Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1282: Fairy Maple City

If the Great Movement is to be performed from the Tang Dynasty to the Great Zhou Dynasty, it should take a day or two, but Song Yong has enough time, plus he feels that he owes a lot to Li Tianluo and wants to accompany her a lot, so he chose to use the spirit beast Car travel.

Therefore, after walking around for almost half a year, he came to the territory of the Great Zhou Emperor.

Of course, in the past six months, although Song Xi's cultivation has not progressed much, the true Yuan has been extremely refined and has reached the peak of the late distraction.

In addition, his relationship with Li Tianluo became deeper and deeper.

It is worth mentioning that Lin Wan'er had a lot of hard work in the temple, plus the practice of "Phoenix Jue", now he has already set foot in Jin Dan's later period.

And Li Tianluo ’s self-cultivation was a process of double-repair with Song Ye, and also made rapid progress, reaching the peak of the late distraction, be regarded as a foot into the fit period.

At the same time, he also practiced the immortal arts taught by Song Yong, and he was extremely powerful in combat, and he could resist undefeated in the early stage of the fit.

Then let's talk about those masters who Song Yong subdued.

The Tiger King, the Eagle King, the Snake King, and a Terran Lord have all stepped into the late stage of integration, and the Rat King and the other two Terran Lords have also reached the edge of breakthrough.

In addition, in the initial stage of a dry fit, 25 people including Leopard Sky and Yinglan broke through to the middle of the dry fit.

Besides that, the Lion King, the guy was detained in the demon prison for thousands of years, long missed the flower world outside, so after Song Zheng set off, he asked to go on his own road and meet in the emperor capital of the Great Zhou Emperor in the future.

This guy has already reached the late stage of integration, and in an era when the masters of the robbery are not easy to come out, there is almost no threat to his existence. Therefore, as long as this guy does not intentionally die, it will be okay, plus Song Kun's own combat power After reaching the late stage of integration, it seemed that everyone was from one place, so Song Ye let him go.

If Song Yong used these people to open up a school, he would soon be able to build a super-class gate.

Closer to home, at this moment, Song Yan and his party have entered the territory of the Great Zhou Emperor Dynasty, but there is still a long way to go from the Imperial City. Martial arts and the approximate strength of the practitioners.

It was Zhao Chao, who was anxious and heart-warming.

So he waved to the four, "You four go one step ahead!"

"Thank you for your understanding!"

The four were so happy when they heard what they said, they knelt and thanked.

"Let's get up, you go back, remember not to mention being detained by Taiyi religion!" Song Yan told, since this thing can't have much influence on Taiyi religion, Song Yan doesn't intend to use this matter as an essay What's more, if the Phoenix Tianjiao traces it, it is likely to expose the temple.

That would not pay for it.


Some of them were unwilling, but they did not dare to disobey Song Yan's order, and nodded and left.

"Keep on your way!"

After a short pause, Song Xuan ordered the spirit beasts pulling the cart to continue to the imperial capital of the Great Zhou Emperor.

The spirit beast car moved forward steadily for several hours, and a city appeared in the sight of everyone.

The territory of the Great Zhou Emperor Dynasty was vast, and the territories of the Tang Dynasty, Song Dynasty, and Ming Dynasty combined were more than ten times larger, and occupied the areas where Tiannan was richer and more aura.

Therefore, the heaven and earth aura in the Emperor Zhou Dynasty is generally more abundant than that of the Three Kingdoms.

According to the practitioners of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the three dynasties are all mixed areas.

Along the way, through chats with four disciples of the Phoenix Tianjiao, Song Kun also knew that although the Phoenix Tianjiao was strong, it was not weak with the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Although not as good as Phoenix Tianjiao, it's almost where to go.

Therefore, the Great Zhou Emperor's control of the world is also extremely strong. It is even more incredible that all the emperors of the Great Zhou Emperor's Dynasty were held by women.

It is said that the founding emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty was called Wu Mei Niang, which made Song Yan very interesting, because in the history of the main world, there is also a female emperor Wu Mei Niang.

Even Song Yan's brain was wide open, suspecting that Wu Meiniang had come from the main world.

This possibility is very high. After all, with the ability of the system, it is not a matter of minutes to get a historical figure over.

The three large characters of Xianfeng City printed into Song Yan's eyes are exactly the name of the city ahead.

"How about we spend the night in Xianfeng City tonight?" Song Zheng asked Li Tianluo and Lin Waner for their opinions.

Li Tianluo smiled charmingly: "You're in charge."

"I all listen to Brother Song!" Lin Wan'er smiled sweetly. As for Qin Xiaoyu's opinion, Song Yan ignored it.

"Stop, show your identity token!"

The city guard intercepted the beast car and shouted into the car.

The identity token is issued by the court of the Great Zhou Emperor. Whether you are a child of Zongmen or a casual repair, you need to go to the local government to apply for an identity token. If you do not have an identity token, you will be a black household. High taxes, even the guesthouses, restaurants, etc. need to pay double the price.

"We are from the Tang Dynasty. We have not obtained an identity token yet!"

Qin Xiaoyu stepped out of the carriage and showed a touch of repair to the city guard road.

These city guards are all masters of Jin Dan, and when they felt the breath of the devotional monks released by Qin Xiaoyu, they all looked down, and the voice of the city guard who shouted softened: "This girl, who has no identity order Card, each person needs to pay ten inferior Lingjing to enter the city, remind the girl, after entering the city, the girl can go to the government office to apply for an identity token, and later go to other cities, there is no need to pay the city fee again!

"Thank you for reminding us, four of us, this is the entrance fee!"

Qin Xiaoyu threw forty pieces of sublime Lingjing to the other side.

Despite the fact that Xianfeng City is just an ordinary city, the vitality of the heaven and earth in the city is exceptionally abundant, comparable to small and medium-sized martial arts.

It is not difficult to apply for an identity token, but you need to be present, and the government must collect the image of the applicant. At the same time, each person also needs to pay a handling fee for the sublime spirit.

For the convenience of entering other cities in the future, Song Ye came to Fuyu and applied for an identity token for himself and his three daughters.

When applying for an identity token, names, cases, and even repairs will be registered.

The identities given by the four Song Yans were all casual repairs.

Fu Li Wen Shi, who handles identity tokens for them, is an eye-sighted person. Although he has some doubts about the identity of Song Kun and others, and thinks that they cannot be a casual repair, he still applied for identity tokens.

After handling the identity token, the four found an inn to stay.

This inn is also equipped with Juling array, so the accommodation is relatively expensive. Ordinary rooms also need ten high-quality Lingjing for one night, and high-end guest rooms are directly one high-quality Lingjing.

[Author off topic]: Two more, thanks [wanfeng WanFfeng] [my dream flying] two great rewards

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