Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1299: The husband wants to slaughter him once

There are two hundred pieces of superb crystals in the storage bag.

"Let me see."

The girl in the green skirt also let out the divine thought. When she saw the superb Lingjing in the storage bag, her expression was stunned, and then a small star appeared in her eyes: "A lot of superb Lingjing."

"Sure enough, a gold belt for killing and setting fire! That kid is a peerless killer. I knew that he was so rich, so I should fumble him more, maybe I can get more superb spirits!" The old man sighed, while holding his storage bag Reattach it, carefully store it, and wonder in your heart whether the wine in your own jug should be replaced with the one with better taste and more expensive price?

After hearing the words of the old man, the girl in green skirt countered: "Grandpa, why are you like this, they have given you so much money and vilified others!"

From the perspective of the girl in green skirt, the young man is very sunny and handsome. The main thing is handsome. So how could a handsome young man be a peerless killer?

This does not fit the logic in his mind!

On the other side, Song Kun and his team continued to walk towards the imperial capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty. They walked slowly, stopped and stopped, and spent more than half a year. The talents of Song Kun and his team came to the upper city nearest the Imperial City— —Tianxu City.

The Great Zhou emperor dynasty has a vast area, but there are only seventy-two upper cities, except for the imperial capital. The level of this city has exceeded the scale of the upper city.

There is a teleportation circle in the upper city of Tianxu that leads directly to the imperial capital. However, the transmission cost is extremely expensive, so ordinary practitioners would prefer to spend more time on a large treasure ship, or use a private treasure ship. The worse is only the sword. Fly away.

The bustling city on Tianxu is extremely unusual, with the number of repairers exceeding 100 million, and the business of various shops, restaurants, tea shops and even brothels is extremely popular.

Along the way, Song Ye and others have also entered several uptowns, but none of them can be compared with the upper sky market.

After staying at a good-sized inn, Li Tianluo took Lin Waner and Shi Ling to go shopping, while Song Yong stayed in the inn. He spent more than a year here from the Tang Dynasty.

The time converted into the temple is more than a hundred years, so the men he subjugated have made great progress.

The number of combined masters has exceeded one hundred.

By the way, some time ago, Li Tianluo felt something, went directly to the retreat of the temple, and also broke through to the fit period, but Song Yan, because taking Han Ling Dan too much, the foundation is too strong, it is more difficult to break through.

If he wants to continue to make breakthroughs, it is impossible to rely on time alone. He needs opportunity and fighting.

At the same time, he also learned a lot of information about the Great Zhou Emperor during the six months after he entered the Great Zhou Emperor.

Gathering information is just instinct, as to whether it can be used, I will talk about it later.

His goal in the Da Zhou Dynasty was to complete the second task of the system. During this time, he also collected a lot of information about the top ten rookies.

The first person on the rookie list is called Shen Yan. He is a sword repairer at the beginning of the fit. He is extremely terrifying. He once defeated one enemy three and defeated the combination of the late one and the two mid-fit. It is known as the black and white sword fairy. After that, the best talented sword repairer, at the same time, he had a nickname, called Little Sword Fairy.

He himself came from the Imperial Sword Palace, which is weaker than Phoenix Tianjiao.

The second place on the rookie list is called Liuli, a female nun who is known as the flute fairy. She uses the rhythm to enter the road. The self-made Brahma octave is even more marvellous. The cultivation is the initial stage of the integration. .

The third place on the rookie list is also a woman. She was called to die, and she was the sacred daughter of Phoenix Tianjiao at the beginning of the fit. She has been carefully cultivated by Phoenix Tianjiao since she was a child. It can be said that she is full of talent and looks Extremely beautiful, everyone who has seen her looks thinks about it, so she is also called the heavenly girl.

And her combat power is also extremely amazing. Although she has not played against the late period of the integration, she has hunted down the five mid-level evil revisions alone, and killed them all in March.

The fourth place on the rookie list is called clearance, and it is divided into the early days of integration. This person is from the Buddhist meditation temple of the eight major institutes of Buddhism. He has a high level of Zen meditation and likes to cut monsters and demon monsters. The fit-level demon king is not in the minority.

The fifth rookie on the rookie list is Shock Cloud. This person is the sage of Phoenix Tianjiao. He is also in the early stage of fit, but this person is relatively low-key. It is said that he only shot once and defeated only one move. Zygote metaphase.

Next, the sixth and ninth players on the rookie list are only in the late stage of distraction. These four people have the challenge of leapfrogging to overcome the strength of distraction, but the tenth place is an early period of integration.

This man is vulnerable, it is a casual practice, and his cultivation talent is very high, but unfortunately, he is unwilling to join the major gates, and cannot obtain profound skills and Taoist magical powers, and the skills he is practicing now are also incomplete. Follow-up of exercises.

It is extremely difficult to create the exercises, especially the advanced ones, but this vulnerable has been cultivated to fit by self-made exercises, and he has to be said to be a genius. Therefore, the main gates and even the court ’s Phoenix Tianjiao They all gave him an olive branch.

But it is puzzling that he refused, and he was ridiculed by many people for this matter.

With his talents and talents, he can gain key training by casually joining a sectarian door. He can teach high-depth skills and Taoist magical powers. Obviously, he has to take the path of self-creation, which is very puzzling.

After two hours, Li Tianluo's three daughters returned from shopping, and each of them bought a lot of gadgets.

At this moment, at the gate of the upper city of Tianxu, an old man holding a broken "Tianji Shenhua" and a young girl in a green skirt came with exhaustion on his face.

The old man urged: "Good granddaughter, hurry up, Grandpa's hip flask has been drying for a day, and after entering the city, be sure to drink it!"

The green skirt girl said weakly: "I know!"

The grandparents entered the city and finally came to an inn. The old man clapped his hands and said, "This is the place."

"This inn is quite expensive, why not change your home?" Looking at the size of this inn, the green skirt girl was hesitant.

"Hey, don't be so small, your grandpa doesn't lack Ling Jing now!"

The old man smiled proudly, and suddenly, he showed a trace of regret: "Unfortunately, after encountering the star killer, I have never encountered a fat sheep like him. If the old man has the opportunity to meet him again, the old man You must kill him severely! "

It was said that the girl in green skirt could not help rolling her eyes, and was too lazy to argue with him. "Well, live in this house!"

The inn at the moment is all in one.

As soon as the grandparents entered the inn, Xiao Er greeted him with enthusiasm: "Did the two guest officials dine or stay at the hotel?"

"Oh!" Suddenly, the old man exclaimed, his eyes fell on the building next to the window.

The girl in the green skirt also looked along the eyes of her grandfather, and then she also showed a surprise, secretly saying: wouldn't it be so coincident?

[Author off topic]: Cavin, headache

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