Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1276: Massive Apparition

Both the magical and fairy wares will be destroyed, because the various materials have been integrated into the refiner, so after the magical weapon is destroyed, the various materials that are cast into the magical weapon cannot be removed separately.

But with weak water, it is not the same. Various materials can be decomposed and reused.

Therefore, weak water is a holy thing to the smelter.

But the weak water is extremely precious and scarce. Even in the fairyland, it is a rare treasure, not to mention in the repair of the fairyland, it will never appear.

As soon as he thought about it, Song Xun appeared in the smelter room in the temple, his eyes fell on a light yellow gourd, and the gourd was covered with runes, even if a gourd stopper was affixed with a rune.

Weak water requires special artifacts to store, and it is relatively easy to volatilize, so it needs to be sealed by special means.

Song Kun picked up the gourd weapon that sealed the weak water, and couldn't help feeling a sink in his hands. The weak water stored in a small gourd was as much as jinjin. You must know that even a drop of holy relic such as weak water is extremely valuable Yes, if there are thousands of weak waters in the world, I am afraid that even Xuanxian will break the head.

Picking up the gourd, Song Yan's figure reappeared in front of Yan Bingbi.

After opening the Fuyu pasted on the gourd stopper, and then unplugging the stopper, Song Yun pointed with a finger, and a little weak water flew out and landed on the ice wall.

Suddenly, at least one meter in size on the wall of Yan Bing softened at a visible speed.

Because the weak water is relatively easy to volatilize, Song Yong did not dare to delay, and quickly drew a long sword.


The incredibly hard Yan Bing was easily cut.

"good chance!"

Song Yan sighed in a hurry, and quickly struck out a real yuan to cover the whole piece of Yan Bing, and then the shape of Yan Bing changed rapidly, and finally turned into three sets of full body armor.

Unfortunately, he will not refine the instrument, otherwise, he can take the opportunity to portray a few arrays on it and become a magic weapon.

"Leopard sky, Infant Lan, Yunxi, the three of you put on these three sets of armor!" Song Zheng said, pointing to the three sets of armor.

Although these three sets of armors are not even treasures, none of them were disapproved. One person picked up one set of armor and put on it. About half a quarter of an hour later, the weak water components on the three sets of armors were completely volatile, and the inflammation The properties of ice have also recovered.

"Leopard, try to fight with the snake king. Remember, don't keep the snake king. I want to see how the armor defense is!" Song Zheng ordered.


The snake king directly manifests itself, and the tail of the snake turns into a lingering volley and draws towards Leopard Sky.

Although Leopard Sky is not in the middle of the fit, but it is very close to the middle of the fit, the body rises to the sky, and the fist reaches the snake tail.


The two hit each other in mid-air, but the result was that Leopard Sky was directly hit and flew, but only half of the flight, he reversed his shape and continued to kill the snake king, it seems that he was not harmed at all.

"Boom boom!"

The two battled in the air for a while, but it turned out that no one could help.

"Well, let's stop!" Song Yan shouted.

From the situation of the two men fighting, Yan Bing's armor is extremely defensive, even if the snake king is difficult to damage the armored leopard sky, if it is not the leopard sky's attack power is not enough, I am afraid that no one can do nothing .

In other words, if you wear Yanbing armor, you can achieve invincibility at the same level.

Later Song Kun asked Leopard Tian to take off the Yan Bing armor and let the eagle king fight against the snake king, but the eagle king pressed the snake king to fight, because he could ignore the attack of the snake king.

For a while, everyone's eyes turned to Yan Bing's armor became extremely hot.

"Good stuff!"

Song Xuan sighed, and once again brought out a drop of weak water, and once again cut off a piece of Yan Bing to make three sets of Yan Bing armor.

It took him an hour to complete, and all the masters in his suit were equipped with Yanbing armor.

The entire Yan Bing wall has reached tens of thousands of square meters. As for how thick it is, it has not been dug to the end yet. It took three days before the instant, and Song Kun has produced more than 3,000 Yan Bing armors.

Three thousand sets of Yanbing armor were enough, so Song Yan stopped cutting in a large area, but only dug out a circular hole with a diameter of two meters.

This hole was dug for more than 500 meters before it was dug to the end, which made Song Yong sigh again. If all of the Yan Bing is dug out, at least hundreds of thousands of Yan Bing armor can be created.

Fortunately, even if the master of robberies is difficult to dig out these icy ices without weak water, Song Yan does not plan to dig them all out. He plans to come here with a refining machine and leave the rest Yan Bing has been refined into magic armor.

After the thick glacial ice, there was a snow-white world, with a large area of ​​ice peaks standing proudly, and at the same time, there were a large number of ice spirits flying in the meantime.

"Oh my God, there are so many Apparitions, it's gone, it's gone!"

Yeluchi shouted dullly as Song Ye walked in.

At the next moment, Song Ye again draws a drop of weak water and cuts the softened ice, and a circular hole with a diameter of one meter connects the snow-white world.


An extremely cold chill came, forcing Song Kun and others to retreat again and again, and dozens of ice souls blasted towards the entrance of the cave.


Song Kun, Yeluchi and Yinglanbaobaotian picked up the jade boxes and put them into jade boxes one by one.

It took just two hours to reach tens of thousands of aquatics, but the aura in that world has not decreased at all.

At this moment, the Apparitions that had been rushing towards the cave entrance seemed to have been affected. They actually turned around and flew away from the cave entrance.

Secretly, Song Kun was a little uneasy.

When the situation was immediately resolved, he took out the unrefined Yan Bing and blocked the hole, and put down more than ten pieces. He took out weak water to soften a piece of Yan Bing, and then used real yuan to change the shape of Yan Bing and the whole Yan Bing tightly. Fused together, he immediately released a flame to bake, making the weak water accelerate volatilization.

After ten breaths, the weak water completely evaporated and the hole was completely sealed. Then he proceeded to block the hole as he did.

About a quarter of an hour later, he felt a tremor, as if something was crashing into his blocked hole.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

With the collision of the thing, the entire Yan Bingwall trembled with it, and in a secret, Song Ye heard a roar.

For a while, Song Ye could not help but sweat, and fortunately he blocked the opening immediately, otherwise he might cause big trouble. The mysterious things in that world are really too scary.

Regardless of the collision of that thing, he continued to seal the opening. After half an hour, the 500-meter-deep hole was finally completely blocked.

The thing seemed to know that it couldn't break into Yan Bingbi and stopped the collision.

"so close!"

Song Yong touched the cold sweat on his forehead again, and left the Grand Canyon at a rapid speed. At the same time, he was also fortunate. Fortunately, he did not have the greed to cut off the entire wall of inflammation ice, otherwise he did not know what horrible things would be released. Come.

[Author's digression]: Three updates are completed, thanks [to 5 for exchange] [Fried up] [Walking in the rain T_T] [Drunk Breeze] [zxc] [Cloud extraordinary] [In the account also] [孤 o 孤 o Male student] [Q 小 风] [我 梦 飞翔] [小 总 200] These big rewards

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