Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1277: Star God Body Second

While the outside world was still guessing who it was, or which forces destroyed the thirty-two divisions of Taiyi Religion in three days, Song Kun returned to the Shaoyang school and chose to retreat.

In the temple practice room, Song Ye took out a jade box.

The jade box contains the ice spirit. According to the description of Yeluchi, this ice spirit has the function of strengthening the physical body and the primordial spirit, but it is a rare congenital elixir in the world.

"Gods eyes!"

With a light drink, Song Yan opened his eyes. With the changes of his pupils, a mass of information appeared in his mind: the spirit of ice, the spirit creature, which has the functions of nourishing, repairing, and strengthening mental strength. It can also strengthen your physique and improve your qualifications, but it is only effective for creatures below the fairy level.

"It turns out that this is the spirit of ice!"

Song Yan's eyes were a little more happy. At the beginning, he had integrated the skills of Dandan after the fusion of Dandan, and not only had the ability to directly refine the alchemy, but also had a lot of related elixir knowledge.

And Frozen Essence is a very advanced elixir, supplemented with three common elixirs, which can be used to make Jiupin Lingdan and Han Lingdan.

And Han Ling Dan's biggest role is to enhance mental strength, with the addition can also strengthen physical fitness and enhance root and bone qualifications.

As soon as he thought about it, Song Yan opened his mouth and swallowed a cold spirit into his belly. Suddenly, a cold energy opened up in the body, and it was divided into two. A lighter force rose up. Drifting directly into the sea of ​​his knowledge, a slightly heavier force sank into his body.

Two-thirds of the energy flowing upwards and one-third sinking into the body.

The energy that floated up soon came to Song Zhen's consciousness, and flew directly to his Yuan Ying.

Without any refining, that strength was fused with his Yuan Ying, and the sinking strength was scattered into his muscles, bones, meridians, etc., slowly tempering and strengthening his physical body.

Star God Body!

Song Yan urged to learn the refining technique inherited from the Star God King. With the urge of refining technique, his physical body was like a dry sponge, absorbing the power in his body, only half a quarter of an hour, That power was completely digested.

Song Zheng called up the system interface and found that after absorbing an ice spirit, his physical strength increased by about 800 points, and his mental strength increased by about 10 points.

Then Song Song took out three other elixir to make a cold ice Dan with a cold spirit.

As soon as the coagulation of magic was activated, the cold spirits merged with the three elixirs quickly, forming a thumb size in a very short time, crystal clear, like crystal, and exuding a faint fragrance. Elixir.

Throw Hanling Dan directly into the mouth.

The medicinal power is dissolved in the body, and it is also divided into two parts. One part is incorporated into the infant, and the other is used to refine the body.

After testing, the effectiveness of Hanling Dan is more than double that of taking Bingmo alone. A Hanling Dan can increase physical strength by about 2,000 points and increase mental strength by about 20.

Destroyed so many divisions of the Taiyi Sect. The elixir in Song Ling's stored spirit ring can be said to be numerous and numerous.

Therefore, the adjuvant for refining Han Ling Dan is more than enough.

So while Song Yan was performing alchemy, he was taking Hanling Dan. In just one day, he took thousands of Hanling Dan, and his mental strength increased by more than 10,000 points.

And physical fitness has increased to more than 100,000 points.

Some people may be wondering. Isn't every Han Ling Dan able to increase its physical strength by about 2,000 points and its mental strength by 20 points? Why did it take more than 10,000 to gain more than 10,000 mental strength and more than 100,000 physical strength points?

Don't forget, both the mental strength and the physical energy point have increased on the basis of improvement, so when taking 1000 Han Ling Dan, the increase in both the physical energy point and the mental point has been very small.

In addition, the human body will also develop drug resistance, so 1000 Han Ling Dan is already the limit, even if you take more, the growth of physical and mental strength is extremely limited.

There are more than 9,000 cold spirits left. Anyway, the adjuvant is enough, and Song Ye directly refined it into more than 9,000 cold spirits.

A few days later, 9,000 Han Ling Dans were successfully refined, and even Song Yong's mental strength was exhausted.

So he fell asleep directly in the practice room.

This sleep is three days and three nights.

When he woke up, he became energetic again and again, and his spirit was unprecedented. He even felt an invincible feeling. The main reason was that after taking Hanling Dan, his physical and mental strength increased too much.

Bring up the system interface:

Host: Song Yan

Level: 21

Physical fitness: 156000 points

Spiritual power: 16000 points

Skills: Master of Physical Skills, Master of Piano, Master of Driving, Master of Guns, Super Chef, Master of Painting and Calligraphy, Master of Eastern Medicine, Master of Gambling, Master of Language, Master of Dance, Stormy Waves, Thousand Hands Buddha, Dragon Nine Changes, Whirlwind 39 , Huarong Golden Needle, Fire Spell, Mixed Yuan Luo Tianzhang, Shenfeng Jue, Faxiang Tiandi

Magical powers: never forget, pass through, perceive magical powers, divine light of life, stagnation of space, gravity field, condensed magic, magical powers, heavenly gods, soul-controlling seal, resurrected magical power, royal beast seal

Gongfa: "Star God Body", "Broken Sky Sword", "Dragon and Phoenix"

Item: Blood God Wings

Unreal World: Open

Reputation: 10.11 billion points

5 billion points for the next draw.

The biggest change in each attribute column is the physical fitness bar and the spiritual bar. The physical fitness was originally only more than 50,000 points, and the mental strength was only close to 5,000.

After leaving the world, the level can be increased by at least 10.

At the same time, the Gongfa column has also changed. The original "Pei Yuan Jing", "Qing Lian Jian Jue" and "Dark Gold Body" have been eliminated.

The increase in physical fitness points made Song Xun feel a strong sense of breakthrough in the star **** body that has not broken for a long time.

Folding down the system interface, Song Kun sat down and began to urge the exercises of the star **** body.

With the urging of the star power, stars glowed in his body, echoing the stars in the universe.

Time passed slowly, but Song Ye felt that his body was being strengthened by the star **** body every moment. After an hour, his body exuded a radiant jade light, like a peerless treasure.

At the same time, the physical ascension also stopped, and he knew that it was time for the stars to break through the second.


The method of urging the exercises seems to be in full swing, and the star map inside the body bursts, but at the next moment, a more powerful star map is formed.

"The stars are the second most important body, it's done!"


Song Kun rose up and shook his body. A thunderous sound of thunder suddenly came from his body. At the same time, a powerful force burst out from his body.


Song Yi blasted out and hit the wall of the practice room, making the whole practice room a little shake.

This practice room was built by the King of Stars, and its immortality cannot be shaken by its hardness. It is extremely rare for him to have such a shock.

Song Yu also speculated from this that his physical strength has reached the level of fit, even stronger than ordinary fit.

[Author off topic]: One more

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