Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1273: Tsing Yi Taoist

"I don't know what else to command Master?"

Tuoba Feng turned back a little worried, thinking that Zhu Rongji wanted to investigate Tuoba Xianer.

"Did you and your brother and sister see Song Ye captured by Tai Yijiao?" Zhu Rongji asked meaningfully.

"Yes, not only we saw it, but also many others!" Tuoba Feng answered truthfully.

"The deity should receive the news. In just three days, Thirty-two religions in Taiyi Church have been destroyed!" Zhu Rong's eyes narrowed, and there was an elusive light in his eyes.

"How is this possible?" Tuoba Feng exclaimed, while Tuoba Xianer showed a light of surprise.


Zhu Rongji pointed out a finger, unlocked the seal on Tuoba Xianer, and said, "If the deity is correct, it should be the kid."

"Impossible, Song Ye has been locked into Taiyijiao's demon prison. How could he destroy the thirty-two altars of Taiyijiao!" Tuoba Feng shouted unbelievably, his voice looming in his tone. Jealous.

"Brother you didn't see it with your own eyes, how do you know it wasn't him?" Tuoba Xianer countered.

"Because this is not logical at all, destroying thirty-two sub altars in three days, even if he is even more difficult to do it!" Tuoba Feng still refused to believe, and retorted loudly.

"Since Feng'er doesn't believe you, you two go to the Tang Dynasty to make a good investigation!" Zhu Rongji said, "If you find out that he is, as long as Xianer, you can persuade him to join the Vulcan religion as a teacher You can decide and marry you! "

"Who is going to marry him!" Tuoba Xianer blushed and shyly.


Zhu Rongxi laughed loudly: "Can you still be a teacher if you are careful? If you are not interested in that kid, why run to the Tang Dynasty? If you are not interested in him, why would you come to be a teacher? save him!"

"Master, don't say ...!" Tuoba Xian'er's expression became more and more shy: "You can rest assured that Tuer will convince that guy and let him join our Vulcan religion!"

"Okay, you go!" Zhu Rongji waved.


There is a huge gorge on the ice field in the snow plain. There are strange winds raging in the gorge and whistling waves, even if the masters step into it, they will feel uncomfortable.

"Master, that Apparition is deep in this canyon!" Yeluchi introduced while he led the way: "This canyon looks desolate, no grass grows, there are strange winds raging, and the Apparition will be born in ten years. , So no one has been paying attention to this valley. "

In addition to Song Yan, besides Yinglan and Leopard Sky, there was also Xixi who broke through to the middle of the fit.

There are a large number of superb spiritual crystals supported, and Song Xun taught a demon-level skill to Xun Xi. Therefore, he only had about two years in the temple and successfully broke through to the middle of the union, making Song Xun His Majesty added another master of mid-fitness.

Yunxi's breakthrough made Yunxi Infant Lan Huangpizi and others very enthusiastic. Fortunately, Song Yun wasn't a crippled person, and he selected several demon-leveling exercises from the Tibetan Pavilion to teach them.

Because it was calculated that the Apparition was about to be born, Song Ye asked Yeluchi to lead the way in search of the Apparition.

After half an hour, the group had gradually penetrated into the Grand Canyon. Strangely, the closer the center of the Grand Canyon, the strange wind became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared completely.

"Look at me, someone there!"

Suddenly, Yunxi pointed at the road ahead.

A few kilometers away, there is an ice wall, and a Tsing Yi Taoist sits beneath it.

Suddenly, the Taoist in Tsing Yi seemed to feel something, and opened her closed eyes suddenly. Two eyes, like sharp swords, radiated, making Song Ye and others feel a strong pressure.

"It's the master of the late fit!"

Song Yan can be sure.

The next moment, the Tsing Yi Taoist frowned slightly, this wrinkle, but made everyone's heart tight.

"Where is the junior, leave here happily!"

Tsing Yi Taoist spoke softly.

"Presumptuous, who are you, dare to disrespect my master!" Yeluchi retorted loudly towards the Tsing Yi Taoist.

Tsing Yi Taoist's brow tightened a bit, and he got up, and suddenly a strong pressure rushed to his face, making Song Ye and others feel difficult to breathe: "Tell me more, leave here immediately, or die!"

"Who do you think you are? Ask us to leave and leave!" Yeluchi sneered.

"court death!"

The man in Tsing Yi glared coldly and raised his hand to point out a finger.


The transparent finger strength is like a galaxy, and the sound of crickets hits Yeluchi's eyebrow. Before the finger strength reaches, Yeluchi feels stiff and has a sense of inability to move, but he is a master of mid-fitness. When Yuanshen trembled, the icy cold was resolved and he threw his fist.



The blood mist splattered, and then the entire arm of Yellow's arm exploded, turning into a mist of blood.


Seeing this scene, Ying Lan, Leopard Sky, and Yun Xi all quickly escorted Song Yan.

And Yeluchi gave a scream, staring in horror at the Tsing Yi Taoist, and quickly retreated to Song Yan, arrogantly saying, "Master, this old way is really great, let's go!"

Although Yelüchi is in the middle of the fit, compared with other fit masters, the guts are far worse than the rat king.

"The chief may be too overbearing!"

Song Xun ignored the call of Yelüchi, pulled out Ying Lan and others, stepped out and stared at the Tsing Yi Taoist slowly.

After hearing that, the Tsing Yi Taoist was cold: "junior, don't challenge the patience of the poor, hurry up, or die!"

Song Yan didn't take the threat of Taoist people in Tsing Yi to heart. Although the other party was in the late stage of the fit, he may not have the means to slap the other party, and said lightly: "The predecessors are for the upcoming Apparition!"

The pupils of Tsing Yi Road shrank, and then a murderous air came to his cheeks, and he whispered: "The poor Tao wanted to save you a life, but now that you know the secret of the Apparition, the poor Tao has to send you on the road!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Taoist in Tsing Yi stepped forward and pointed out at Song Yong.

"Master beware!"

Ying Lan, Xi Xi, and Leopard Sky exclaimed, then flashed forward to Song Yan, and launched attacks on Taoists in Tsing Yi.

But in the next moment.

boom! boom! boom!

Ying Lan, Lu Xi, and Leopard Tian all groaned and fell back, falling hundreds of meters away.

"Wow wow!"

The three just wanted to get up, but couldn't help spitting blood.

Seeing this, Song Yun's heart sank slightly. The strength of this Tsing Yi Taoist was even stronger than expected. With a single blow, he severely wounded the two early and mid-fits.

"Boy is dead!"

The murderous flickered in the eyes of the old man in Tsing Yi, and once again pointed at Song Ye.

Song Xuan waved his hand, and seven figures suddenly appeared in front of him. It was the seven masters of the mid-fitness who were hidden in the temple.

After revising Song Xun's demon immortal exercises and immortal-level exercises, the seven mid-combination exercises have made some progress.


The other fits hit in the middle and hit the finger.


The energy burst, raging around, and then the seven fits stepped back a few steps in the middle of the fit, and the Tsing Yi Taoist was just shaking his body.

His eyes were as deep as water, and he stared a little at the midpoint of the sudden emergence of the quartet.

"Dare to offend the master, die!"

The King of Tiger burst into drink, killing Tsing Yi Taoists again, and the other six were not unwilling to fall behind in the middle of the fit.

For a time, the Grand Canyon turned into a peerless battlefield.

In just a few moments, there was danger of cracking.

The Taoists in Tsing Yi did not use magic weapons and Taoism. They only played against the seven masters with a set of magical steps and fingers, but they were evenly divided against the seven.


A terrifying beast roared, but it was the tiger king who revealed his body and turned into a huge monster tiger.

Rat King, Eagle King, and Snake King have revealed the monster body.

The four demon repairs revealed that each combat strength of the body has been greatly improved. The Taoist in Tsing Yi finally felt the pressure. He frowned slightly, and his tentacle grabbed a cyan simple sword.

The moment the Taoist in Tsing Yi held the sword, the whole popularity changed, and it became more and more severe.


The light of the sword is like running water, like lightning, and then into a blast, like a thunder.

The seemingly ordinary swordsmanship is extremely powerful, and the seven who have just occupied the advantage have been suppressed again.

Seeing this scene, Song Zheng nodded secretly. The strength of the Taoist Taoist was probably not weaker than the elderly Tianjian, because he felt that the Taoist Taoist still had a lot of reservations.

In this case, there is no need to continue the fight.

Therefore, a five-parcket flag appeared in his hand.


The five-paragon flag fell in five directions. Suddenly, a large array rose suddenly, including all the eight men in the battle. Then, he threw out nine arrays. , Into a green grassland.


Song stunned, and an invisible force suddenly appeared beside the Taoist in Tsing Yi, restraining him!

"Hum, break me!"

The man in Tsing Yi drank coldly, and the energy in his body exploded, and he broke free of the mysterious power that bound him.

However, with such a delay, the mid-seven combined took the opportunity to attack.


The Tsing Yi Taoist stumbled out, but in the middle of the flight, he stabilized his body shape. Looking at the mid-seven fits that continued to flutter at him, he covered his face with a layer of frost. The next moment, his hands Seals, seals and swords are united, and they actively kill to the middle of the seven.


Blood splattered, and the two human races were injured under the sword of the Taoist Taoist man in the middle period. The other five people who attacked and attacked were attacked by his sword.

"So fierce!"

Song Yan's eyes narrowed and he moved his tactics again.

The strong mysterious power once again restrained the Taoist man in Tsing Yi. He broke free, but he did not break away. For a moment, a flash of confusion flashed in his eyes.


The seven fit to look at him in the midst of a chance.

[Author off topic]: Second, today ’s update is complete

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