Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1303: Uneasy invitation

Song Kun didn't know yet. At this moment, he was on the kill list of Bei Gongyu.

Bei Gong Yu Yu left, but this scene fell into the eyes of many interested people.

Tianfeng Tower.

One of the ten towers of the Imperial Capital, in a luxurious and luxurious room, a group of beautiful-looking dancers are wearing light saman dances, and a group of young men dressed as sons of brothers each carry one or two beautiful women to drink and have fun.

Suddenly, a young man in the green robe sagged and laughed.

"Nangong, what's wrong with you? Why are you laughing?"

The woman beside him pretended to be curious.

Nangong Yue, the emperor's son-in-law was famous when the son of the nobility.

"Yeah, Nangong, but what happened to you? May I share it with you?" A young man wearing a red robe and a red robe, called Dongfang Yubai, is the son of a courtier, compared to Nangong Yue. My father is slightly worse.

"Yeah, brother Nangong, you can't hide it. Hurry up and say it to make everyone happy!"

Hearing a dry urgency, Nangong Yue deliberately coughed and said, "This son just received the news. Shangguan Haitang personally sent Shangguan Glory to the gate to meet a kid who didn't know where to come out!"

Everyone heard the words, and they were all very surprised.

"No, although Shangguan Begonia is one of the four beauty of the imperial capital, but it never deceives which man it is!" Said a skeptic.

"Hey!" Nangong Yue smiled proudly: "More than that, Shangguan Begonia actually invited the kid into Shangguan's house!"

"Oh my God, how is this possible?"

"I'm going, how can the boy Ho De Ho?"

Suddenly it blew up, because many of them also used Shangguan Begonia as their dream lover.

Nangong Yue raised his hand and pressed it down. The whole box suddenly became quiet. He slowly looked around and asked: "Who should you know who is most infatuated with Shangguan Begonia?"

"Who doesn't know this, Kitamiya!" A shouted.

Dongfang Yubai sneered: "The guy from the north palace pretended to be a modest gentleman in front of Shangguan Begonia. In fact, no one knows that he is a real insidious wolf. Right, brother Nangong, then the north palace heard The news should be mad? "

Nangong Yuezhang laughed: "It's not just madness, this boy went to Shangguan on the spot. Unfortunately, Shangguan Begonia gave him a meal behind closed doors! Hahaha, I'm really laughing to death."

Speaking of which, Nangong Yue couldn't help laughing, and his relationship with Bei Gongyu was not very good. Now, seeing this boy suffers, he is one hundred happy and ten thousand happy.

And dried up also laughed.

After a short while, Oriental Jade played with it:

"If this happened, wouldn't Kitamiya have the heart to kill the kid?"

"I am very sure of that!"

Nangong Yueshen nodded in approval: "But the kid can make Shangguan Begonia so important. It's definitely not easy. Besides, my son and Nagiya are not very good at dealing with it. He wants to kill, but he wants to protect him! "

North Palace.

Outside of a study, the maidservants standing there all lowered their heads, and their faces were frightened, because the sound of something breaking from time to time came in the room, which lasted for a quarter of an hour, and a roar came from time to time. .

Just then, a man in black came in a hurry.

When he heard the news from the study, he frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice, "My son, you have found the news!"

Suddenly, the room fell into silence. After a short while, a slightly hoarse voice came out: "Come in!"

The man in black pushed in the door, glanced, and found that the floor of the room was full of debris.

"My son, this is the information obtained from" Sky Eye. "The man in black presented a jade Jane.

Tianyan, a mysterious organization that buys and sells intelligence, can get any news from them as long as it can afford it.

Bei Gongyu took Yujian, looked into it, and soon read the news about Song Kun.

Suddenly a sneer appeared on his face: "I am an amazing person. It turned out to be a pariah from the Tang Dynasty. Well, he alone is worthy of competing with me for Shangguan Begonia!"

The man in black drew a little from the corner of his mouth, and wanted to correct the mistakes in Bei Gongyu's words. They did not compete with you for Shangguan Begonia at all. You are too jealous.

But after thinking about it, he still didn't speak, because he knew that his own son had no sense at all about Shangguan Begonia. If his grandfather was not a prince, he would have been fooled by him. died.

Even so, every three or five months, he was assassinated, and no fewer than ten bodyguards died for it.

After a long while, Bei Gongyu said again: "Take my post to Shangguanfu and give it to the kid. Tomorrow, I will invite him at Zixiange!"


After the meal was full, Song Yong resigned to Shangguan Begonia.

The other party did not stay, but they personally sent them out of the mansion.

This scene once again fell into the eyes of a caring person.

Soon, Song Ye and his party found an inn to live in, but just after staying, someone sent an invitation.

Song Yan's eyes fell on the invitation letter, and he couldn't help wondering, because the payment was actually not a name, but a bauhinia, and the entire invitation was made of precious materials, exuding a faint fragrance.

"Sao Bao!"

Song Xuan tossed the invitation aside, and did not intend to ignore it.

Just then, the door was knocked.

Song Kun opened the door of the room and found that standing outside was a middle-aged distracted practitioner.

"I've seen Son Song. My son is waiting for you upstairs. I hope you can meet him." The other side said sincerely.

Hearing that, Song Kun frowned slightly: "What is your son?"

"Don't misunderstand Song Gongzi, my Gongzi is not malicious to you, you will understand when you see him!" The other side was still very polite.

"okay then!"

Song Zheng nodded and followed the middle-aged man to a room upstairs.

There was a young man in green in the room. As soon as he saw Song Yong, the other party stood up and smiled, "Brave Song, please invite Brother Song!"

"His Excellency?" Song Yan asked in confusion.

"Little brother Nangong Yue."

"It was Brother Nangong!" Song Zheng nodded, but he still didn't know the origin of the other party. After all, he just stepped into the emperor's capital, but he didn't know anything.

After a few greetings, the two took their seats.

"But Brother Song just received an invitation?" Nangong Yue asked.

"Good!" Song Yan nodded calmly.

"The invitation letter was issued by Bei Gongyu, the grandson of Chao Dynasty!" Nangong Yue solved the mystery.

"I don't know him!" Song Yan said.

Nan Gongyue sighed: "Hey, Brother Song has no idea, then Bei Gongyu is a loyal pursuer of Ms. Begonia. Today you entered Shangguan, but you offended him so hard. Kindness! "

[Author off topic]: Two more, thank [cloud light wind light heart] [drunk and clear wind] [three lives and three love only one person] [my dream flying] [ha ha] these great rewards

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