Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1308: Halloween

A practitioner who secretly paid attention to the situation in Zixian Pavilion with divine knowledge saw that this scene was also shocked. He used the cultivation in the late period as the mid-term to repel the fit. The defeated enemy was in the genius where the emperor was born. What a curious thing.

However, it is a bit scary to defeat an enemy in a big realm, and it is still in the middle of the disintegration to fight back the combination. It has surpassed three levels. I am afraid that only the top ten rookies on the rookie list can do it.

For a time, everyone's evaluation of Song Yan directly raised several levels.

Before he killed the four guards in front of Zixian Pavilion, everyone was shocked and surprised, but at the most they regarded Song Kun as a more powerful outsider. Anyone in the top ten rookies could suppress him.

But after he repelled the guards in the middle of the North Palace, the crowd raised him enough to rank with the top ten on the rookie list.

Above the Zixian Pavilion, the repelled guard had stabilized his body, but his face did not look very good. He stared coldly at Song Yan: "Although your strength can stand shoulder to shoulder with the mid-fit, It ’s half better than me, but it does n’t mean you can beat me! ”

This person is called Ling Zhantian, and he is one of the peerless masters of Halloween. Because of the cooperation between Halloween and the North Palace family, in order to show good favor to the North Palace family, the Halloween group sent two mid-fits together, and Masters of other ranks come to act as guards of the North Palace.

During the speech, Ling Zhan's celestial body suddenly had a black glow surging. When the glow dissipated, he had a set of black armor on his shoulders, with two sloppy tiger heads on his shoulders.

This set of armor is called the Tiger King armor. It is the eight-pin magic weapon with high defense power. Masters of the same level have almost no possibility of breaking it. It is one of the most precious spiritual armors of the Holy Sect. It is said that the entire Halloween Sect also has only Nine sets.

In Ling Zhantian's hand, there was also a black Fangtian painting halberd. This weapon is also an eight-pin magic weapon.

At the same time, Ling Zhantian was full of momentum, and a phantom of an ancient tiger suddenly appeared behind him. This phantom was much larger than that of the giant tiger phantom in the late distraction in front of Zixian Pavilion.

Eight-pin defense spirit tiger king armor, eight-pin magic weapon Fangtian painting halberd, and the "Linghujue" that can triple the strength, Ling Zhantian can say that he has released all his hole cards, even if faced In the later stage of the integration, he can also not fear a battle!

"Ling Zhantian is really moving. I don't know if Song Yun can resist it. If he can resist, he will be qualified to be in the top ten rookie list!" Opposite Zixiange, Nangong Yue, who has been paying attention to the situation here with divine knowledge, God Know the dignified road.

"I see enough!" Dongfang Yubai shook his head: "This Lingzhan balance usually does not reveal landscapes. This time, it seems that in the middle of the integration, his strength has been called the top. Although Song Yan is strong, but he has not stepped in after all Fit, it's too hard to beat him! "

Nangong Yue narrowed his eyes and said softly: "Yeah, but even if he can defeat Ling Zhantian, there are three mid-term fits on the side of Beigong Yan. One is also from the Holy Sect, called Hong Potian. It is said that The Sacred Sect has a secret method and joins hands.

It can double the strength of the two sides, and the other two mid-fits are masters of Thunder God Sect. They do not practice physical attack and specialize in Lei Fa. They are so-called specialized and sophisticated. Therefore, Thunder God Sect's Lei Dao Method can definitely be proud of the heroes. Two close-ups entangled Song Kun, and the other two released Lei Fa assisted, not to mention Song Kun, even if there is a hate on the spot in the later period of the fit! "

"So, then Song Ye will die today?"

Asked a cricket.

Nangong Yue thoughtfully: "This is not easy to say, it depends on whether the four of Ling Zhantian will join together cheekily! They have no chance with Song Ye. If they don't, Song Ye will have a chance!"

Inside the Zixian Pavilion, Ling Zhantian's momentum rose steadily, and he continued to oppress Song Song.

Surrounded by the momentum of the other side, Song Yan is like a boat in the waves of the sea, and it is possible to subvert at any time. However, his expression seems extremely calm.

"Ling Zhantian, what are you waiting for, kill me!" Hiroshi Kitamiya urged impatiently.



Ling Zhantian sighed softly, and the giant tiger roared behind him. Fang Tianhua's halberd in his hand turned into a black bolt of lightning towards Song Kun.

The strength of this halberd is so strong that even the void cannot bear it, and it has split in half.

And Song Ye felt a huge force of destruction coming towards him, as if to tore his body.


Fang Tianhuaji has come to the top of Song Yan.

At this moment, he moved.


The Spirit Sword came out of the sheath and spewed out again and again.

"Dangdang Dangdang!"

A series of impact sounds and huge sound waves spread out, making the entire Zixian Pavilion shake violently. Fortunately, there is a large array of support in Zixian Pavilion, otherwise it will be collapsed by Sonic. Various items are also reduced to powder.

And many people watch the situation with divine mind and divine knowledge, all of them are shattered by sound waves, so that there are mourners or screams in the surrounding restaurants and tea shops.

Only a few who have special means, or have the strength to fit, can barely keep their consciousness from being smashed by sound waves.

"It's too cruel!" Monk Yuanying sighed with regret, but she didn't dare to peep out.

"Yeah, if we are in that place, I'm afraid that the flesh will be crushed directly!" A practitioner who nodded thoughtfully.

In the small tea shop, Murong Hongdou's face was a little pale, and her thoughts were also damaged.

"Grandpa, how is it?" She turned to ask the old man.

"Rest assured, the star-killer boy is okay, and there is no danger to life!" The old man said lightly, as if he had not been affected.

Inside the Purple Fairy Pavilion.

The confrontation between the two has reached a fever pitch.

Fang Tian's drawing of the halberd's moves was fierce, with one move and one with destructive power, but Song Xun's swordsmanship was like spring rain, and the moistening was silent, which could always easily solve Ling Zhantian's moves.

"Waste, you can't win that kid for so long! Hong Potian, you will go together too!" In this regard, Bei Gongyu was very dissatisfied and ordered another guard around him.


Hong Potian nodded, and the tiger king armor also appeared on his body, but his weapon was not a Fang Tianhua halberd, but a fiery red spear.

"Take chestnuts in the fire, lore!"

He stared at the battlefield tightly, and did not take the shot immediately, but waited for Song Ye and Ling Zhantian to collide before attacking suddenly, and the shot was an unreserved killing move.

The fiery red pistol turned into a little reddish ghost, which flashed away and appeared directly in Song Yi's vest.

At the same time, Ling Zhantian ’s Fangtian painting halberd also turned into a black afterimage, and it was said to be in full harmony with Hong Potian. At the same time, the two's Qiji also joined together, making the strength of both sides Suddenly doubled.

Therefore, under the lock of their air power and momentum, Song Xuan's void seemed to be in a stagnation, his body was suppressed by death and unable to move!

[Digression by the author]: One more, thank you [My dream flying] [Stars and stars] [kevinh] [Walk in the rain T_T] [Xuanyuan Huang's] [Ten years and nine summers] These great rewards

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