Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1313: Will drink

"No blame, no blame, how could we blame the Moon Girl?"

Nangong Yue said flatteringly, you know, since the girl who called Yueyue came to pick the Star Tower, she has never seen a guest alone, even if someone gave out 10,000 superb Lingjing, she could not move her.

But today, she took the initiative to come to their box, how honoured it is, if they go out, they will have more face.

"Yeah, it's an honor for me to wait for the Moon Girl to come. How can I blame the girl!" Dongfang Yubai said extremely enthusiastically.

As for the other puppets, they couldn't help coming forward to offer their diligence, except that Song Pang sat in place and didn't move, because he knew that the moon calling might come for him.

After a few greetings, Nangong Yue and others very warmly invited Yue Yue to take a seat, and ordered people to remove the banquet just before and change to another table.

"This cup, little girl respects you sons!"

After the banquet came to the table, he called the moon toast to everyone.

"You're welcome, Yueyue!"

"Yeah, please call the moon girl!"

Next, the dry-up son can be said to be trying his best to please Yueyue, but the other side always smiles and can't figure out her true thoughts.

In order to attract the girl's eyes, Dongfang Yubai suddenly moved her heart, and said loudly: "Girl, who called the moon, wrote a poem before the next, and asked the girl to taste one or two!"

Suddenly, Yueyue girl's eyes were slightly bright, and she looked at Dongfang Yubai: "Please, Oriental boy."

The girl called Yueyue stared at this, and Oriental Yubai felt that all the bones in her body were crisp, and then she read the "Spring Thought".

After studying, Dongfang Yubai couldn't help asking: "How does the girl calling the moon feel?"

The girl who called Yueyue nodded: "This poem written by the Oriental Prince is very well written, and the woman's thoughts are described in the bones. It is a rare poem."

With the praise of the girl who called Yueyue, a face of Dongfang Yubai smiled like a chrysanthemum.

Nangong Yue and others looked at Dongfang Yubai with envy, and even scolded this guy for shamelessly. It was a poem written by Song Ye for him, but he used it to please the Yueyue girl.

Before writing the poem, it was already known in the box, so Nangong Yue and others knew that the song "Spring Thought" came from the hands of Song Yi.

Feeling the envious eyes of everyone, Dongfang Yubai glanced at Song Ye at the same time when he was proud. Song Ye smiled at him with disapproval. Anyway, this poem was plagiarized by him. Dongfang Yubai would use it He naturally has no opinion.

The girl called Yueyue saw the scene of the two eyes' communication.

He knew all about Nangong Yue Oriental Jade, and how could it be possible to write such good poems at the level of Oriental Jade, so she had long had doubts. When she saw the eye contact between the two, she was almost sure that this song The poem was written by Song Yan.

Seeing Dongfang Yubai's poems won the favor of the girl who called Yueyue, Nangong Yue and others searched and wrote poems, but unfortunately their water quality was limited, not so much poems as oil poems.

"Everyone wrote it, may Song Gongzi also write the first?" The girl called Yueyue looked at Song Ye with a smile. For a moment, everyone's eyes fell on Song Ye.

At the same time, there were some concerns. If Song Yong wrote another good poem, wouldn't it have suppressed them all.

Song Yan shook his head with a smile: "Where I write poems, I won't show ugliness."

"Where can Song Gongzi not write, do you look down on the little girl?" Sad Yue appeared on the beautiful face of the girl, and Nangong Yue and others felt distressed at first sight.

"Brother Song, since girl Yueyue looks forward to it, you might as well write a song!" Nangong Yue begged.

"Yes, Brother Song, don't hide it! Your level, we don't know!" Dongfang Yubai didn't want to see the girl who called Yueyue sad, even if Song Ye grabbed the limelight and wanted him Write a song.

After that, several other concubines spoke, asking Song Lu to write a poem.

"That being the case, then I will try." Song Yan said helplessly, and then bowed his head to think, which one should be copied?

After a short while, Song Yan looked up.

"But Brother Song has it?" Nangong Yuemu asked expectantly.

Song Zheng nodded, and then sang softly:

Seeing that the water of the Yellow River is up in the sky, the rush to the sea never returns.

With just one opening, everyone in the audience felt a sense of grandeur, and the eyes of the girl called Yueyue flashed very surprised and pleasantly surprised.

Song Yan continues:

Jun does not see Gaotang Mingjing's sad white hair, as if the blue silk twilight as snow.

The joy of life must be joyful, so as not to make Jinzun empty to the moon.

When this sentence came out, it was written in the hearts of Nangong Yue and others. They were all eating and waiting for death. On the surface, everyone was polite to them, but many people looked down on them.

However, the sentence of being proud of their lives has made them feel like Song Yan as a confidant. If they are not afraid to break the atmosphere, they all want to applaud.

Born to me, I will be useful.

As soon as this sentence came out, Nangong Yue and other people's faces were changing, showing a thoughtful look.

Cooking sheep and slaughtering cattle is a pleasure, and you will need to drink three hundred cups.

Nangong Yue, Brother Yubai: Toasting, never stop drinking.


The two heard that Song Yong actually wrote their names into the poems, and they felt a burst of blood rising from their chests, as if they were about to spray out, but they still resisted, but their faces became red. Are all excited.

Since you ca n’t applaud, let ’s have a drink. Nangong Yue and Dongfang Yubo both feel arrogant and jealous. Just pick up the jug and sip it in your mouth. Do n’t stop the cup. If you do n’t get drunk today, I ’m sorry for this Poem.

With Junge, please listen to me.


Wuhuama, Qianjinqiu, Huer will exchange wine and sell it with all the worries.

After Song Yan completely read out the next verse, he found that everyone present was staring at him with a stun.

Seeing this, Song Yan could not help secretly said: Is it pretending to overdo it?

"Song son Song, what's the name of this poem?" Zhao Yue stared at him with wide eyes and asked softly, with a look of appreciation and surprise in his eyes, and a little shock.

"Will enter the wine!" Song Yan said the name of the poem gently.

"Brother Song, you have written this poem to my heart. Come, let's drink this pot." Nangong Yue passed a pot of wine.

"Let's go together!" Song Yan laughed.

"it is good!"

Everyone drank the wine in the pot in one breath, then laughed at each other.

Suddenly, the girl who called Yueyue said to Song Yong with eager eyes: "Song son Song, I don't know if I was lucky to compose this poem?"

"Unable to ask!" Song Yan nodded with a smile.

"Thank you Son Gong for it."

The girl called Yueyue smiled sweetly at Song Yan, and then she took out a guqin and began to compose for the wine. Her musical accomplishment was very high, and it took only a quarter of an hour to compose the song.

[Author off topic]: Three updates are complete

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