Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1281: Leave

Moreover, this is not the most explosive news, because the news came out, together with the forty-nine sub-altars, a total of sixty-nine sub-altars, were all led by the people of the temple.

"It's impossible, isn't Song Yan locked in Taiyijiao's demon prison?"

Upon hearing the news, some people refuted on the spot.

"That is, Taiyijiao's demon prison is a fan cage of the world. Even if the master of crossing the robbery is imprisoned, it is difficult to escape, let alone Song Yang. Therefore, this incident is simply Miao Chuan!"

"Couldn't it be that the master of the temple went to the demon prison to rescue Song Ye?" Someone raised such a possibility.

The name of the temple was spread before, but it was extremely mysterious, and no one knew the true face of the temple and the superfluous news.

A master who was close to Tai Yijiao sneered and said, "There is no reason why the temple may exist but it may have been deliberately fabricated by Song Ye."

His remarks have been supported by many people, and they have threatened that the temple does not exist. Otherwise, why would the temple not show up in the world.

"Why isn't it possible? Even a scourge like Song Xiaomo cannot be cultivated by the Taiyi religion. Only a hidden force like the temple can cultivate such a scourge!"

In this regard, everyone took it for granted that with the spread of Song Yi's deeds, we all know that Song Xiaomo's combat power is sky-high, and he is proficient in the formation method.

Just as these two remarks could not be disputed, a message came from Liangzhou.

But it is the combined ancestors of the three first-class families in the state city that show that the temple does exist, and they say that Song Zhen is from the temple hall, which is one of the nine hall entrances of the temple, and the tone is positive. The toughness is not conceivable by outsiders.

The ancestors of the combined ancestors are still trustworthy. Although they have no words, the temple is better than Taiyi religion, but the underlying meaning is that the temple is stronger than Taiyi religion.

However, some people pointed out that since the temple is stronger than Taiyi Religion, why not start a war with Taiyi Religion?

No matter how you argue, in short, the temple is on fire and Song is on fire.

As for the reason why the three ancestors in Liangzhou City would collectively speak out, it was Song Ye who went to see them and gave a gift. Previously, in order to kill Xie Tianmu for layout, Song Ye used the three major families once And as a result, nothing was caught.

Therefore, this time Song Ye went and gave them some compensation.

What he compensated was a gift to each of the three, which can be practiced until the end of the robbery.

Taiyi religion controlled the top exercises in the Tang dynasty in order to be the only one in power, making it difficult for those first-class forces or families to have practitioners above the body.

Although Song Kun presented the exercises, although it was to compensate the three families, he did not necessarily want to bury several nails within the sphere of influence of the Taiyi religion.

As long as there are several robberies in the Tang Dynasty, Tai Yijiao would like to oppress the major gates.

Did n’t you say that there is a fairy in Taiyi religion?

Are there any immortals sitting in the town, dare to roam masters casually?

The answer is yes.

Because Song Kun learned from a book in the Tibetan Pavilion that the immortals could not shoot at will in the Nether, because once they shot, they might be discovered by the heavens of this world.

Once discovered by Tiandao, he was either killed by the heavenly blast, or forced to ascend to the fairyland.

Therefore, as long as it is not the scourge of extermination, the immortals will not take action. Therefore, the master of cross-robbery has become the world's top military force.

No matter how terrible the Tang Dynasty was, Song Yong left the Tang Dynasty with a party and went to the Great Zhou Dynasty.

He didn't know what he was doing. Tuoba Xianer ran around in search of him, looking for no fruit. He didn't know how much anger he felt.

The Vulcan religion took advantage of the destruction of the Taiyi religion and quietly shot. In just ten days, it captured the ten states that originally belonged to the Taiyi religion, which made the Taiyi religion startled.

Quickly mobilize masters to the border.

Unfortunately, in the process of annihilating the altar, there were more than one hundred masters who were killed by Song Ye. Therefore, it was discovered that the masters had become stretched.

The Three Religions have a private agreement. When competing for the field, neither side can send out a monk who exceeds the unity. Once a master who exceeds this level is sent, it means that the two sides will engage in a deadly battle.

The foundation of Taiyi Religion is damaged, so naturally they dare not fight the Vulcan religion.

Therefore, while sending experts to the border station, while quietly sending someone to contact the Vulcan religion.

However, the appellation of Vulcanism was very good. Before Taiyijiao's manpower was in place, they quickly seized the territory of five states.

Then Vulcanism did not move.

After the last two religions negotiated, Vulcanism returned the Taiyi religion to the three states, but the Taiyi religion must admit that the other twelve states were placed under the command of Vulcanism.

This incident came out of a panic in the Tang Dynasty, and Tai Yijiao's prestige also dropped a lot, but Tai Yijiao had to do so. In the absence of a large number of masters, they did not dare to fight against Vulcanism.

In particular, this matter did not have the consent of the Tang Dynasty royal family. The Taiyi religion arbitrarily divided the twelve states into the Vulcan religion. Therefore, the royal family also had a lot of dissatisfaction with the Taiyi religion.

However, the four princes, as prisoners, did not express any opinions on this.

Because he knew that there were not enough top masters in the royal family, and he could not compete with Taiyijiao. Only when the masters appeared in the robbery period could the status of the royal family be greatly improved.

Therefore, even if he had more dissatisfaction in his heart, he could only forgive it temporarily.

Half a year passed.

Li Siwu formally succeeded in the throne and became the new Tang dynasty of the Tang dynasty. Li Tianxing, the former Tang dynasty, entered the retreat in a low-key manner.

At the same time, because Song Zheng did not continue to engage in matters, the comments about him slowly subsided.

But in Taiyijiao, half a year ago, he began to send three masters of cross-robbery and a large number of combined masters to quietly search for the whereabouts of Song Yang and other souls, because after checking, Song Yang disappeared in the demon prison, and The first and second layers of the monster prison are also inexplicably empty.

Tai Yijiao suspected that it wasn't only Song Ye who escaped the demon prison, but the first and second creatures of the demon prison.

The top leaders of Taiyijiao were so nervous because they learned that there were also several disciples of Phoenix Tianjiao in the demon prison.

If Phoenix Tianjiao knew that Taiyijiao had detained their disciples, it would definitely cause a lot of trouble.

Two spirit beast cars sped out of a mountain forest and landed on a wide road.

"Haha, we are finally back at the big week!"

Four people flew from the spirit beast car, expressing excitement.

These four were Zhao Chao, Wang Longhu, Zhang Tiande, and Ma Honggu who were rescued from the demon prison by Song Ye.

At this moment, another man and three women came out of another spirit beast car, namely Song Kun, Li Tianluo, Lin Waner, and Qin Xiaoyu.

[Author's off-topic]: One more, thank you [Yi Hongchen] [also in the account] [Yueyingfeng] [shallow injury,] four big rewards, today should be three more

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