Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1305: he came

The tea shop lobby opposite the Zixian Pavilion was crowded, and each seat was full of tea guests.

"Although Song Kun newly entered the imperial capital, Bei Gongyu's name is too loud. As long as Song Kun is not a fool, he will not come to death!" Someone analyzed.

"Wasn't that saying, we can't see this good show?" Someone regretted.

"not necessarily!"

Suddenly, an old man said mysteriously, "Do you know the origin of this song?"

"Isn't this kid a big deal? Or, is he a new disciple born in some big door?"

"No!" Lao Xiu shook his head, more and more mysterious.

"Don't sell off, Mr. Song, let's tell the origin of Song Yan!"

"Yes, old man, stop selling!"

Hearing the urging of the crowd, Lao Xiu took the tea and sipped his mouth, and then slowly spoke: "This Song Kun is from the Tang Dynasty!"

"Tang Dynasty? That little dynasty in a remote area?" A young monk dismissed.

"Hey, I thought there was something big about Song Ye. It turned out to be from a monk from a remote dynasty. Hey, it's just him who is also worthy of fighting with Bei Gongyu. Hum, it's a waste of time!

"Yeah, it's boring!"

"This ending is doomed!"

"Hey, I haven't looked at it, let's go, it might as well go to the Qinglou to listen to Xiaoquer!"

Seeing that everyone was not optimistic about Song Yan, Lao Xiu smiled aloud and asked, "Everyone thinks that the Tang Dynasty is a remote place?"

"Isn't it?" Some practitioners sneered.

Some even ridiculed Lao Xiu: "Mr. Old, don't make a fool here!"

"Hey!" Lao Xiu suddenly gave a weird smile: "You guys, you are still too young. Although the Tang Dynasty is located in a remote area, there are also masters there. For example, the Tang Dynasty's state religion Taiyi religion, there are immortals."

"Isn't it possible? There are fairy people in that remote area?" Someone questioned, but his face was quite surprised.

"If there were no immortals in the Tang dynasty, how could I allow him to exist?" Said the old man.

After hearing the words, all the practitioners in the lobby thought down and thought that the senior practitioners were justified.

The voice of Lao Xiu continued to sound: "The Taiyi Religion has been teaching for 100,000 years. There are immortals sitting in the church, and there are also immortals passed down to suppress luck. There are also many hands-on masters in the teaching. Hundreds! "

Hearing the old man shouted, a practitioner in the lobby was surprised.

"Isn't that saying that this Taiyi religion is stronger than Da Zhou's first-rate sect?"

"Of course!" Lao Xiu nodded.

"Did Song Ye come from Taiyi Religion?" Someone asked suddenly.

Lao Xiu shook his head: "No, Song Ye is not a disciple of Taiyi Religion. Instead, he also taught Taiyi to the world!"

"Isn't it possible? Then Song Ye was just distracted. How dare he oppose Taiyi religion?" Someone questioned.

The old Xiu laughed and said nothing.

"Come here, give this old man a pot of the best tea, and count it in the account of the son!" Said a son of Jin Yi, who said loudly.

"Thank you son!"

Lao Xiu nodded to the son of Jin Yi, continued to speak, and slowly talked about what Song Yun had done in the Tang Dynasty and destroyed the Taiyi religion for more than half of the altar. He stunned and gazed at everyone.

However, some people still question: "Mr. Old, this is not something you fabricated. Then Song Ye is not too powerful. In the late period, how could he kill so many masters!"

"Hey!" Lao Wan smiled: "Actually, Lao Shi was quite skeptical of the news, but Song Yan did one thing when he entered my territory."

Then, Lao Xiu told Song Xi's deeds in Xianfeng City.

The things of the Tang Dynasty are too far away, and everyone does not have a clear understanding of the Tang Dynasty, but things happened in Xianfeng City, and they have an intuitive understanding.

Slaying two hundred and ninety thousand demon repairs, he captured the combined demon king.

Such things are definitely not something that ordinary people can do.

Others sighed: "The two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine demon Xiu Xiu, this Song Ji's great killing is simply reincarnation!"

Suddenly, someone ran in and shouted, "You guys, some gambling halls have begun. It is impossible for Song Ye to get out of Zixian Pavilion alive and lose 10%, and alive out 10!"

Hearing this odds, many practitioners in the lobby are a joy, then Song Yan is so fierce, there is a great opportunity to get out of Zixian Pavilion.

However, some people are worried that although Song Yan is fierce, Bei Gong Yan is not an ordinary person. Strong dragons are hard to crush the snake, not to mention that Bei Gong Yan is a little dragon.

"This is an opportunity. Hurry up and place a bet. I can let Song Ye go out alive!"

Someone shouted.

At one point, everyone swarmed from the tea shop and went to the gambling house to place a bet.

And in the box of this tea shop.

Nangong Yue, Dongfang Yubai and other dry disciples are here.

They all heard the conversation about Song Yong downstairs.

"Unexpectedly, this Song Yan is so powerful!" Dongfang Yubai sighed.

"It's better to get rid of the teeth of Kitanomiya!" Yuzu laughed.

"If he can get out of Zixian Pavilion alive this time, I'd like to make a good relationship with him!" Nangong Yue smiled.

"Come here, then Song Ye is here!"

Suddenly, a shout exclaimed. At one moment, everyone showed their consciousness and found that a white boy was coming slowly at the end of the street.

The teenager's face was calm and calm, and the waves were not frightened, and it seemed that he was not worried about what happened next.

Countless pairs of eyes at the tea shops on both sides of the street fell on Song Yan's body. There were curiosity, sarcasm, disdain, and gloating.

In a small tea shop, Murong Hongdou looked at Song Ye who was walking slowly, his eyes could not help but show a bit of worry and concern, and turned back to the old man who was drinking tea slowly: "Grandpa, you said he would not What will happen? "

"Relax, good life isn't long, and it will hurt the millennium!" The old man said calmly.

"Do you mean he's okay?" Murong Hongdou couldn't help but a smile on his face.

"Girl, are you so concerned about that stinky boy, isn't it ...?" Suddenly, the old man stared suspiciously at his granddaughter, playing with taste.

Murong Hongdou's cheeks were slightly red: "Grandpa don't talk nonsense, people don't."

Seeing his granddaughter's performance, the old man's eyes flashed with anxiety.

Song Yan walked slowly on the clean streets, he could feel countless divine thoughts and consciousness all spied on him, and many open eyes were looking at him.

He didn't care.

Finally, he came to the gate of Zixian Pavilion, and his eyes fell on the four guards of Bei Gongyu.

"I came to make an appointment, where is the son of the palace?" Song Yan asked.

"Hey! If you want to see my son, you have to pass our level first!" A guard strangely smiled, staring at Song Kun unwillingly. These four guards, three distracting peaks, and an early integration period.

And seeing this scene, all the spectators couldn't help showing excitement, and many people shouted, hit, get started, and so on.

[Author's off-topic]: I saw that some readers in the book review area mentioned that the chapters are chaotic. It seems that the mosquito is blame. This pot mosquito does not carry the back. Because of this, it is likely that your tower reading app has a problem. Delete the app and download it again. This should solve the problem.

One more, thanks [Red Flames to Heaven]

[My Dream Flying] [Dead in the Spirit World] [Also in the Account] [Remembering Jiangnan Jiangnan] [Bing Xinhuo] [Feng Ling] [Lonely Miles] [liu Meng Long] [Your Friends] These great rewards

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