Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1270: Rat king

Song Kun manipulated Zhenyuan to rush towards the mid-distraction midnight.


As if the thunder that had begun in the chaos exploded inside Yuan Ying, the Thunder represented destruction, so his Yuan Ying burst into pieces.

But the Thunder also has endless vitality.

Nourished by a mysterious power, the broken Yuanying began to slowly form and condense.

One quarter of an hour.

Two quarters.

Half an hour.

After an hour, the broken Yuanying finally reunited and formed. Compared with the former, it seems to be more solid, the features more clear, and a kind of indescribable charm, which is the sign of Yuancheng's success.

With a change of heart, hundreds of superb spirit crystals flew out of the storage spirit ring and shattered. Suddenly, Song Kun's body was permeated with a large amount of essence aura condensed into mist.


Like a male whale swallowing water, the aura that diffused around his body was quickly incorporated into his body, and later transformed into a true element and flowed into Yuan Ying.

Breaking through to the middle of the distraction, Yuan Ying's ability to accommodate the true Yuan has increased by at least five or six times. In fact, in ancient times, there were only three great realms for practitioners, namely refining refined gas, refining gas, and refining God.

Jindan can be condensed by refining refined gas to perfection, and Yuanshen can be condensed by refining gas to perfection, and Xianji can be condensed in the body by refining the **** to the point of consummation.

The distracting period can only be regarded as the later period of refining and gasifying the god.

The key to breaking the distraction to fit is to transform Yuan Ying into Yuan Shen.

Closer to home, because there are a large number of superb spiritual crystals, only two hours, the Yuan Ying in Song Wei's body has reached a full state, in the future only need to slowly temper those true elements.

"So luxurious!"

Seeing that Song Yong spent more than 2,000 pieces of superb Lingjing in just a few hours, even the combined masters such as Infant Lanxi have also felt a waste.


Exhaling a stale air, Song Yong rose to his feet. In the early part of the distraction, his Zhenyuan was better than the late parting. Now that he is in the middle of the promotion, his true Yuan can stabilize the general early stage of integration.

If you fight with Leopard Sky again, you can easily defeat him even if you only use "Breaking Sky Sword" without using the magic power at the bottom of the box. It will not be as hard as it was just now.

"Congratulations to the master for his great progress!"

Zhou Laogua and the black widow approached and congratulated Song Kun.

"Master, congratulations on getting closer!"

Ying Lan, Xi Xi, and Huang Pizi all went forward in unison.

As for the distractions that were conquered by Song Yong, they also stepped forward to congratulate each other.

"All right!"

Song Kun raised his hand, and some noisy scenes suddenly calmed down. The next moment, Song Kun walked towards Leopard Tian, ​​Bai Huihui, and Zhu Tiangang.

The wound on Leopard's body was not repaired, it just stopped the blood from flowing.

"See Master!"

Leopard Tian gave a complicated look at Song Yan and bent over to salute.

"See the master!" Bai Huihui also followed the salute, and finally Song Yan's eyes fell on Zhu Tiangang.

"See the master!" Zhu Tiangang felt pressured by Song Yan's gaze, and quickly fell to his knees and saluted.

"Don't resist!"

Song Kun raised his hand and pointed out three fingers, and shoved the three magical powers into their Yuanshen.

This time, Song Jun's masters increased to six.

"I'll heal you!"

Into two consecutive light of life, Leopard's injuries began to repair at a visible speed.

"Thank you, master!"

Leopard thanked.

Half a quarter of an hour later, in a humble hall in the Bear King's Territory, Song Xun sat on the throne, and the six fit and eighty-one spiritualists were separated on both sides.

After a brief explanation, Song Xuan drove away his distractions, but left the four inner disciples of Zhou Laoguai and Black Widow and Taiyijiao alone.

"How many years do you still have to live?" Song Yan asked.

"Return to the master, no more than twenty years!" Lu Xi said unwillingly, if it had not been put into the demon prison where there is no world and vitality, I am afraid he has broken through to the middle of the fit.

"How many superb spirits do you need to break through?" Song Yan asked again.

"At least two thousand." Yunxi's eyes brightened, and she faintly guessed that Song Yan planned.

"Take it, there are three thousand superb spirit crystals here." Song Yan threw out a storage spirit ring.

"Thank you, master!"

Yun Xibai fell to the ground, full of gratitude.

The next moment, Song Yong waved at his will, and a door of space appeared: "This is my private secret, you can practice in it!"


Everyone present was shocked and surprised, and it is said that the practice of fairyland can evolve into a small world for the survival of souls. If the fairy is dead, the small world in his body will become a masterless secret .

"Did the owner have been passed down by the fairy? No wonder he is so powerful!"

"Thank you, master!"

Yunxi thanked again before getting up and stepping into the door of space.

Seeing this scene, everyone else showed a strong envy.

"Don't worry, you will also have the opportunity to enter the secret practice in the future. This is a reward for you!" During the talk, Song Kun threw eleven storage spirit rings. Lingjing, there are a thousand superb Lingjing in the six storage spirit ring in the late parting.

"Thank you, master!"

Everyone knelt down and thanked him.

An hour later, a sharp voice suddenly came from outside the territory: "Bear King, an old friend is coming to visit, and he has not come out to welcome him!"

Outside the territory, an obese old man with a short height of only 1.2 meters stands proudly. Behind him stands respectfully and respectfully at the beginning of the six integration masters.

Rat King, one of the eight lords of the demon prison.

"I've seen the Rat King. My bear King is retreating. It's inconvenient to see guests. Please come back!" Huang Pizi Shi Ran led two distractors from the territory.

"Huangpizi you wanton, don't tell the bear king to come out to greet my master!" One person stepped out from behind the rat king, and scolded his face in a bad manner.

"Hey, the rat king, my bear king, is really inconvenient to meet guests, otherwise, you will come again after a while!" Huang Pizi laughed.

"Retreat?" Rat King sneered: "I think he hid and enjoyed blood."

After hearing that, Huang Pizi's face changed slightly, and he continued to smile: "Rat King really laughs."

"Huangpi, you have caught eighty-two blood foods, but I have seen it with my own eyes. So many blood foods, I'm afraid your family can't eat it!" The one who spoke before said again, with irony and threat in his tone.

The rattle's sharp voice also sounded: "Huangpizi hurried in to report, this thing is not your turn, otherwise he can blame the king for turning his face and ignoring others!"

"No need to report because the bear king has gone to see the king!"

A voice sounded, and then Song Ye arrived with Leopard, Ying Lan, Bai Huihui, and Zhu Tiangang.

Upon seeing this, Rat King's pair of small eyes flashed a little doubt, staring at Song Yi: "Little baby, what do you mean by this, is it that you killed the Bear King?"

[Author off topic]: One more, thanks [My Dream Flying] [td105199609] [Finally Ruoyi] [Shenlong Hanbing] These great rewards

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