Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1312: Power of the Original Soul

Before I showed up, I just played a song and I got a reward of five or six million flowers. From this we can see how popular the moon is. You know, the girls just tossed on the stage just now. It took a long time to harvest more than 50,000 flowers.

"Yueyue would like to thank you for your gift here."

A fascinating voice suddenly sounded. Then, I saw the room on the second floor suddenly opened, and the moon call wearing a goose yellow dress came out slowly.

With the appearance of Yueyue, almost everyone's eyes upstairs and downstairs fell on her.

I saw Yueyue leaping slightly, and her body was like a leaf without weight, falling lightly on the stage in the hall.

The sound of music sounded, and Yueyue's body moved with it.

Her range of motion is not large, and she seems very gentle, but every move is accompanied by an extreme charm, and there is a smile on her face that can melt the hearts of many people. The coldness is completely different, it's almost like changing people.

Those eyes are also as clear as the autumn water, so that the two vortexes can be drawn into the whole person at a glance.

Addicted, endless addicted, all the guests are attracted by the dance of Yueyue and cannot help themselves.

A hint of invisible mystic energy overflowed from the top of everyone present, and then gathered toward the moon calling on the stage.

Song Yong also felt the restlessness of his own soul, which seemed to come from the depths of his soul, but when he moved his mind, he let the restlessness be suppressed, but his heart was awkward. Just now, he fell into the other party ’s dance In China, if it was not his mental strength, I am afraid he would be addicted to it.

On the other hand, Nangong Yue and others around her looked obsessed, staring at the moon dancing on the stage.

This is not normal!

Song Yan felt that his eyes quickly swept upstairs and downstairs. No one except him could escape the charm of the moon-dancing pose, and he felt the energy fluctuations in the air.

Seeing magical powers!

With the opening of the perspective magic power, Song Yong finally saw the clue.

There is a trace of pure soul power overflowing above everyone's head, and then converge towards the moon calling on the stage. At this moment, she is like a huge vortex, absorbing the pure soul energy that has come to her. Nothing left!


Song Xun found something wrong again, because he found that with the outflow of that soul power, the spirit of the people present seemed to have weakened.

"That's not an ordinary soul power. What Yueyue **** is their original soul power!"

The power of the original soul is just like the essence of blood, but it is the root of the soul. Even a small reduction will have a great impact on the future.

After the ordinary soul power is lost, it can be replenished, but once the original soul power is lost, there is almost no possibility of replenishment.

Thinking of this, his look towards Xiangyue changed.

The opponent is the foundation of plundering everyone present.

Fortunately, she only absorbs a trace of each person, otherwise the people present may be afraid of soul collapse.

Suddenly, Yueyue's eyes turned to Song Yan.

The two eyes collided in midair.

Song Yue saw a glimpse of accident from Yueyue's eyes. Apparently, she was in an accident, and he was not confused by her dancing.

Taking a deep look at Song Yan, Yueyue retreated his eyes and stopped paying attention to Song Yan.

But she was very surprised, because even the master of integration could not escape the charm of his "Demon Dance", why could she escape in the late distraction?

But for the time being she didn't have that much thought, because she wanted to refine the trace of the power of the original soul. Although the power of the original soul was extremely pure, it would inevitably provoke other people's thoughts. She must break up those thoughts so as not to affect her mind.

It was a quarter of an hour later.

There was a contented smile flashing in the corner of Zhaoyue's mouth, and he stared at Song Yan again and disappeared directly on the stage, while the crowd was still immersed in the previous dance and did not wake up.

It wasn't until half an hour later that someone woke up and shouted loudly. Then, the shouting of the shouts made the roof almost lifted. Of course, even Nangong Yue and others around him were in the ranks.

Seeing this, Song Zheng lamented for some of these people. Your most precious things were plundered by others, but he was still crying out loud there, it was just an extreme sorrow.

"Brother Song, I didn't lie to you. Isn't the dance style of the girl called Yueyue endlessly memorable?" Nangong Yue looked at Song Yi with a proud look.

"Yes, it's really endless!" Song Zheng nodded.

"Haha, come here, this boy wants to donate a million flowers to Yueyue Girl!" Nangong Yue shouted.

One million flowers are worth ten million top-quality spirits, which is equivalent to 100,000 medium-quality spirits, one thousand top-quality spirits, and ten superb spirits.

"I also donated a million flowers!" Shouted Dongfang Yubai.

"Hey, you also have something to do with Oriental jade cypress, this son gave five million flowers!" Shen Tubai sounded provocatively.

"Huh, my son gave us another 10 million flowers!" Shouted Dongfang Yubai, drawing everyone's eyes.

Seeing that the two were on the bar again, Song Yong was speechless in his heart.

The flower delivery lasted for more than a quarter of an hour, and a total of more than 100 million flowers were sent. The value was more than 1 billion, and there were more than 1,000 pieces, which are converted into superb Lingjing.

Song Yan and others returned to the box again, but Nangong Yue and others were not very interested.

They themselves had no interest in other things because they had watched Yueyue's dance, but in fact it was the power of their souls that was taken away.

The power of the soul's origin is born. As the strength increases, the power of the soul's origin will also increase, but the amount of growth is limited. Once lost, it is difficult to replenish it.

For example, Song Yong, although his mental strength is strong, before taking Han Ling Dan, he was not much more than ordinary people, but after taking Han Ling Dan, his soul power was increased several times, so that His potential qualifications have greatly increased.

Because the power of the soul's origin has a great influence on the potential, qualifications and roots of a practitioner.

Song Yan's perception of Nangong Yue, Dongfang Yubai and others was pretty good, so Shen said: "Brother Nangong, it's better to come to this kind of place in the future!"

Nangong Yue slightly hesitated, then waved his hands in disapproval: "Thank you Brother Song for reminding me, I remember!"

In fact, he was a little displeased.

Seeing this, Song Yan no longer said anything, mentioning or not reminding you is my business, listening or not is your business.

Just then, the door was knocked, and a woman pushed in.

Seeing this woman, Nangong Yue and others all showed excitement, one by one standing up: "Girls calling the moon."

"Is there rashly, please don't blame your sons!" Zhao Yueru's gaze swept across the crowd, then he smiled and said, "Huoyue is here to give you a gift.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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