Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1311: Crazy reward

Soon, the dishes were served, and the girls arranged.

The girls who picked Xinglou are of high quality, with unique looks and temperaments, and all have their own cultivation.

The one who came to serve Song Kun was a beautiful girl with a beautiful face and a clever girl.

Song Yan's personality is not old-fashioned, but he is also not slutty. When enjoying the service of the girl, there is no extra movement. It is not like Nangong Yue and others' behavior is a bit sloppy, and the palms of the girls pass from the sensitive areas around them from time to time .

"Brother Song, but are you dissatisfied?" Nangong Yue couldn't help asking when he saw Song Yan's rules.

"No, it's fine." Song Yan smiled.

"If Brother Song is not satisfied, I can have someone change you." Nangong Yue said again.

Song Zheng waved his hand: "No need, I think Yinger is pretty good."

"That's good."

Nangong Yue smiled, thinking that Song Yunchu could not let go in such a place.

"Brother Song, do you know who is the most famous girl picking Xinglou?" Nangong Yue said suddenly and mysteriously.

"Appreciate further details!"

Nangong Yue continued: "The first card of the Xinglou Tower is called Yueyue. This woman is proficient in piano, calligraphy, painting, and dancing. She is extremely beautiful, upside down sentient beings, and watching her dance, at least three days must be remembered."

"Yeah, but unfortunately, the girl who called Yueyue does not perform every day!" Dongfang Yubai said with regret.

Hearing about the call to the moon, several other uncles have also greatly increased their interest, and you talked about the topic related to the call to the moon.

"I heard that Sister Yueyue will perform tonight."

Yinger interjected suddenly.


Hearing that Nangong Yue and others were excited, all eyes seemed to be shining.

"It should be true." Yinger nodded surely.

"That's really good!" Dongfang Yubai clapped, and then said to Song Yi: "Brother Song is really lucky. The first time I come to pick the star tower, I can see the girl called Yueyue."

"Really? It seems my luck is really good!" Song Yan smiled, but there was some disapproval in his heart, what kind of dance in the main world did not.

Unconsciously, half an hour passed.

At this moment, Zixinglou specially sent someone to inform that the girl who called Yueyue will perform on the lobby of the first floor. If you want to watch, you might as well move.

"So what are you waiting for? Come on!"

A few uncles stood up excitedly and strode out of the box.

The corridor outside the box is quite spacious. At this moment, tables and chairs and drinks and snacks have been placed at the window. They are prepared for the guests in the box.

Song Kun and his party directly occupied two tables.

Suddenly, a beautiful music sounded, and then more than a dozen women in pink gauze skirts and white gauze masks fell from the sky and landed on the stage in the hall.

The bodies of these dancers are extremely soft, and the veil on their bodies is almost transparent. You can see the beautiful carcass under the veil at a glance. As for that layer of white veil, they cannot completely cover their looks.

But this arrangement gave everyone a hazy feeling.

With the music, these dancers danced on the stage. Their dancing was beautiful and gentle, and they received a lot of applause.

"Come here, send these girls 10,000 flowers!"

Suddenly, someone shouted.

Picking flowers from Xinglou requires flowers Lingjing to buy, and the price is not high. A ten pieces of sublime Lingjing, 10,000 flowers is equivalent to 100,000 pieces of sublime Lingjing.

For the flowers received, the performing girl can get 30% of the profits.

"Shen Tu's son sent ten thousand flowers." The waiter picking the star tower said loudly.

"Huh!" Hearing, Dongfang Yubai could not help humming: "Come here, send these girls 11 thousand flowers!"

Obviously, Oriental Jade and Shen Tu were on the white bar again.

But weirdly, this time Shen Tubai did not continue to send it, but other guests began to send it. The lesser one was 100, the more was 5,000, and neither exceeded Oriental Jade Cypress and Shen Tubai.

Finally, after dancing, these girls received more than 50,000 flowers.

The dancer thanked everyone for retreating.

At this moment, a beautiful Qingyue piano sounded.

Hearing this harp, almost everyone in the room was obsessed with it, closed their eyes and savored it.

And Song Ye was quite surprised when he heard this part of the piano. The player's accomplishments are very high, a lot higher than that of the teacher and girl, and he has reached a point where he can be fascinated, and even this piano can be reached directly. The soul affects the mind of the listener.

However, at the next moment, his brow frowned slightly, and he felt that the power of affecting the mind was not a piano art, it should be regarded as a secret method, but the player integrated the secret method into the piano art, it was hard to detect.

If Song Yan is proficient in music and has a high mental strength, I am afraid it will be difficult to detect this.

Thinking of this, his eyes fell on a tightly closed room on the second floor.

The performer is in that room.

The other party wore a goose-yellow plain skirt, with a peerless appearance, no less than Li Tianluo, but her temperament seemed extremely cold, like thousands of years of ice, and she was not low, and she had reached the late stage of fit. The subtle breath conceals the true cultivation, and the cultivation revealed only in the early stage of distraction. It is also difficult to see through the true cultivation if Song Yuan does not have a perspective power.

For a moment, he lamented that the Emperor Capital was indeed the land of the European Tigers and Hidden Dragons, and the top card of a green house was actually a super master in the late stage of the integration.

Song Xuan didn't dare to look too long, worried that the other party would find him.

Withdrawing his eyes, he closed his eyes and realized the beauty of the other side's piano sound.

To be honest, even if the deceptive secret method is not mentioned, the sound of this piano is very beautiful.

After a quarter of an hour, Qin Yin stopped, but everyone in the building was reluctant to wake up, still immersed in the Qin Yin just closed, and the whole picking star building became extremely quiet.

It wasn't until a while before someone broke the silence.

"Yueyue's piano art is getting better and better, come here and send me 20,000 flowers!"

"Come here, send me more than ten thousand flowers to the girl who calls the moon!"

"I send 50,000 flowers!"

For a while, the guests downstairs and upstairs seemed crazy and gave flowers crazy.

Song Ye calculated that, just after a while, these guests sent millions of flowers, which is equivalent to 10 million lower grade Lingjing. This is still the case that Yueyue did not show up.

"Girl Yueyue should only have this song in the sky and send 100,000 flowers under it!"

Shen Tubai's voice sounded.

"Huh, what is 100,000 flowers, I give 200,000!" Dongfang Yubai shouted.

"Yes, I can hear a girl called Yueyue today. That was my honor. I also sent 200,000 flowers to express it!" Nangong Yue also followed.

Then, the entourages who followed accompanied them to speak, giving out 200,000 flowers.

"I'll send 200,000 flowers too!" Song Yan smiled, took out Ling Jing and threw it to the waiter who was waiting beside him. He felt that the situation was a bit like a live broadcast.

[Author off topic]: One more

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