Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1302: Jealousy

Soon, Shangguan Glory exited the yard.

"Miss Shangguan is polite."

Song Yong folded his fists to each other, greeting him politely.

"You don't need to be polite, if you don't mind, you might call the little girl a begonia." Shangguan Begonia owed to Song Yi, chuckling gracefully.

Hearing that, Song Ye's eyes narrowed for a moment, and then he laughed loudly: "Haha, since this is the case, Song is not polite."

He was sure that he did not interact with the Shangguan Begonia before he came to the imperial capital, but the other party sent a chief executive to greet him. Such a battle made him very confused, and he did not know what medicine was sold in the gourd.

"The little woman has prepared booze, Song Gongzi, Tianluo girl, Waner girl, and Shi Hao Shiling, Xiaoyu girl, and this uncle Shihu please."

Shangguan Begonia invited, her tone was very soft, giving people a feeling of spring.

The other party directly pointed out the identity of Song Ye's party, which made Song Ye's heart stunned. The Shangguan Begonia seemed to know him very well. He had never passed the emperor's capital in the future, and never encountered him. He knew so well.

So ... Song Yan thought of someone.

Sure enough, the banquet has been set up in the hall. The wine is made of syrup and liquid, and the dishes are made from various high-grade spirit birds or spirit fruits.

After a few greetings, everyone took their seats.

Shangguan Begonia took the initiative to pour wine for everyone. Except Song Yong, several others felt a little flattered.

"Girl Begonia, thank you for your hospitality. This cup, Song respects you." Song Yan raised his glass, his face free and easy, it seemed not curious, why did Shangguan Begonia invite him to come here?

"Song Son, please!"

Shangguan Begonia also raised his glass and responded. The two glasses smashed into each other in the air, and then drank their glasses.

With a glass of wine falling, Shangguan Begonia's eyes looked a little brighter at Song Ye, because in her opinion, anyone encountering such a situation would feel uneasy and hesitant, but Song Ye did She didn't panic, didn't panic, calmed down, and never asked why she invited him.

In this case, either the nerves are big and no good is seen, or the mind is full of confidence and has the strength to cope with any unexpected changes.

Shangguan Begonia pours drinks for the two empty glasses and raises the glass again: "This glass, Begonia respects everyone, welcome everyone to stay in Shangguanfu without abandoning it!"

"Miss Shangguan is polite!"

"Miss Shangguan please!"

The crowd raised their glasses together, and the atmosphere seemed to become more harmonious.

After drinking thirty dishes and five flavors, the atmosphere on the wine table became more and more subtle. Even Shangguan Haitang took the initiative to talk with Lin Waner and Shi Ling, and got along well.

In this regard, Song Yi can see, this Shangguan Begonia is a master of communication, good at grasping people's hearts, and often can say the itch of others in one sentence, it is difficult for anyone to have an evil feeling towards her.

Even Song Yan himself knew that his opponent had something different, and he might even want to conceal him, but he couldn't be disgusted with it.

"Song son, aren't you curious, who told Begonia to entertain you well?"

Suddenly, the eyes of Shangguan Begonia fell on Song Yong again, smiling with a little curiosity and appreciation.

"Want to hear the details." Song Yan smiled.

Shangguan Begonia reiterated: "At that time, the owner of Yinhu County told the young woman how good Song Gongzi was. The young woman still had doubts. But today, Song Gongzi is much better than expected."

Listening to what Shangguan Begonia said, Song Zheng was sure and smiled: "The Lord of Yinhu County is too good, and he can't afford it now."

"Too humble is pride?"

Shangguan Begonia suddenly revealed a hint of slyness: "Song Gongzi can capture the demon king from the cultivation of the late distraction, and based on this, he can be on the top of the rookie list, not to mention, Song Gongzi also saved a few hundred This is a huge contribution to the city of 10,000 people! "

Song Ye waved his hands, and seemed a little shy: "I also happened to be at the meeting, so don't mention the past."

"In fact, what Begonia admired most was that Song Gongzi was able to destroy more than half of the Taiyi religion and even escape from the demon prison of Taiyi religion. Such a shocking skill, I am afraid that the top three of the rookie list have something to do. Why not! "Said Shangguan Begonia.

"It's just a lucky thing!" Song Yan said indifferently, but there was a stun in his heart. He did not expect that the other party had investigated his details clearly. This woman is not simple.

Shangguan Begonia smiled and toasted again.

As Song Guan and others were intertwined in the Shangguanfu Cup, they were blown up because Song Kuo and his party were invited to Shangguanfu.

Zixian Pavilion, the most luxurious box.

A beautiful but slightly feminine man was hugging the left and right to enjoy the beauty's services. Suddenly, a subordinate came to report and whispered in his ear. Suddenly, his face became extremely gloomy. Angrily shoved the two women around him, and yelled, "Get out of here!"

The two women suddenly lost color, knowing that the other was moody, so they dared not say anything, and quit.

"Say, what the **** is going on?" Bei Gongxi stared coldly at the reporter, his anger was rising.

"Back to the son, the subordinate only found the kid's last name Song Song, Song Guan, and Shang Guan glory personally went to the city gate to meet him. It is said that he was also ordered by Miss Shang Guan Haitang." The reporter carefully said.


The exquisite jade cup turned into jade powder in the hands of Bei Gongyu, slipped from his fingers, and splashed on the carpet.

At the same time, he gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "The boy, He De He Neng, can actually be regarded as Miss Haitang personally sending someone to greet him!"

When the reporter saw this, his heart was cold, and he knew that his son was really angry. The emperor did not know that his son had a deep affection for Miss Shangguan. Even if a man said something to Miss Shangguan, he might cause his anger. There are also many people who have broken their legs and feet, or their spirits are scattered, not to mention that now the man has gone to Shangguanfu. It is conceivable how angry he is in his heart.

"Go and investigate the kid right away. I want to know his origin! And, arrange someone right away. I'm going to Shangguan!"

"Yes, son!"

Soon, a senior spirit beast car set off from Zixian Pavilion and headed straight to Shangguan.

"Beijing Palace, come to visit Miss Begonia, and I would like to inform you!"

Bei Gongyu stepped out of the beast car and sprinkled it with a smile on his face. There were dozens of superb spirit crystals falling into the guards of Shangguanfu.

"Thank you, Prince Gong!"

The guard did not dare to neglect, and immediately thanked him for reporting to the government.

After a short while, Shangguan Glory went out in person, and after a brief greeting, he shouted to the North Palace: "My son, the North Palace, my family is entertaining guests, it is not suitable to meet, please come again next time!"

As soon as this word came out, Bei Gongyu's complexion became extremely gloomy, and it seemed to be dripping water, but he still endured this anger, and clenched his fists towards Shangguan's glory: "Since this is the case, then come again next time ! "

Although he was jealous and could not allow others to approach Shangguan Begonia, he was unwilling to reveal the dark side in front of Shangguan Begonia. Therefore, no matter how angry he was at the moment, he did not want to force his way into the government, so as not to attract Dissatisfaction with Shangguan Begonia.

However, he was sentenced to death in his heart.

[Author off topic]: One more, thank you [Xi Di] [Jin Xiangdong] [Drunken Breeze] [Deng treats a purple chess trace] [Hot Fire Youth] [Day and Night Starry Sky] [td98801225] [Underworld Aunt too] reward

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