Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1306: Four kills

Hearing that, Song Kun frowned slightly, and said lightly, "I was invited by your son, are you sure you want to do this?"


The four guards laughed arrogantly when they heard Song Yong's words.

The previous guard pointed at Song Kun impolitely: "Boy, you take yourself too seriously, who do you think you are, from the dumplings of the Tang Dynasty. In my eyes, you can only pinch yourself Ants. "

Speaking of which, the other person's face was a bit more playful: "Of course, if you don't have the courage to do it with us, then climb from our Majesty!"

During the talk, the four split their legs and motioned to Song Ye to climb quickly.

"That being the case, I won't go in!" Song Yan turned and wanted to leave.


As soon as the four figures shook, they surrounded Song Kun.

"Boy, you still want to leave when you are here. What do you think is here? It allows you to be so casual!"

Song Yan's brow deepened, and Shen Sheng asked, "What do you want?"

"How?" The four sneered with sneers: "Either defeat us and enter it upright, or drill through our sire!"

"Is there a third option?"

Song Ye smiled suddenly.

"No, there are only two choices. Don't challenge our patience, whether to drill in or fight in the past!" The four eyes stared at Song Yan with interest, as if Song Yuan had become their meat.


Song Yi sighed softly: "When I first arrived, I wanted to be a low-key person, but some people didn't want me to be low-key. In this case, I can only make a high-key one more time."

Speaking of which, his eyes slowly swept across the four, and smiled, "Do you come one by one, or go together?"

"Let ’s go together? Little cricket ants dare to say crazy words, and you deserve yourself too!"

All four were a little angry when they heard.

"Although the cricket ants are small, they are self-reliant. I don't know how many times stronger than those of you who are dogs!" Song Kun shook his head and looked at the four people in front of him with pity. It should not be difficult, even if the Tang Dynasty can not be found for a while, the matter of Xianfeng City is certainly not difficult to find.

Now that he knows that he has the strength of a demon king, he still keeps the four here to embarrass him, which shows that he didn't take the lives of the four guards to heart.

At the same time, Song Yan sneered. Since you Beigong Chen didn't care about their lives, why should I care? I want to see my strength, I also let you see enough.

"you wanna die!"

As soon as this word came out, the four guards suddenly changed color, and one of them was directly imprinted. Behind him was the majestic shadow of an ancient giant tiger, and he fisted to kill Song Yan.

"A fight!"

Everyone around me stared at the scene intently, with a look of excitement.

"The spirit tiger trick of Halloween can explode three times its own strength. In addition, the opponent is the late peak of distraction. That Song Ye is not an opponent!" When a well-known practitioner saw the guard shot, His judgment was given.

The fist shadow was as heavy as a mountain, rolling with a surging breath. For a moment, the void around Song Yong appeared distorted, and Song Yan actually stood in place without half a move, and seemed to have not reacted.

"No, wasn't that kid killed like this? Didn't he say that he could capture the Demon King?" In the tea shop before, after listening to Lao Xiu's introduction to Song Yong, many people bought Song Yong to survive .

Now it seems that he is overrated!

For a while, many people looked at Lao Xiu a little badly.

The expression of Lao Xiu was rather calm.

At the same time, in a small tea shop, seeing this scene, Murong Hongdou's heart mentioned his throat, he wouldn't just die like that.

Seeing that the fist shadow of Bei Gongyu's guard was about to bombard Song Kun, he finally had action.

I saw he slowly raised his right hand.

Obviously very slow action, in fact, it is almost to the extreme.


A foot of transparent sword air overflowed from his fingers, and then swept across.

The powerful shadow of the fist was split directly, and at the same time, Song Kun made a stroke again, and then, the giant tiger figure behind the guard suddenly disappeared, and the breath of life faded at a very fast speed.

"This ... what's going on?"

Seeing this scene, someone murmured, apparently did not understand what was going on.

Qi Dingxian's old Xiu spoke again, but with a little shock in his tone: "Good condensed sword gas, I am afraid that the general sword Xiu can not match, the opponent died in his hands!"


As soon as his voice fell, the tall body of the guard fell suddenly, and a thin line appeared from his eyebrow to the neck.


"A peak in the late distraction is so dead?"

Countless people were shocked, and many people were surprised, but in the tea shop where Lao Xiu was located, many people had confidence in Song Ye, because among them, Song Ye, who bought them, could walk out of Zixian Pavilion.

"You killed him?"

Outside Zixian Pavilion, the other three guards were stunned by the changes in front of them, staring at Song Yan very unexpectedly.

"Why, can't I kill him only if he is allowed to kill me?" Song Yunyun said lightly.

"Okay, boy, you are dead today. We are all the guards of the North Palace. You dare to kill us. Today, we will not kill you, we will follow your surname!" The fit guard said. Then, the tone was full of anger.

"Oh, you want to follow my last name, I'm sorry, I don't agree, letting a group of dogs named Song will insult the last name!" Song Yan smiled and laughed.

"Go on, kill him together!"

The combined guard shot coldly, and when he turned the palm of his hand, a golden void fingerprint appeared on the top of Song Yan, and then it was pressed down. At the same time, a magic weapon spear appeared in his hand. After falling, his body rushed out, turning into a residual image, piercing Song Yan's brows.

One stroke killed the late peak of distraction, even if he couldn't do it, so he knew that the boy in front of him was not easy, so when he shot, he used his full strength.

Two other guards also shot.

One person's seal printed a spell, the other man manipulated a magic weapon Feijian to kill Song Yan.

For the trio's combined attack, Song Yan sketched a hint of smirk.

His fingertips again overflowed with a transparent, long-footed sword.

"Puff puff!"

His right hand volleyed three times, and his movement seemed extremely easy.

But with just three strokes, the body of the three guards actually cracked from it. Naturally, their attack stopped abruptly.

Blood splattered and the three bodies fell into two halves.

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes widened.

"God, kill three people in one move, and still have a fit?"

"Did my eyes go wrong!"

"Nima, is this still late in distraction? Why is it so perverted!"

All kinds of exclaims continued to sound.

Inside the box of a tea shop.

Dongfang Yubai took a breath of air-conditioning: "I wipe, so strong, this kid's strength can at least make the top ten rookie list!"

"Hey, this is a good look. It's a kick on the iron plate this time!" Nangong Yue smiled happily.

"I'm going, it's really killing the star to reincarnate, killing people is so crisp!" In the small tea shop, the old man spit out the tea and stared at the scene in front of Zixian Pavilion.

"Song Gongzi is so powerful!" Murong Hongdou folded her hands, her eyes full of worship.

[Digression of the author]: Two more, thank you [Deng treats a purple chess trace] [small. nine. nine. . 】 [Yunhang] [Wartime 丨 Butterfly] [Jingbin Yongyong] These big rewards

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