Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1304: Will he come?

"Oh?" Song Yan raised an eyebrow. "Want to know the details."

Nangong Yue sorted out her words a little before she said, "This grandfather of Bei Gongyu is the grandson of the prince of the Chao Dynasty, and he is the only grandson, so he is greatly favored by the prince of the North Palace.

Therefore, this grandson is notoriously arrogant. Almost everyone in the Imperial City knows about his relationship with Shangguan Begonia. Even if a man and Shangguan Begonia say something, it will cause the grandson's jealousy.

Afterwards, those men who had contact with Shangguan Begonia were interrupted, or the practice was abolished, and the spirit was lost. Even the year before, the son of Cui Shangshu pursued Shangguan Begonia. As a result, the grandson of Bei Gong almost gave the other person Killed, but this matter was suppressed by the master of the palace.

But the kid from the north palace was only incarcerated for three months!

This time, you were invited to the house by Shangguan Begonia. The grandson's temperament in the northern palace will definitely not let you go, so you must be careful not to go to a banquet! "

Hearing that Song Kun frowned, but did not expect that he had offended the emperor's grandson, woman, who was really a sorrow and evil.

After half a while, Song Zheng stared at Nangong Yue and asked, "Isn't the relationship between Nangong Xiong and Bei Gongyan bad?"

"Yes, I don't deal with that grandson!" Speaking of this, Nangong Yue flashed a little awkwardly on his face: "I also suffered a few losses from that grandson!"

"Okay, now I know. Thank you Brother Nangong for reminding me, my brother will leave first."

Back in the room, Li Tianluo greeted him.

"Father, what happened?"

"It's all right." Song Yan shook his head, but didn't want Li Tianluo to worry, but he wondered whether he would go to the banquet.

On the same day, the news that Bei Gongxuan invited Song Xun to dinner tomorrow spread within the imperial capital.

More than ninety-nine per cent believe that Song Kun is over.

While everyone was talking, Song Zheng went to Phoenix Tianjiao alone and made a challenge registration in the rookie list.

However, there are too many challengers, and it may take some time for him to turn.

Royal Palace, Qian Ye Palace.

Shangguan Begonia sat opposite the host of Yinhu County.

She looked at the main story of Yinhu County: "Beijing Palace has invited Song Yan to meet at Zixian Pavilion tomorrow, why don't you worry about his safety?"

The Silver Fox County Lord smiled dismissively: "He is not as weak as you think."

Shangguan Begonia chuckled: "Also, in the Tang dynasty, he made the Taiyi religion disgraceful. I was worried. He didn't know the importance of it, and annoyed the Taigung teacher.

After hearing that, the owner of Yinhu County said lightly: "So what? If he was killed by the Great Master of the North Palace, it can only be said that he should have this disaster, no wonder anyone!"

Hearing this from the Yinhu County Lord, Shangguan Begonia looked at her suspiciously: "I thought you liked him, but it seems he offended you now."

"Well, don't talk about it!" The owner of Yinhu County waved his hands a little irritably: "What do you think of the Empress's opening of Xiuxian College?"

"I can't say well." Shangguan Begonia shook his head: "The opening of Xiuxian will definitely damage the interests of the ancestors and the major Xiuxian families. Phoenix Tianjiao is also reluctant to see the imperial dynasty continue to grow, presumably blocking it. ! "

"Yeah!" Sighed the Lord of Yinhu County: "Although this is a lot of obstacles, it is a good thing for the country and the people. If Xiuxian College is established, it will certainly double the overall strength of the empire in less than a thousand years!"

Shangguan Begonia nodded: "The female emperor is very talented, and she will not lose the intellect to the founding female emperor. But now, 50% of the officials in the world come from various ancestors in the world, 20% are from various families, and the remaining 10% are close to Phoenix Tianjiao, and finally Only 20% of them are completely loyal to the Emperor. Even if the 20% of the officials are divided into several factions, they continue to fight. Therefore, although they are loyal to the Emperor, they may not agree to the Emperor's establishment of the Xiuxian Academy, because that would make the world fall into turmoil. Many people are accustomed to this comfortable life, and who wants to live the days of beating and killing. "

The owner of Yinhu County worries: "But if the imperial dynasty does not reform, it will become a fat sheep in the eyes of others. According to the information from the heaven demon mainland, the red dragon has defeated the army of the Ningfeng Kingdom. The dragon must be the emperor. Once the Tianyao mainland is unified, it will be a huge threat to my Da Zhou. It is precisely when the female emperor sees this that she will start the Xiuxian Academy to enhance her strength. Unfortunately, it is difficult for people in the world to have someone. You can see that! "

"Many people are blinded by their immediate interests. How can they see the threat of the future!" Shangguan Haitang nodded gently.

Suddenly, the spokesperson of Yinhu County turned around: "The Emperor intends to send someone to the heaven demon continent to stop Chilong from becoming emperor. What do you think about this?"

"The trend cannot be changed!" Shangguan Begonia shook his head: "At most, it will delay the red dragon to become the emperor. The world must be divided for a long time, and the minutes must be divided. The Tianyao continent has been chaotic for thousands of years, and it is time to unify. ! "

The silver fox county's eyes were stunned, and there was a splendid shot: "Although the general trend is inviolable, it is also very good to prevent Chilong from claiming the emperor later. In this way, the female emperor can take more time to reform the world!"

"Reform! Reform, I don't know how many people will lose their lives for this!" Shangguan Haitang sighed softly, but his eyes were unbearable.

"Oh, you are too kind, you should kill anyone who blocks Dazhou's strong prosperity!" Yinhu County Lord Leng Hu said, and when she said that, Song Ying's figure flashed again in her mind. Obstruct, otherwise, I will have to chop you myself!


Late at night, Yinhu County on the bed was suddenly awakened. Just now, she had a strange dream. In the dream, she became a princess of the mortal kingdom. When she led her younger brother to escape, she encountered other soldiers Ma chased and killed, and at the last moment he appeared to rescue their sister.

And in the dream, the other party gave her a fancy drink called Cola.

"Did I have tangled with his past life?"

The Yinhu County Lord couldn't help whispering to himself, for some reason, this dream made her feel a little more unspeakable for Song Yan.

"No, this is not what I want, how can I be entangled in the private affairs of my children!"

The Lord of Silver Fox snarled, and suppressed the ripples in his heart.

The next day.

The business of the restaurant and tea shop around Zixian Pavilion suddenly became exceptionally good, and even the large and small boxes were directly interrupted by the boys and girls of the Imperial City.


Suddenly in a tea shop, someone was exclaimed, but it was a high-end spirit beast car slowly driving towards Zixian Pavilion. This spirit beast car had Jiahui from the North Palace family, so no accident. In this car, It was Kitamiya Aya.

Sure enough, the beast car stopped in front of Zixian Pavilion, and the figure of Bei Gongyu stepped out of the car.

With the support of several guards, Bei Gongyu stepped into Zixian Pavilion. Today, Zixian Pavilion has been reserved and will no longer receive other people.

At the same time, Bei Gongyu left four guards at the gate of Zixian Pavilion.

For a while, the surrounding restaurants and tea shops began to discuss. Will Song Ye come to the banquet?

[Author's off-topic]: The third update has been completed. Thank you Xuanyuan Huang and the two great concubines.

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