him, and Song Ye stepped back again. Unlike the last time, this time, his figure was a little more calm, because he used the magical trick.

On the other hand, Leopard Sky, but a small scar on his fist, a drop of golden blood dripping out of it.

"I can't think that the master is not only extremely powerful, but even the combat power can actually hurt Leopard Sky with the initial distraction!" Said Xi Xi with a sigh.

When Zhu Tiangang saw this scene, his face was a bit gloomy. Leopard ’s strength was better than him and he was hurt in the kid ’s hand. If he played, I ’m afraid he ’s not his opponent. For a time, he was blindfolded A layer of shadow.

The next moment, the light flashed on Leopard's fist, but after the light, the tiny wound did not heal!


Leopard Sky was very surprised. He could not repair a small wound with his true Yuan. How did he know that he was injured under the Heavenly Sword Technique, and the Heavenly Sword Technique is the Immortal Sword Technique. Even if the injury of the master of the robbery is difficult to recover in a short time under the sky breaking sword.


Song Kun took the initiative to strike, killing Leopard with a sword!


Leopard Tian Lengheng, no matter the scar on the fist, throw a punch accordingly.


The two continued to collide with each other. Song Zhe was hit and fly again and again, but killed again and again, like an undead God of War!

During the confrontation again and again, he was injured and bleed many times, but he did not hesitate, but Leopard Tian was scratched with several scars that were difficult to heal.

However, although these scars are difficult to heal, they have little effect on Leopard Sky.

"Boy, if you have only this ability, then you will be defeated today!" Leopard drank lightly, his hands throbbed, and an outrageous momentum rose from his body.


Two consecutive blows crashed into Song Yong.

"Puff puff!"

Song Yan spit out several old blood and was smashed into flight!

The light of life was shining, and the injuries in his body were quickly repaired.


Leopard sky roared again, bullying himself, and not giving Song Yang a chance to relax his breath.


After several collisions, Song Ye vomited blood again and flew up, and he was worried about the old widows and black Lan Xi and other people. He secretly said, "Is the master defeated?"


Leopard sky drank in his heart, and his eyes shot two murderous arrows like sharp arrows, his fists suddenly lighted up, and the shocking gods burst out.


Leopard Tian took several steps in succession, and each step had to break through a void. In a few steps, he caught up with Song Yan, the huge fist burst out, and a big punch was going to smash Song Yan into pieces .

"not good!"

Ying Lan and Xun Xi's faces changed greatly, and one after another burst out, and Huang Pizi followed suit, trying to save Song Yan.


Bai Huihui and Zhu Tiangang snorted and shot out, blasting out a series of attacks and intercepting the three.

"You all give me back!"

Song Kun burst into drink, his body suddenly soared to more than ten feet high, and the spirit sword in his hand also burst out several feet long swordsman.


A huge spirit sword slashed out of his hand.


The loud noise radiated to the surroundings with boundless air waves.


Song Yan's huge body was overturned and he vomited blood, and Leopard's body was also split to withdraw hundreds of meters to stabilize his figure.

Looking at the huge body that Song Yan stood up again, Leopard Tian had a taboo in his eyes. He did not expect that under his lore, his opponent was not dead, and he could be slightly injured.

And Ying Lan and others were very pleased to see this scene.


Leopard drank a low voice, and his body was twisted. The next moment, he showed his body, but it was a giant leopard that was five or six feet tall and seven or eight sheets long.

After the demon Xiu showed his body, his strength would be improved by at least 20% to 30%. When he saw this, Song Yan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and his life was inspired by the light of life. At the same time, he had a pair of **** wings behind him.

The blood **** wings were purchased by him with 10 billion fame in the future world.


The two tussled together again, even worse.

"Puff puff!"

There was a thick **** smell in the air, and after a short while, the two separated.

There were several cricket wounds on Song Kun's body, and two wounds showing deep bleeding from bones appeared on Leopard's body.

"Come again!"

Leopard Sky has been aroused fiercely, ignoring the injuries on his body, and slaughtered again.

Song Yan frowned, because after this encounter, he has understood his own limits and can overcome the general early stage of integration. However, he is still a half behind in the early stage of integration like Leopard Sky. .

"Boom boom!"

The two culled together again, even more tragic!

The next moment, Song Xie stumbled out and hit the ground heavily.


Leopard sky took the opportunity to smash, and the huge leopard claws flickered into the head of Song Zheng with the cold cold light.

Space is stagnant!

Suddenly, Song Yan gave a light drink.

Suddenly, a small stagnant space formed.

And Leopard's claws stagnate on his head for half a minute, and he can almost penetrate his skull.

Suddenly, a clicking sound came, but the small stagnant space was about to shatter.

Song Yan did not dare to neglect, wielding his sword again and again.


Leopard Sky finally broke through the small space, but Jian Qi was approaching, he opened his mouth to drink, and a pair of claws patted out in a row.

However, Song Yong had a plan. When the opponent sent the swords to the fly or shattered them, the fourth trick of Tiantianjianjue was performed with blood.


The blood-red Jianguang hole penetrated Leopard's body, and a huge blood hole appeared.

After Song Ye performed the blood-staining trick, the body's true yuan was almost emptied, and he could no longer maintain the world of law, retracted to the size of a normal person, and the blood **** wings agitated behind him, and he hid away from a kilometer. It is to prevent Leopard Sky's counterattack.


A lot of blood flowed out of Leopard's wound. He stared fiercely at Song Yan, trying to tear it apart, but in the end, he gave up, removed the body, and restored the human form.

"I lost!"

He told Song.

And Song Yong finally let out a sigh of relief. If Leopard wants to continue to do something, he can only play matrix formations.

"Master, are you okay!"

Ying Lan greeted him, holding Song Yan who seemed to be crumbling.

"Anyway, protect me!"

During the conversation, Song Yong broke free of Ying Lan's hand and sat down in the same place. After such a battle, he finally felt the call of mid-distraction, so he must break through immediately.


A large number of superb spirit crystals shattered, and a pure aura was sucked into Song Ye's body. After half an hour, Song Ye's self-cultivation had reached its peak again, and his eyes flashed, and murmured: "It's time for a breakthrough!"

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