Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1114: Yoko

"Calling the moon girl, are you okay?" Nangong Yue asked impatiently.

She nodded her head slightly, welcoming everyone's eyes and said, "Please also ask Son Song and you sons to taste."

As soon as the voice fell, Yueyue's fingers drew the strings, and the clearer and clearer sounds of the music flowed out, and it smelled arrogant.

The next moment, the girl called Yueyue showed her throat: Jun did not see the water of the Yellow River, and ran to the sea and never returned. Jun does not see Gaotang Mingjing's sad white hair, as if the blue silk twilight as snow.

The singing voice of the girl who called Yueyue is also very beautiful, and it also reveals a British spirit, which complements the magnificent sound of the piano, and she brings everyone into a special mood, as if she saw a man in white holding a sword and holding The hip flask dances alone under the moon.

With the performance of Yueyue, Song Xun became more vigilant, but soon he realized that his worry was superfluous. The other party was just playing and did not use the secret method to absorb everyone's soul power.

In this case, he simply put his heart down and savored the beautiful voice of the other party.

After a while, the talents returned to God.

"What do you guys think?" Yaoyue asked with a slight smile, with a touch of proudness in the corners of her mouth.

"Very well! It's so good, not only poetry is better, but the song is better, especially the singing voice of Yueyue girl is simply indescribable." Nangong Yue clapped and praised.

On hearing that, the girl called Yueyue was slightly frowning and said, "Thank you for the praise of Nangong, but the little girl still knows her own. Although the tunes and singing are good, they are far worse than Song's poems. "

Suddenly, Nangong Yue's face changed slightly, her heart was a little displeased, and she glanced at Song Ye.

After talking for a while, the girl called Yueyue to leave.

Nangong Yue and others have shown nostalgia and perseverance.

Soon after Yueyue left, Nangongyue proposed to leave without any objection.

However, just as everyone walked out of the Xingxing Tower, a girl in a green dress dressed as a maid followed up and shouted, "Which is the son of Song Yi?"

"I am." Song Yan turned and looked at the girl.

"Have seen Song Son!"

The girl in green skirt worshipped Song Ye, and then handed a letter with both hands: "Song Gongzi was given to you by my lady. My lady also said that if you are free, come and pick up the Star Tower."

"What's your lady?" Song Yan took the letter and asked with some confusion.

"My name is Miss Moon."

The green skirt girl smiled sweetly at Song Yong, then turned and left.

When Nangong Yue, Dongfang Yubai, and other aunts heard the name of Yueyue, their eyes stared round, and everyone's face showed envy and jealousy.

"Congratulations to Brother Song, who actually got the favor of Yueyue Girl."

Nangong Yue said with a smile, but his eyes were slightly gloomy.

Song Yan smiled, but didn't say much, because he felt that Nangong Yue had given birth to him.

Originally, he still wanted to associate with him sincerely, but now it seems that the other person's mind is not very good. In this case, he doesn't want to say anything more to the other person.

"You guys, I'm a bit tired today, so I'll leave first!" The next moment, Song Ye's crowd hugged his fists, and then he left.

Seeing the back of his departure, Nangong Yue's face suddenly cooled down, smirking: "I don't know what to lift, what is it!"

Dongfang Yubai and others saw slight changes in their faces. In fact, their perception of Song Yan was quite good, but Nangong Yue couldn't get used to Song Yan, and they were hard to say anything.

The next moment, Nangong Yue retracted her eyes and said to Oriental Yubai: "Yubai, arrange it, and give the publicity to the girl who called Yue Yue to invite Song Kun to meet alone!"

"Is this something wrong?" Dongfang Yubai's face was a little hesitant.

"You just do what I said!" Nangong Yue's tone was a little bit bad.

"okay then!"

Dongfang Yubai finally agreed to it, but he shook his head secretly. No wonder Nangong Yue could not fight the Bei Gongyu. His heart was too narrow, wasn't it just that he was grabbed the limelight, thinking about secretly calculating others, it seems that I will Stay away from him, too, lest he be conspired by him.

"Fu Jun, are you back?"

Back to the inn's room, Li Tianluo greeted with a smile.

"Um." Song Zheng nodded.

Next, Song Yan and Li Tianluo got a little tired, and took out the letter that Yueyue wrote to him and took it apart, and then took out the folded letter paper to unfold it, but it was a blank piece of paper.

"Nothing?" Li Tianluo asked curiously.

Song Yan also had a faint expression, but after a little thought, he understood the reason, and sneered: "I was calculated a little!"

Obviously, during the call of the moon, it was seen that Nangong Yue seemed to be uncomfortable with him. The sending of this letter would definitely make Nangong Yue jealous. Whatever is written in the letter is no longer important.

"What the **** is going on with the husband?" Li Tianluo asked curiously. In his opinion, Song Xuan was the kind of ingenious person who might even be calculated.

Song Yan also did not evade the taboo, and told Nangong Yue and others to go to pick the Star Tower.

After listening, Li Tianluo's eyebrows were deeply wrinkled together: "Fu Jun, the kind of person who forcibly plunders the soul of others can only be done by two talents of demons. In the future, you should try not to come into contact with the moon caller. ! "

"Why are you jealous?" Song Yan teased.

"No one else." Li Tianluo glared at Song Yan angrily: "They just worry that you have been taken by that demon girl!"

"Rest assured, your husband is not so stupid, knowing that the other person is a dangerous person and ran to touch." Song Yan smiled, then reached out and held Li Tianluo's chin, and kissed her two petals deeply. .

After some humbling, the two fell asleep to each other.

But in the imperial capital, Song Yong's name was spreading very fast.

Anger Beiguo, who turned it into a pig head, beheaded his six guards, including two mid-fits.

This incident was shocking enough.

But in the evening, something even more shocking came out, and Song Ye was actually favored by the girl who picked the star tower and called the moon.

You know, in the capital city, I do n’t know how many people are calling the idea of ​​Moon Girl, but they have not been able to succeed. Some people even have the price of 10,000 Need Lingjing, just to get along with Zhao Yue in private, but they have been rejected. .

But now, a kid who is a newcomer to the imperial capital has been favored by the girl who called Yueyue. How can you let those people accept it?

Therefore, countless people were angry and wished to kill Song Yan and dump him eight pieces.

In the early morning of the next day, Song Yong walked out of the room with a great deal of energy. He planned to buy a house in Huangdu today. He should stay in Huangdu for a while. It is not always a matter of staying at the inn with a family. Your home is better.

[Author off topic]: One more

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