Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1300: Take advantage of and want to run

Yes, what the grandpa and grandson saw was Song Ye and his party.

The next moment, the old man held a broken puppet, stepped forward, and swaggered towards Song Ping and his party.

"Master, look, that's the old gentleman."

Shi Ling seemed to find the old man first, and shouted with some surprise.

In fact, with Song Xi's practice, he found out when he stepped into the inn from the other side.

"Haha, several little dolls, we met again!" The old man stopped, slightly raised his head, and laughed, his expression was slightly proud, if you take a closer look, you can see that there is a glow in his eyes. Plenty of green light, because in his opinion, this group of people is a rare sheep for thousands of years.

"Hee hee, met the old gentleman." Shi Ling stood up and greeted with a smile.

"The old gentleman is polite." Qin Xiaoyu also got up and saluted, calculating her origins from the other side, and seeing the other side's practice, so she had a little respect and awe for the old man in her heart.

"Is the old gentleman open today?" Song Yan said with a smile.

Hearing Song Ye ’s words, the old man could n’t help but blink a little, revealing a faint light: “It seems that I have a relationship with some of your little dolls. Today, my husband has n’t opened the gossip, but it is cheaper for you. Whoever comes first, but the old man has the word first, and the old man's Gua Jin has risen again! "

Following the arrival of the young girl in the green skirt, she couldn't help rolling her eyes. Her grandfather really lied, and obviously dozens of people flickered today. How could there be no gossip.

Song Zheng replied, with a rather polite tone: "The old gentleman is not in a hurry. I think that the grandparents and grandchildren are in a dusty situation. They should not have eaten yet, so why not?"

"Hey, don't think that if you invite your husband to dinner, the husband will receive less money from you, but for your sincerity, the husband promised you!" He said to the green skirt beside him. The girl beckoned: "Good granddaughter, what are you doing here, hurry up and sit down!"

"Old gentleman, please come in!"

Song Yan got up and gave up.

"Well, you have eyesight!" The old man sat in the position that Song Kun gave up, and pointed to the position next to him: "Good granddaughter come and sit here!"

After a shudder, everyone regained their seats.

The old man patted the table and yelled, "Dude, bring the best wine and vegetables in your shop to the old man!"

The man greeted quickly, but did not respond immediately, but looked at Song Ye with his eyes, because Song Ye and his party moved in, the shopkeeper told them that this group was not simple and should not be neglected.

"Just as the old man ordered!" Song Zheng nodded.

"Yes, the boy and the old man are waiting!" The man retreated after saluting.

In a short while, a new table of wine was re-launched.

The old man was also polite. He picked up the jug and poured it directly into his mouth. At the same time, he reached out and grabbed a piece of honey beast's leg to eat without regard to the image. Seeing this scene, the girl in the green skirt couldn't help turning her cheeks red and felt a little Sorry.

"Girl please."

Song Yan smiled at the green skirt girl.

"Thank you son!" The girl in green skirt was slightly ashamed and took up the chopsticks. Compared with her grandpa, her movements seemed quite elegant.

Soon, the old man drank a pot of wine, smashed a beast leg, threw the bones at will, and grabbed a pot of wine and a skinny leg to eat. Suddenly he glanced at Song Ye and others without moving chopsticks. , Could not help but greet: "You little babies also eat, although it is your blessing to be at the same table with the old man, but don't be so restrained!"

Hearing his grandfather so bragging, the girl in green skirt couldn't help being extra embarrassed, and quietly pulled his corners, begging him to be low-key.

"Even though the old gentleman enjoyed it, I actually ate almost everything after waiting." Song Yan smiled disapprovingly.

"Haha, that old man is welcome!"

Next, the old man turned into a puppet, sips of wine and a dish, and in less than a quarter of an hour, he drank seven or eight bottles of wine and dozens of dishes on the table, and even filled his mouth with oil. Lin Wan'er looked stunned and secretly, was this old man born of a starving ghost?

Suddenly, they thought that this old gentleman was an expert in the game, and he must not be as ordinary as an ordinary person, but this way of eating is justified.

After a full meal, the old man wiped his mouth with his sleeves, patted the table and shouted, "Dude, remove these empty plates to the old man, and make some snacks and tea to digestion."

After the tea snacks came on the table, the old man was much more gentle, drinking tea slowly, and faintly restored the appearance of the master.

"What is the name of the old gentleman?"

Song Yan asked with a smile.

The old man waved his hands in disapproval: "The name is just a code name, but in the past, there were people who called the old man as Tianjun, Tianzun, and even the sky operator. How could these old nameless husbands be attentive to you? If there is a fate, call the old man a senior! "

The girl in the green skirt on the side heard red ears and red ears. The grandfather of his own grandfather was really getting bigger and bigger, and he was afraid that he would be known about his previous misdeeds by his previous name.

"Since the old gentleman is unwilling to inform, he will not be reluctant to do so!" Song Ye did not care about the other party, and his eyes fell on the girl in the green skirt: "What do you call a girl?"

"My son, my name is Murong Red Bean." The green skirt girl said slightly shyly.

Seeing this scene, the old man's eyes froze slightly, secretly, my beloved granddaughter will not look after this star-killer kid, right?

For a moment, he couldn't help feeling a little worried.

"It turned out to be Girl Murong. In the next song, this is my lover Li Tianluo, this is also my lover, her name is Lin Waner, this is Qin Xiaoyu, my maid, these two are my apprentice Shi Hao and Shi Ling, this is Shi Hu, the servant of my two apprentices! "

Song Yi introduced Murong Red Beans one by one, and both parties were quite polite.


The old man suddenly coughed and interrupted the chattering crowd: "Dear little dolls, seeing that you invited your husband to have a meal, the old husband will pay you half of the money, who will come first?"

Song Su suddenly said, faintly said: "The charm of life lies in her unknownness. If we know the future, our lives will inevitably be less fun, so we will take the mind of the old gentleman. Never mind. "

Although Song Yan didn't want to compete with this old man, he was not Lingjing, but he didn't want to be pitted by this old guy again and again.

"Well, the little baby really doesn't know what to do! In this case, let's go, granddaughter!"

Hearing that the old man suddenly looked dull and got cold, and walked outside the inn.

"Sorry Song Gong, my grandpa has a strange temper, and I hope you don't care!" Murong Hongdou stood up and apologized to Song Ye.

"Anyway!" Song Yan waved his hands with a smile.

Seeing Murong Red Beans chasing the old man, Song Ming's mouth was a little playful. He had a hunch, and he would have the opportunity to meet with his grandchildren.

Outside the inn.

Murong Doudou caught up with the old man and asked, "Grandpa, why are you walking so fast!"

The old man took a deep look at the direction of the inn and said, "The killing of the star boy is not easy. I am afraid that I have never believed in the old man's ability. Therefore, the old man made a move to retreat and wait to meet him next time to kill him. Much easier. "

"Cut, I think you want to run away because you have the advantage!" Murong Hongdou ditched his lips. His grandfather just now is afraid that they have eaten thousands of pin Lingjing.

[Author off topic]: Two more, thank you [Beginning of Quiet] [Xing Zhongbin] [My Dream Flying] [zkwanwy] [Jingbin Yongyong] [Account in the account] [Solitary o Secret o Male o students] [Finally Ruoyi ] [Wartime 丨 Butterfly] These big rewards

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