Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1307: Beat the North Palace

The scene in front of Zixian Pavilion shocked many people, but also made people realize that this "foreigner" was not as fragile as imagined.

In a box in Zixian Pavilion, Bei Gongyu's face, which has been concerned about developments, has become a little ugly.

"This Song Yan is so brave, he dare to kill his son!" A guard said angrily.

"Please come up!"

Bei Gong groaned.

Soon, Song Ye was invited to this box.

The decoration of the box is very luxurious. However, from the beginning of Song Ye's footsteps, four murderous eyes stared at him.

The four personal guards are all masters in the mid-fit.

Song Yan ignored the eyes of the four, walked to the table and sat down, staring at Bei Gongyu: "You invited me to the banquet, and didn't even put a cup of tea on the table. Is it a sheep's head selling dog meat?"

"Your name is Song Yan, isn't it?" Bei Gongyan narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at Song Yan coldly, asking.

"Ask me knowingly." Song Yan smiled.

Suddenly, Bei Gongyu smiled: "Very good, no one has dared to talk to me like this for a long time."

"Really?" Song Yan shrugged in disapproval.

Bei Gong's eyes narrowed again: "I disrespect me and kill my people. Both crimes are punished. You said, how should I punish you?"

"Happy with you!" Song Yan shrugged again.

"Aren't you afraid?" Kitamiya Hiroshi was curious.

Song Yan smiled: "What am I afraid of, if you don't have a good grandpa, you just invite me like this, I'm too lazy to bother!"

Suddenly, there was an angry expression on Bei Gongyu's face, and the four guards broke out in various momentums, locking up Song Yi. As long as Bei Gongyu gave an order, they would shoot at him.

Bei Gongyu said again: "Song Ye, you are very arrogant, and your qualifications are not very good. You can compete with the top ten in the rookie list. Unfortunately, you should not be arrogant in front of me. Now, I will give you a chance to survive, to kill yourself. Cultivate, I can let you leave here alive! "

Originally, he planned to kill Song Yong, but felt that it was too cheap to kill him directly. It was better to abandon his cultivation and make him worse off.

"You must be able to eat me like that?" Song Yan asked, looking at Bei Gongyan.

"In the imperial capital, although there are many people who make me taboo, you will not be one of them. So, I will fix you!" Said Bei Gongxi very confidently.

"Have you heard such a word?" Song Yan said sharply.

"What is it?" His Majesty Kitamiya asked subconsciously.

"Capturing the thief first captures the king!" During the talk, Song Xun suddenly shot, and Bei Ningxuan's neck was caught in the probe, and when Zhenyuan vomited, he sealed his whole body.

"My son!"

"Asshole, let go of the boy!"

The incident happened too quickly, and the four personal guards did not expect Song Ji to directly attack Bei Gongji, so until Bei Gongji fell into Song Ji's hands, the four of them did not react.

But Bei Gongyu, who fell into Song Ye's hands, seemed quite calm. He stared at Song Ye coldly, with a commanded tone: "Let me go!"


Song Kun raised his hand and gave Bei Gongyu a loud mouth.

Suddenly, the North Palace froze, and then trembled with anger. He was actually blown his mouth, and the four close guards were also choked. His son was actually beaten.

The practitioners who secretly followed the situation here with divine thoughts or consciousness were also stunned, and Song Yan actually dared to fan Bei Gong's mouth.

"The captives must have the captives' consciousness. The tone you just made me very upset, and I like to fan the mouth!" Song Yan's voice sounded, with a bit of drama.

"I'm going to kill you! Asshole, I'll let your soul fly!" After a brief stagnation, Kitamiya Aya fell into fury and roared sharply.


Song Zheng gave Bei Gong a pout again.

"The thief is afraid!"

"You bastard!"

The four personal guards screamed angrily, but because their own son was in the kid's hands, they dared not to rush into ratcheting devices.


Song Yan gave the two loud mouths of Bei Gongxi very simply, and then guarded the four personally: "You are quieter, this is very noisy. Of course, you can choose to continue, you can say something Then I will give your son a big mouth! "

"Do you dare!" A guard roared.


Song Zheng gave the North Palace another slap to prove that he dared, and then said: "You can continue to shout, I haven't hit enough anyway!"

In the box opposite, Dongfang Yubai shouted in astonishment:

"I wipe it! It's going to break!"

"Some, this Song Yan is too kind. If he walks out of Zixian Pavilion today, he will be my friend of Nangong Yue!" Nangong Yue also laughed, watching Bei Gongyan being beaten up by the mouth, he was so happy It's so happy.

The puppets in the same box were also shocked and muttered to themselves: "Nima, I see a fierce man today!"

There is Zixian Pavilion.

The four personal guards didn't dare to rush into silence. Who knows whether Bei Gongyu will give them accounts after the fall.

"Your four **** are all wood. Give this boy a shot, kill him, kill this bastard!"

Hiroshi Kitamiya's puffy face was full of crickets, growling wildly.


A series of slaps fell on the face of Kitamiya Hiroshi.

The puffy cheeks swelled up like fermented buns.

"Song Ye, kill me if you have a kind, otherwise I won't let you go, I will kill you, let your soul fly, even your relatives and teachers will not let go!"


Song Yan didn't speak, he just mouthed!

"Asshole! If you dare to fight, you will continue to fight if there is a species!" Kitamiya continued to growl.


A series of applause rang again.

As for Bei Gongyu, he was almost blown away by gas. He didn't rush to speak any more, but stared at Song Yu resentfully.

"Dare to stare at me! Time to hit!"


"Asshole, you four assholes, leave me alone and kill him, otherwise, my son will let your soul fly away!" Kitamiya Snarled again.


After a few more slaps, Hiroshi Kitamiya could not see the original look on his cheeks, and then he made an unexpected move, throwing Hiroshi Kitamura to four guards.


The four guards were very surprised, and did not expect that Song Yi would return Bei Gongyu to them.

However, they couldn't control so much, and quickly unlocked the seal of Bei Gongyu.

As soon as the seal was released, Bei Gongyu did not recover the injury on his face. Instead, he grabbed a nine-pin spirit sword and rushed towards Song Yu.

"Protect your son!"

One of the guards responded very quickly. When he saw Bei Gongyu's hands, his figure was a flash, but he rushed to Song Yi's body first, and raised his hand and punched him.

This fist seems ordinary, but it contains his strongest power.

In less than a thousandth of a second, they bombarded Song Song's chest.


Song Yan raised his hand and intercepted the opponent's punch. Then Song Song stood still in place, but the opponent was shocked to fly back, but his face looked like a ghost, exclaimed:

"How is it possible that you are not late in distraction, why is your strength so strong?"

[Off-topic by the author]: Three updates are complete.

Seeing some people in the book review area say that mosquitoes bury the army, it is absolutely not a thing. There are good people and bad people, and military people are good and bad. Moreover, the plot is fictitious, so why is it true?

You ca n’t just be bad guys in mosquito books, they are all humans, so you say that mosquitoes look down on the whole human ~ ~ It ’s so happy, why is it true? If there is a certain plot that makes you uncomfortable Please also understand.

Thanks [Celle Erlu] for this great reward

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