Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1278: The Lion King

In addition, the improvement of mental strength has greatly enhanced Song Yong's control over his strength. Originally, he could not completely control the power of the mid-distraction. Now, he has been able to perfectly control this soaring energy, which is more than enough.

Thinking of this, Song Yan sunk his heart into Yuan Ying and began to temper the true Yuan.



three times.

ten times.

Fifty times.


One hundred times.

It took a month to quench the true yuan a hundred times, and the true yuan has also shrunk severely, only one tenth of the original, but this tenth of the true yuan has become extremely pure, plus "Tian Jian Jue" is also a fairy-level exercise method. The true element that is cultivated is far beyond the ordinary method. This time, Song Yun was sure that the strength and purity of his true element exceeded the initial stage of the integration, even comparable. Mid-term fit.

My heart moved.

Hundreds of superb spirit crystals appeared around his body, and then shattered.


Just like a giant whale **** water, a large amount of pure aura is sucked into the body by Song Yan, and then quickly converted into true yuan through exercises. In just half an hour, his yuan infant is filled again by true yuan.

Continue to train!

Another month has passed, and Song Yuan has once again tempered Zhenyuan a hundred times.

Take out the best Lingjing again to absorb the aura.

This reciprocation ten times, the time has passed nearly a year, but the true elements in Song Yuanyuan infants have been tempered a hundred times, comparable to the pure authentic elements in the middle period of integration.

As soon as he was in shape, Song Yan appeared in the starry sky.

A detective grabbed it, and a spirit sword appeared in his hand.

Sting! !! !!

The second type of sky breaking sword burst out.

A sword came out, and there was no earth-shattering momentum, but it gave people a feeling of being caught off guard and reaching the extreme.


After a while, a fist-sized black hole suddenly appeared in the void hundreds of meters away, and then centered on this black hole, the void quickly collapsed.

100 meters round.

The square is two hundred meters.

The void did not stop collapsing until two kilometers away.

"So strong!"

Looking at the large black hole that collapsed, Song Yan secretly clicked his lips. The power of the thorns increased at least ten times compared with that before he was ascended. He was sure that he could never take his sword at the beginning of the fit.

The fit may work in the middle, but it will be seriously injured if it is not dead.

This is just the second form of "Breaking Sky Sword", and there are the third, fourth and fifth forms.


Song Kun waved a move, and the Tiger King, who had recovered from his injuries, was directly moved to the stars.

The Tiger King stared at Song Yan with some resentment. He was practicing just now, but was moved directly by Song Yan.

The time inside the shrine was many times outside, and Song Ye also provided the demon-level exercises and the inexhaustible superb Lingjing, so the fool did not seize the time to improve his cultivation and strength.

"Come with me, there are rewards!"

Song Ye hooked his fingers at the Tiger King.

"Thank you, master!" Tiger King heard the joy, and the little resentment disappeared instantly.

"Be careful!"

With a soft sip, Song Ye held the sword in his right hand, and made a fist with his left hand to kill the tiger king.

In this regard, the King of Tigers didn't care too much, because he knew that although his master was against the sky and had amazing combat power, his strength was at most equal to that of the early days of the integration, and he had more than a year after obtaining the demon-level exercises and penance. He has made great progress again, and even he feels that he has touched the threshold of the late integration.


Running 30% of the real yuan, the tiger king smashed his fist, he did not dare to force too hard, in case the owner was injured, it would be troublesome.


The energy broke out and the two fists banged together in the void.

The careless Tiger King's look suddenly changed, because he sensed that a strange force hit him, instantly destroyed his punch, and then hit his chest, and then he flew out.

At the same time, an extremely fast sword light bloomed in front of his eyes, making him feel a threat of death.

"Roar! Roar!"

Faced with the threat of death, the tiger king growled and opened his mouth, and at the same time exposed the body directly, taking hundreds of claws in succession.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

A series of vigorous collisions and explosions exploded many cracks in the void of several kilometers, and the tiger king's body also had many sword marks.


Song Kun frowned, and stared at Tiger King with some dissatisfaction.


The tiger king smiled bitterly. He underestimated the master himself. He did not expect that the master's strength had soared again in such a short period of time.

As a result, he calmed down and rushed towards Song Yong.

After half an hour.

The King of Tigers was extremely guilty of begging for mercy, and he vowed that he was definitely not trying to please his master to concede defeat, but that he felt that he simply took the sword.

Song Zheng closed his sword and threw a jade bottle to the tiger king.

"Take it!"

"Thank you master!" After thanking him, the tiger king couldn't wait to open the jade bottle, and found that there were ten crystals lying on it, exuding a delicate fragrance of elixir.

How powerful a veteran like him is, and at a glance, this is the most advanced miracle.

"Thank you, master!"

The tiger king thanked again, his expression was full of excitement.

"This is Han Ling Dan. It can nourish and strengthen the soul after taking it, and it is also very good for strengthening the body!"

Tiger King could not help but blink his eyes, there was an urge to retreat immediately.


With a wave of his hand, Song Kun threw the King of Tigers onto a star and allowed him to continue practicing.

Just now, as soon as he tried to kill the immortals, the tiger king directly acknowledged him, so the immortal move has the possibility of the mid-term killing combination.

So, can bloodshed or broken souls threaten the late stage of fit?

Thinking of this, he had the idea of ​​going solo in the later stages of the fit.

Song Min thought of the Lion King in the demon prison.

But before looking for the Lion King, he had to cultivate himself to the late distraction.

The mental strength has been improved by more than 10,000 points, not to mention the true power of the late distraction, even the true power of the fit period can be perfectly controlled.

Song Zheng guessed wrong, his mental strength is not weaker than the later period of integration.

Continue to retreat!

A large number of superb spirit crystals were fragmented and incorporated into the body by Song Kun to be transformed into the true Yuan, and then he controlled the Zhen Yuan to strike in the late stage of distraction.

There is no such thing as cricket.

His practice broke through as well.

"Haha, in the late stage of distraction, there is no pressure at all and high mental strength. It is too easy to break through!"

Song Yan laughed.

Induced, although he has just broken through, his foundation is extremely stable, and he can achieve perfect control even with a little real yuan.


With a smile of satisfaction, Song Yan began to temper his true Yuan again.

It took him three full years before he could harden a true Yuan to be extremely pure.

"It's time to pretend!"

Song Kun rose up, and controlled the temple to wear the double demon prison.

During this time, the Lion King was very upset, because the eight lords disappeared, and without them, no one offered to him, but he was a very lazy demon, like to sleep and sleep.

Without those eight lords, no one gave him blood, and what made him most angry was that it didn't matter that the eight lords disappeared, and even their men disappeared cleanly, that is, he wanted To hunt, I can't find the target.

"Is this going to force the king to go third?"

The Lion King muttered, but he just gave up the idea and gave it no, because when he thought of the third, he felt a sense of fear.

"Let ’s go to sleep. Maybe it won't be long before there will be blood food from the first!"


The figure flashed and appeared hundreds of meters away from the Lion King.

The Lion King was about to sleep and opened his eyes in surprise, but he was very disappointed to see that the person was just a late distraction. This blood food was too weak to plug his teeth.

"Lion King, can you submit to me?" The distracted man raised the sword in his hand and pointed at him.

In this regard, the Lion King was very confused, but was not angry, but he smiled jokingly. A distracted man even dared to let him surrender, but he was a big demon in the later stage of the fit.

It's like, a kindergarten kid has an adult submit to him.

The next moment, the Lion King spoke: "Boy, my king is bored. If you can make fun of my king, my king will let you live another month!"

He couldn't remember how many years he had been imprisoned in the demon prison. He only remembered that he was thrown into the demon prison when he was distracted.

He is different from other monsters. He has a kind of blood in his beast. This blood in the beast gives him a perverted magical power that can devour other creatures to improve his cultivation.

Therefore, relying on this supernatural power, his cultivation in the demon prison rose instead of surrendering. After many years passed, his cultivation actually reached the late stage of integration.

"Ha ha!"

Song Yan smiled, and then stepped into the air in one step. The sword in his hand burst out with dozens of feet of black sword-mang, which was cut off in the air.


The lion king, who had been lying in a comfortable posture, uttered a curse, then suddenly rose up and dodged thousands of kilometers away.


The ground was cut open. When the smoke and dust dispersed, a huge gully with a length of several thousand meters, a depth of 100 meters, and a width of 100 meters appeared in the place where the Lion King was lying.

"Still listening to a joke?"

Song Xuan stared at the Lion King and asked.

"Fuck, where's the little metamorphosis that scares laborers!"

The Lion King stroked his chest with the palm of his hand, and seemed to be lingering.

Hearing the words "recession", "reliance" and "labor and capital", Song Yan stared at the Lion King with suspicion: "Aren't you guys able to pass through?"

"Are you a traverser too?"

The Lion King stared at Song Yan excitedly.

"Do you know Teacher Cang?" Song Yan asked suddenly.

The Lion King looked scornfully at Song Yan: "I'm a fan of Yoshizawa Akibu!"

This time, Song Zheng can basically be certain that this guy is a traverser. The next moment, he has a doubt in his heart. This guy will not be the protagonist of this world, right?

Be aware that the protagonists of many novels are the transcender and the rebirth.

The system builds the world, which is based on movies, movies, and novels.

"How many years have you traveled?" Song Yan asked again.

The Lion King scolded and replied, "Fuck, I don't remember, Mom, others pass through either the emperor or the prince. Anyway, they are also individuals, but Lao Tzu passed through and became a lion ..."

Listening to this guy's voicing, instead of being impatient, Song Yan had a sense of intimacy. At the same time, with the voicing of the Lion King, he also figured out the situation of this guy.

[Digression by the author]: Two more, there is a guest at home, to accompany guests, so today only two more

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