Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1274: Powerful Tsing Yi Taoist

The joints of the seven majors in the middle period were still not enough to match one late stage, and even two people were injured under the sword of the Tsing Yi Taoist. This made them feel humiliated. Therefore, when they saw each other being restrained by the host, they all launched the strongest The attack turned into seven torrents swept away towards Tsing Yi Taoists.


Tiger King's attack arrived first!

The turquoise torrent hit the Tsing Yi Taoist's slightly thin body directly, and then the torrent turned to include the Tsing Yi Taoist into the crazy strangulation.

Thousands of strangulation powers are contained in this torrent. Each strangulation force can easily kill a distractor. Thousands of strangulation forces are launched together. The powerful destructive power is simply unthinkable. When the fit falls into it in the beginning, it is difficult to hold one breath.


Just as the stone pan rolled on the stone mill and made harsh noises, the real elements in the Tsing Yi Taoist people were being compressed quickly, and they were less than one meter away.


At this moment, the attack of the snake king and the rat king followed.

The attack of the snake king contains the venomous initial stage of the joint that can be poisoned at will. It also has a strong corrosiveness, which constantly erodes the true Yuan mask of the Taoist people in Tsing Yi.

Therefore, the true yuan mask of the Tsing Yi Taoist shrank again ...

The rat king's attack was composed of countless palm-sized gray mice. This gray mouse is called a gold rat, and its teeth are extremely sharp. Even the spirit can easily bite. A lot of gold rat bites crazy. The true yuan mask that devoured Tsing Yi Taoists made it weaker and weaker.

Immediately after, four other mid-range attacks came.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The Taoist in Tsing Yi finally couldn't resist, and Zhenyuan Mask was pressed back into the body by the seven people. At the next moment, the opponent's body was like a rootless duckweed and was involved in the attack torrent ...

"Dead to me!"

The tiger king burst into drink, the huge body rushed out, opened his mouth and opened his mouth, and bite fiercely at the head of the Taoist man in Tsing Yi.

The giant snake tail of the snake king also struck in the air, hitting the body of the Tsing Yi Taoist.

Seeing that the Tsing Yi Taoist was about to die under the combined attack of the two demon kings, but at this moment, an ancient, desolate, heartbreaking voice sounded:

"Huanghuang Tianwei, Jiutian Xuanlei, with my body ... lead it ...!"

Song Ye looked up and saw that the Taoist Taoist ignored the attacks from the King of Tigers and King of Snakes. At this moment, his eyes were closed, his hands quickly closed, and there was a word in his mouth, and ancient syllables continued to shoot from his mouth. Out ...

For a time, the entire array of law space was filled with a heavy pressure, like Tianwei.

"The King of Tigers, the King of Snakes returned quickly!"

Seeing that the Taoist man in Tsing Yi will be bitten by his own head, although the Tiger King is unwilling, he also quickly retreats. One is that the owner's order cannot be disobeyed. The other is that he also feels a very dangerous breath. Taoist.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Just then, the sky in the matrix space suddenly became extremely dark, but there was a lot of clouds converging.

Then, the heavens and the earth became bright, and then there were nine unbelievable thunders descending from the sky with an unbeatable momentum.

"Xuan Lei gets into the body!"

The Taoist in Tsing Yi opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes were cold, and he looked down at all beings, just like the **** above him.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Nine Tao Shenlei were all split on the body of the Tsing Yi Taoist.

"Is there something wrong with this guy? Ask Lei to chop himself?"

Seeing this scene, Yeluchi laughed loudly.

"Not so easy!"

Yunxi had climbed from the ground, but his face was still pale. He shook his head and looked at the humane Tsing Yi Road that was struck by Shen Lei. This scene disturbed him.

In fact, there are seven mid-term fits including the tiger king, the snake king, the mouse king, and the eagle king.

at last……

The last godly thunder fell on the Taoist man in Tsing Yi, and his gaze penetrated the void, fell on the tiger king and others, stared at this gaze, they all had a fear of being stared at by the peerless beast sense!



The Taoist man in Tsing Yi flickered with electric light. The next moment, he turned into a thunderbolt and smashed into front of the Tiger King, punching a punch.


The tiger king roared loudly, and uttered a whistle to rush towards the Tsing Yi Taoist. At the same time, the huge tiger claws were raised high, exuding a turquoise golden color, and patted the Tsing Yi Taoist head heavily.


The Taoist in Tsing Yi spit out a byte slightly, and raised his fist slightly, and saw that the tiger king's attack was broken as if it had been destroyed, and then bombarded his chest.


The tiger's chest was pierced and blood splattered, but the attack of the other six masters followed.


The Taoist in Tsing Yi pulled out his fist and swept across the six sides, and then saw the six fits being bombarded in the middle, all falling back.


Light and shadow flashed, Song Ye moved the Tiger King to his side, and found that the other party was already dying. The power of the Tsing Yi Taoist man was too great, not only destroying his demon body, but even his Yuan Shen was attached. A mysterious thunder force that cannot be eliminated!

"Light of life!"

Song Huan played three life lights in succession, the Tiger King recovered some vitality, but was unable to fight again.

"You go back to heal!"

Song Zheng put the Tiger King into the temple, he didn't want such a super thug to die.

The next moment, he stared at the Tsing Yi Taoist who killed the Quartet in the sky, his eyes shivered with chill.

I saw his hands quickly rolled up, one by one, the formation of complex formations.


With a light drink, a huge sky sword appeared hundreds of feet above the sky.

The condensing of this Heavenly Sword cost more than 3,000 Needling Crystals.


Song Yan drank again. Suddenly, nine fist-sized black chains appeared around the Tsing Yi Taoist. These chains had runes flashing, the other end was pierced into the void, and the other end was locked with a pair of Tsing Yi Taoist arm Legs, body, head, neck, etc.


The sky was shaking from the top of his head, and the next moment, he slashed down towards Tsing Yi Taoist.

"Drive me!"

The Taoist in Tsing Yi felt the threat from the huge sky sword above his head. The black thunder energy in his body surged in an attempt to tear off the nine black chains. With his pull, the entire array space shook violently. There is always danger of collapse.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The four chains on the hands and feet of the Tsing Yi Taoist were torn, but Tian Jian was cut off at this moment.


The Taoist in Tsing Yi issued a snarling roar, punched a punch with his whole body power, and greeted the sky sword.


Huge forces burst apart, and a wave of annihilating light pushed away, causing the layers of space to shatter, and the entire world turned into a black hole.

The sky sword collapsed, but the Tsing Yi Taoist ...

[Author off topic]: One more, thank you [urge you to write quickly] [魑 charm 魑 火] [孤 o 孤 o 男 男生] [森 焱] [Forget_me] Five big rewards

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